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. . . _ . . - ;. <br /> � _ __ .J .,_ . . . �� � <br /> , � � _ <br /> � - <br /> TO(iETHER 1NffH sll the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and at! �se.�sents. aPPurte�ances. and . - . i `- - <br /> � • ' pll lacements and additions shall also be covered by thGs Security �nstrument. � . . <br /> rucWres now or hereafter a part of the property �eA 4 <br /> 1 All ot the foregoing is referred to in this Securtty�nstrument as the 'ProRerty' <br /> BORROVYER COVENAN7S that Bonower is tawfuiiY setced of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right ta grant end , _ <br /> convey the Property and thai the ProPeriY is unencumbered excePt tor encumbrances ot record. Borrower wartanu and wiil ; , '`a�.;�: <br /> defend generally the tiUe to the PropeRy against all claims and demands. subjece to any encumbrances oi record. � � • ,�< �r_.:. <br /> 1 7HIS SECURITY INSTAUMEM combines unifocm covenants tor naUonal use and non-unifortn covenants wdh 4mded e s�= <br /> ; variations hy ju►isdicdon to cons6tute a unifortn security insbument covenng reai property. � �' <br /> • ! UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows. wheri , . ~ <br /> 1. Payment af Principal ae�d Interes� Prepayment �nd Late Ch�ig�a�a e cnarges aue n �eallote. � ' ���� <br /> � . due the prindpal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaym , _ <br /> Z. Funds for Taxes an d Insura n c e. Su b J e c c t o a p p l i c a b�e �a w o r t o a written waiver by Lender. Bortawer shctll pa 0 <br /> ` to Lender on the day monthiy payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in fuil. a sum ('FuAds') tor 1e�eho� '. . . <br /> � � tanes tmd assessments which may at4ain priority over this Secur�ty Irtstrument a ns��nce prem ums:p(drny iearty fl od insuran� ' � � <br /> payments or ground rerrts on the Property. it any: (01 YeartY hazard or proP�Y � . -.- _a.:- <br /> : surance remiums. 'rf any. and (� anY sums paYabfe by Bortower to Lender in accordanc49d �-_' . . <br /> : premiums.'rf any: (e?Y�Y mo�9age in P remiums. These items are cailed 'Escrow <br /> ' viith the provisions of paragraph 8, fn lieu oi the payment of moRgage insurance p <br /> ? ttems.' Lender may, at any time• coflect and hold Fundn in an amount not to exceed the ma�dmum amount a lender tor a <br /> tederally related mortgage loan may require for Borrower s escrow account under the federai Real Estate Settiement Procedures . , c <br /> Act of 1974 as amended from time to tlme. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. {'RESPA'). unSess another law that appiies to the Fund� <br /> sets a lesser amount fl so, Lender may, at any time. coliect and hotd Funds in an amount not to ezCeed t1►e tesser amount <br /> .� � Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of curtent data and reasonabie es6mates of expenditures of future � -i�:�= <br /> � Escrow items or othe►wise in accordance with appGcabte Iaw. �.-,� <br /> : � The Funds shalt he held(n an institutian whose depasits are insured by a tederal a9ency;nstr�e Fu��tor pay�t e Es ow E . . t R <br /> d :..� <br /> Lender, ff Lender is such an institution) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shaW app�e��w 8�unt.or veritying "."•! :- <br /> Items. Lender may not charge BoROwer for hold'mg and apPlying the Funds. annualty analydn9 ^-� �-�`; <br /> .�i��.