' � . ' � � � :�
<br /> . � . . . . _.,_; - _
<br /> � � ; � .. , , . . . < � � . . • .�.._
<br /> � 200774 03/26/199'1 f . , -•
<br /> •SHSILA•ROBSRTSON � ' ..'
<br /> 9�;�t��'�uo�: � . , , ,.1,—
<br /> UMFORM COVENwNTS. Bou+ower and Lender cove ro a when due the principal and interest • �, ;>�
<br /> 1. Paymerrt of Prindpal and Inderest. Bormwer shall p mPdY P Y � � . -
<br /> indebteclaess evidenced by che Note and late c6arges as provided in the Note. �. . s�-,
<br /> 2.FY�nds for Tases and Yusurance. Subject to applicabte law or a wriaen waiver by L.ender. ��nrower shall pay to � . , ' ' _-
<br /> i rnder on the day monthly payments of principal and int�rest are payable untleer the Note,watil the Note is paid in full,a ! ,. ,"--
<br /> � y�um(herein 'Funds°)e4ua1 w one-twelRh of the yeaely taxes and ass�ments(includin�°condo�nium and plurmed unit �' . . �,: ,.-
<br /> �� �cmgnrc, if an wluch ma attain priority aver this Deed of Ttust.aad grownd renLS on the Property.if ! . .....�
<br /> development ass Y) Y i .
<br /> inctallm�nta fOI�33TdId 1nS�II2IICe,Plus one-tvrelfth of yearly premium installmenis � f,
<br /> any.plus one-tweifth of yeariy premi�m ;
<br /> for mortgage insutance. if any. all as reasanably esam�ted initialty aud from nme to nme by I.ender on theobasis�f i :�
<br /> assey'�ments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. Boto the ho�not be oh�� ����of �fu�ast' such holder f - - - -
<br /> [o I.ender to the extent that Borrower makes such paYmenis Pn { .
<br /> is an institudonal lender. `S�
<br /> If Borrower pays Funds to Ixnder. the Fands shall be held in an institution the deposits or accowuts of which are t
<br /> insured or guaranteed by a Fede i a l or state agencq C��g Lender if Lender is snch an institndon)• Lender sball app1Y � � -.
<br /> the Funds w gay said taxes,a�-�1enrc�ins�rance Premiums and ground re�s.L.ender iaay not charge for so hnlding and _ - _=- ��`
<br /> applying the Funds, analYanS said account or veafqing and compilin8 �id A�-�-=cro�nts and bills. unless Lender pays , _
<br /> Botrower interesc on the Funds and applicable law permits Ixndsr to make such a cLarge.Borrow�r and Leuder may agree ; . "�
<br /> in writing at the time of exerudon of this Deed of Tn�st that interest on the Funds sha11 be paid w Borrower,and�ess . , __. .
<br /> sach agreement is made or applicable law requires such interest to be paid.Ixnder shall not be required t° of the Funds ` '�_�
<br /> any interest or earnings on the Funds.Lender shall give to Bouawer.without c�arge,an an�al accountin8 : , . .. _ .
<br /> showing credits and debits w the Funds and the purposs for wiuch each debit to the Funds aras made.The Fucds are - , .
<br /> � pledged as additianal security for the sams secnred by this Deed of Tmst. ;. ;,`' '• ,��-:-
<br /> If the amount of the Fnnds held by Lender.together with the fuUUe monihly insqllments of Funds paYable prior w . --
<br />. - .P.�,i„mc� rents, shall exceed the amQUni ieqnued eo PaY said _ . _ :;4�.--
<br /> , the due dates of�, ass�ments, insnrance P � sach excess shall be, at Bonawer's option, • �-. =`;:..�,'=_
<br /> ' rraxxes. assessments. insaianc:e preminms and grrnmd renrs as they faU due, . ��=
<br /> x:� ,
<br /> either pmmP�Y reP�d to Borrower ar credited to Borrow�r on monthlp installments of Funds. If t6e amonnt of the Funds �.�...;::.
<br /> remts as they fall due, :#i�".- - -
<br /> •` held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes. assessments. ins�rance P�����0°� � , � r �,��'
<br /> ' Borcower shall pay to L.ender any amnunt necessarY to make uP the deficiency in one or m�re payments as Lender maY .: -i'; �
<br /> '�,: �-?i►�1; .
<br /> reqnire. .
