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<br /> . �:om�ra�va��fl MORI°GAGIE -- �1la#eral �� . �_''�°.�:,°
<br /> � Federal BaeUc Reai Estate tVlortgage �� .. . .:x�'_
<br /> . � F . � �[��1"—__
<br /> NaLUe af Indebtedness Loan Amount Maturity Data Initial Interest Rate • ` '
<br /> ' Consumerl.r,an 15,�00 Qfl �•�90 • �.'—
<br /> _.��=:ti •�•"
<br /> i, RY�C DF�1N I�tAF�T and �tt�Cl L I�AFT �YM, ---
<br /> '- hereby give Commarcial Federat Bank a Fedaral Savings Bank�'Commercial Federal7 a mortgage,with power of sale,of tl�e following property togetfier wrth � y , y ---�-�--�-
<br /> alt improvements nowor hereatter erected on the property,and all easements,righta and appuRSnances thrreto: _--
<br /> t
<br /> �� �'i tl�i � .��Q1� �+ �y �. F , _:as�-�:�='.:"---
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<br /> , ' .5 N' j �,v.
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<br /> If more than one person signs this Mortgags,the word'I°means 1Ne.' � '�
<br /> .Y " � Y .� .•'�..
<br /> This Mortgage secures a loan mada by Commercial Federal,as brietly describod abava.A mte dated the same date as this Mortgage eontains the tertns for ._��' .��, `;
<br /> { repayment of�hat loan.(i that note is evar changed or replacfid by a new note,it uvll ba securod by this Mortgaga _• ;s,� .� i
<br /> '1 ...`'^... '.
<br /> .' I promise the totlowing things t �`=-
<br /> - �� � �.���
<br /> • _' {_a_• 'i(
<br /> '� t. A!I paymenta on any note or other debt secured 6y this Mortgage will Be pa�d when dua • .
<br /> �° 2 An insuranee policytor fire and m�tanded cavarage will be kept in totia on the property in an amount at Isast equal to the debts secured by this -;�� ;�•i t
<br /> MortBage plus any other mortgages listed in paragraph 8 betaw.The insurance eompany must be satisfactory to Comme�cial Federal,and , q, ..:�_
<br /> I 'II be a �amed insured on the policy. I''���T ��� ,
<br /> Commorcial Federa v�n
<br /> - 3. All taxes end assossments on the proparty wi11 ba paid be(ore they bacome delinquont � '�'r'�� ���
<br /> -�u",gv�' t'
<br /> - 4. No wasto will be committed on the pmperty.and it will he kept in goad repair. �"'•�'-' "
<br /> .�' „":'`
<br /> , ,;,-:.�::.
<br /> 5. The properry will not 6e sold (including by land eontraet),laasod.and no interest in it will be assignod in arry uvay. �*�-^+��=
<br /> �rs a.�,
<br /> �.}_.':
<br /> , � 8. I own the p►operty fiee and ctaar ot any other mortgagoa or enwmbrancea EXCEFT ��� ��$ � � ' =y�`=s^-- _°�: —
<br /> 1 ��.,= _ �—
<br /> ..�.,,
<br /> -���.
<br />_ '�f7. No other mortgage or lien on the property witl ever be allowad to be in detault or 6e forectosed. �•;��,z.�-�
<br /> a ry � �,
<br /> �'���.' � _.. .._�
<br /> It any oi these promiaea ero not kepL lhen Commeroial Federat can dectaro all of the debt immediately due and payable without advance notics.The � . • •�.•----•
<br /> interost rate will increase to 19.0096 or any groator rote allowabte by law at that tirre,and thia mortgage can bo forectosed in euordanea with applicable Isw If �,�„���z,.,,=_
<br /> ihe debt is aceetorated,than 1 also assign nny rent or other incoma trom the property to Cammereial Fede21. THE PAFiL1E5 AGREE 1 MA1'1 M1S W NSi1�U��-S �
<br /> q COLLATEflAI flEAL ESTA7E MOFiTQAGE PURSUANT TO SO.DAKOTA C.L 44&2e (FOA SO.DANOTA RESIDENTS ONLY�. ta the event o1 any dolauN in the _ :�hr+��R.�• •f..:
<br /> making of eny paymont or in keeping any covenant herein,ihis Mortgage may be foroctosed by action,or by advortisemont as provided by statuto w the n9es : . �
<br /> of praetice re�ating thoroto,and tfii�paragrapfi aholl 6o deemad as autfiorizing and constituting a power of sale as mentioned in aaid atatute w ndea and eny �'•-`' '� ""s�'-
<br /> amondment theroto,and may retain statutory costs and attomey fees(SD.VYY.MN,OK,and MI residents only�. _ ,��'��'
<br /> Cartain amounta can 6e paid by Commercial Faderal and added to tho debt sacured by thia Mortflage.They are any taxos or insurar+ce I have aeread to . • —
<br /> pay but tail to,any attomeY feea or court expanses Commorcial Federal pays d it is made a party at any legal acLOn brought by somoono elte coneeming ffie •• • . . ,.�'
<br /> proparty,and any ettomoy fees ar court axpenses wfiich the law mipht allow if Commerciat Fodaral has to go to court against me to wltect the debt or ,
<br /> forectose this mortgago.li any oi these things happon,then the add�tional dabt will acerue intereat at the aame tate aa tho rest of tho dobt and must be paid _ .
<br /> . . Qs.
<br /> immediate.y �
<br />• If this property is ovar eondemned undar the powor o1 eminont domam or arry similar mothod o1 taking property for pubfie use,any proeoed�o11he taking . „ _
<br /> witl be paid to Commercial foderal up to ffie tull amount of tho dobt socured. .. . g:
<br /> (Jayee ta Borrowsr(tar Oktahom� ro r A powp of sal�haa bNn gra»t�d in this Mortgag�. A ar a!�d�m a![ow tlu Mo �g+to Lk�th� • � ._
<br /> mo ap ro �n s� w o ao ng cou in e oroo aurs e n u n u orrow�r u �r a o ap�. . � �
<br /> � • , _ '
<br /> I .PQ/YL
<br /> Todaya Dnto � $� �97 Bort r'o Signature • , ;
<br /> Borrcvuera Signa , � . —
<br />� STATE Of I�A� ) __.__
<br /> � COUNTV OF HAI+L 1 � � �
<br /> ' On this 5� day o1 � ./9 97 ,boforo mo,a notary publie m and for sa�d county, porsonelly camo ( _
<br /> ��� ��*j+ � �_� �i.'j' to mo known to 6o tbe idontical person or persona whose I
<br /> � namo is or are aNxod to tho abovo mortgage.ond th�yr,ha or sho sovarolly aeknowladgad tho catd mstrumont and the exocution tharoof to 6e tho�t voluntary
<br /> act end deed. � �
<br /> � WITNESS my hand i�ded���e+tton obow. ,�/ x,J/� �
<br /> � • �r q%.'r••. +.—, ��1�4(l'/� /� �J i' � �
<br /> Myeommission oxp�ras: ��.�'��pt,�A..�_ �1 hi_St3 � _ /)/)�'
<br /> �' � �.�,_ . ' Notary Pubt�c's Signature
<br /> . � n Za.u�� ON-1077 (10/95) ---- -._-.....-:.
<br /> � NE-IN-11VY-�L-S�, - <. '.�::«,-�r�s _ . . .
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