�. <br />� '' the Escrow Items. untess Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicab�e law pertnits Lender to make such a �.,�3� _ <br /> " charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a onetime charge for an independent real estate tax reportlng service ,- ;� .v�..,• <br /> used by L�:der in connectton with this loan, unless app�lcab�e law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or �;;�.;��� <br /> apPpcab�a layv requUes interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower enY interest or eamings on the Funds. � , � ,, _ <br /> �! , Bortower and Lender may agree fn writing. however, that interest sh�I�bd�P�t nthe Funds and herpurpose fo which ea h '�'^�—� Y <br /> '�� ' without charge. an annual acwunUng of the Funds.showing credits <br /> debit to the Fands was made. The Fuods are pledged as adddional sewrity for all sums secured by the Secwrity Ins�rument • _��..�h� <br /> � � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pertnitted to be held by appliceble law. Lender shali account to Borrower ^ <br /> for the excess Funds fn aceordance with the requiremenu o}app6cable Iaw. If the amount of the Funds hefd 6y Lender at any ., yR�,� <br /> Ume is not suffident to pay the Escrow Items when due. Lend2r may so notity Barrower in writing, and,in such case Bortower �r• , � <br /> shall pay to Lendar the smount necessary to make up the deficiency- 8orrower shall make up the deffciency in no more than <br /> twelve monthty payments,at iendeYs sols discretlon. refund to Borrower any Funds � •- <br /> Upon payment (n tull of a(I sums secured by this Securfry Instrument, Lender Lender.pdor�to the acquisidon or sale of the � ��, '� <br /> heid by Lender. If, under paragraph 21. Lender shall acquire or sell the Piroperry. � . �'` <br /> Property. shall apply anY Funds held by Lender at the tlme of acquisition or sale as a aedit against the sums secured by this .,� • '` <br /> Sewriry InsWment •' � — <br /> 3. Ay�plication �f Paytnents. Untess epplic�abte law provides othervvise. all payments rece[ved by Lender under �_ ,�� <br /> Y.y ' .. <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shail be app�ed: any prepaymeat charges due under th2 Note: second,to amounts payabte under ,i �; <br /> • ' paragraph 2:third,to interest due:touRh,to prindpal due:and any Iate charges due under the Note. /j,' _'. <br /> 4. ChAlges; O.iBtls. Borrower shaU pay all taxes. assessments, charges. fines and (mposiUons attributable to the <br /> • � PropeAy which may atta�n pdority over this Secur(ty Inshument, and leasehold paymenis or ground rents.if any Borrower shall ;: `�R, <br /> atta <br /> ' pay these obtigations in the manner provided in paragraph 2, or'rf not paid in that manner. Bortower shalt pay them on Ume 'f: ,�� , i <br /> • drtectly to the petson owed payment Bortower shaJ promptiy fumish to Lender al�T�ces�ol��Oe��p� P�,dendng tthe --' <br /> paragraph. It Bortower malces Mese paYme"ts dQecth'. 8ortower shall promptty • _ r�= � �_.: <br /> , payments. ""— <br /> • Bosrower shaU promptly discharge any lien which hes pdorily over thls Security InsWment untes�ntests in ood8faftb the '���'� <br /> wrlting to the payment of the obllgation secured by the Iten in a manner acceptable to LenQer, (b) 9 . �f;..�,_-. <br /> Iien by, or detends aqa(nst enforcement of the Iien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the w�-.� <br /> enforcemertt of tfie lien; or (c) secures from the holder of the Uen an agreement saUs(actory to Lender subordinaUng the Aen to <br /> this Securtty instrumerrt.If Lender detertnines that any pari of the Properry is subject to a Ilen which may atteln pdority over this -,�*----� .__ <br /> gecurity Instrumen�Lender may gtve Borrower a noUce identffy(ng the flen.Borrower shall satisty the lien or taice one or more of -`�`�y u <br /> • the acUons set forth above within 10 days of the giving ot noUce. �' �' <br /> . S. Hazard or P►op9�ty 1nsu�'dnCe. Borrower shall keep the improvements now eufsUng or hereafter erectad on the , .; _ y <br /> property ir.sured agalnst loss by fire, hamrds inciuded within the tertn 'extended coverage' an� any other hamrds. induding �__�-r . _ <br /> floods or itooding,tor whfeb Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be malntatned in the amounts and for the perlods ;.,��,-: <br /> ' � thal Lender requires. The insurance cartier provid'ng the insurance sha0 be chosen by 8orrower subject to Lender's approval __ � _ <br /> which shali not be unreasonabty wRhheld. If Borrower taiis to rnalntaln coverage desaibed above. Lender may. at Lenders ' ,,ai:�;. <br /> .. �� opUon,obtafn coverage to protect Lenders dghts in t he P rope r l y in a c c o r d a n c e w i i h p a r a g r e ph 7. '• .� <br /> All ir,surance poiicies end renewals shall be acceptabie to Lender and shall includo a stenderd martgage dause. Lender �, <br /> shall hatie the�ight to hold the policles and renewals. If Lender requires,Borrower shall promptty give to Lender all receipts of . . , <br /> ' pald premiums and renewal noUces. In the event of loss, Borrower shail give prompt notice to the insu►ance carrier and Lender. � <br /> Lender may malce proof of loss H not made prompUy by Borrower. , <br /> Unless Lender end Bortower othervulse agree in writing, i�surance proceeds shall be apptied to restoraUon or repair of the <br /> Property damaged,H the �estoraUon or repair is economicaty teasfble and Lender's securFiy Is not lessened.I}the restoraUon or � <br /> repair is not eeonomically feasible or Lender's securily woutd be lessened,the insurance proceeds shali be appiied to the sums <br /> , , � secured by this Securiry lnstrumen� whether or not then due. wfth any excess paid to Borrower. I} Bortower abandons the -- <br /> • ! Properry, or does not answer wtthin 30 days a noUce from Lender thx►the insurance carrier n.s ottered to setUe o��s s ' <br /> Lender may collect the insurance proceeda. Lender may use the p►'�Ceede�od will be�n when the n Uee 1�:en. P y � � — _ <br /> secured by this Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due. The 34Qeyip Pro�eeds to dnG al sha:f not extend or • • �, <br /> � Untess Lender and 8orrower otherwlse agree in writing, any epp catlon o1 P P <br /> postpone the due date of the monthty payments reterred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount ot the payments. If _ <br /> under paragraph 21 the Pro�p f io�thecaciruisiUonLshalr p as to Lenderhto the extent o1 theosums by hiscS'ecurity Instrument • <br /> damage to the Properry p 9 . ' <br /> immedlatety pdor to the acqwsition. . . <br /> ' Proservation. Ma3ntenance and P�otection of the Property; Barvower's Loan . <br /> 6. Occupancy, <br /> � AppiicatDon; Leasehold8. Borrowet shail occupy.estebllsh. and use the Property es Bortower's pdncipal residence within : <br /> sixry days efter the exeeutlon ot this Security �nsUUment and shall conUnue to occupy the Properry es Bortower's pdncipal . _ <br /> residence for at least one year efter lhe date o!occupancy. untess Lender otherwise agrees in writing. which consent shall not <br /> � be unre�asonabty wfthhefd,or untess extenuating clrcumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's conirol. Borrower shall not . • <br /> ' desVoy. damaga or impair the Property. allow the f'roperty to deteriorate, or commil waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in �^�•�_ <br /> netoAeitu enottthe Property or otherwi edmaterlalty Impair�therlien created byahist3ecurity tostrume t�orf Lende s�seturity interest11 •. � _ <br /> � } � <br /> i � <br /> 1 � • � <br /> I F7316LPAG(V971 :'n�'[ �'S � - �! <br /> ' �� <br /> i::�5i � <br /> l <br /> . . . . .__. . . r�� . <br /> - - ._-_—r,-�:,,, - —-, � <br /> . . � ' �ti�,�.....• .._ . --� . .:. — . .-' . . . • ' . . <br /> .. .._ - .''.. . , _ � _ . • - . . . R ' - . . + , . . . <br /> . . . ... . . . � . .. � . • . t. . . ` .. . . . � .. .. .. ' . . ' i . . �. . . ' ' . . �- .. � ' t . " • - . - `� . . ' .. . . <br />