<br /> U n a in full of all sams se�aued by this Deed of Trust.Lender sl�all pmmptly refnnd to Baaower anyLender . ' �•�" � �
<br /> ° P� P Y�� 17 hereo f t he P r operty is so l d o r t h e P r o P e r t Y i s o i h e r w i s e a c q u i r e d b Y L e n d e• . ' -
<br /> i held by Ixnder.If under paiag�aph or its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by -� _���.���
<br /> a
<br /> } shail apply. no later chaa immediately prior to the sale of the Pmi�enY �: �a
<br /> ' :,t Lender at the time of applicarion as a credit against the sums s e c u�e d hy t h i s D e e d o f Tnut. . �#
<br /> � 3.A p p ll c a t i o n o f P a y m e n t s. Unless a p plicable law provides othelwise,all PaYmems recerved by Lender ander ttte t�� . �:
<br /> Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts pay a b le t o I.e n d e r b q H o r r o w e r � ' '' � -_ -
<br /> ' • "��.,n. ",.� a,
<br /> ; u n d e r p a r a g i a p h 2 b e r e o f.t h e n w interesc p a Yable on the Note.and[hen w the principal of the Note. . ,
<br /> t��'
<br /> �� s 4. P+rior Mortgiges enal Dexds of Tncsti C1��+ Lde�as.Boaower shall perfoim all of Borrower's o b Hgazions ':,� e a ;: �.
<br /> 1 under any mortgage. deed of uust or other secutity agreement with a lien w�ich has priority over this Deed of Tmst. . . - - �, ,
<br /> mentc
<br /> •�if 3_—
<br /> includin�Borrower's wvenants to make paYments when dne.Borrower shall pay or cavse to be paid all taaes,asses�- ^: �i.
<br /> and other charges.fines and imposidons attn'butable to the Property+wIucii may attain a priority over this Deed of Tmst. ,.,�,_��,�
<br /> � and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. � *
<br /> .; S. Ha�rd Iastn$nce. Bo:rower sball keeP the imPravements now existin8 oi hereafter erected on the Properiy !��=�:;':�:�
<br /> i n s u r e d a�i n c t l o s s b y 5 re.h a T az d s included within the term"extended coverage'.and such other hazards as Lender may ��J N.=�- �.`
<br />. ' require and in such amonats and for snch peuods as Lender may re9uire• -F•�='• _'
<br /> roval by Lender,pmvided, `�-
<br /> `.�`s The insurance cturier providing the insuraace shall be chosen by Boaower subject to app ' _ . a�'�.
<br /> '• that sach approval sball not be unreasonably vrithheld. All insuiance Policies and renewaLs t�eteof shali be in a fatm �:._;�,;��:,_
<br /> ' ; ac.ceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgaSe claase in favor of and in a fo�acceptable W I,ender. I.ender �t.,�-.-
<br /> ;��-.
<br /> s h a l l have the ri g l at to hold the policies wd renewals thereof.subject w the terms of aay mortgage.deed of uast or other . `.'` ,�x,.. •.:_�_,
<br /> + security agreement arith a lien whnch has priority over d�is Deed of T:us� _.r m
<br /> In the event of toss.Boaower shall give prompt r.otice to the insuiance cariier and Lender. Lender may make proof . . ��i__
<br /> of loss if not made prompdy by Boirower. � •: '.
<br /> 1f the Propetty is abandoned by Bonower.or if Borrower fails to respond to Ixnder within 30 days?rom the date : , . ..,:,,,. �
<br /> notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insvrance caaier offers to seule a claim for insurauce benefi�s.Lender is �
<br /> authoiized to collect aad apply the insurance Proceeds at Lender's opdon eithes to restoratioa or repair of the Property or •. � �. .�'
<br /> to the sums secured by this De�d of Tnut. . ' � '�
<br /> 6. Praservatlon and lVlaiatenance of Property, I.easetioldgt Condomini�ns; Pl�a�ed Unit Devetopments. . . --
<br /> ' Borrower s6a11 keep the Property in 800d mPair and s�U not commit wa�ie or permic impaimoent or dererioration of the �:`::
<br /> prop��y�shall wmp�y�vi�h the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Tmst is on a leasehold.If this DeEd of Ttust is �
<br /> on a unit in a condominium or a Planned u�t development.Bosower shaU pezform a11 of Borrower's obligations under the
<br /> y decl:uadon or covenants crearing or governing the condominium or planned unit development.the by-laws and reguladons j,'.,
<br /> of the condominium or planned ualt developmeat.and consdtuent documents. . _.
<br /> 7. Yrotectton of I.ender's S�ty. If Boaower fails to perfoim the covenants and agreem+ents�°niained �n�S �_y.
<br /> - Deed of Trust,or if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects 1-ender's inuTest in the Pc°PertY•�►en �
<br /> Lender. at Lender's option, upon norice to Borrower. may make such appeatances. disburse such sums. iacluding .
<br /> �..._
<br /> ' reasnnable attorneys' fees. and take sn�h action as is nccessary to pmtect Lender's interest. if ixnder required mortgage
<br /> ch
<br /> ' a.nsurance as a conclition of making the loan secured by this Deed of Tcust,Bosower shall pay the premiums rec�uired to { � �,.
<br /> mainrai�o such insurance in effect until such ame as the requiremeni for such insurance terminates in accordance with —
<br /> � � �
<br /> Borrower's and L,eader's written agreement or applicable law. �7• �������ereon.at the Note�ate.shall besome
<br /> Any amovnts disbwsed by Lender pwrsuant to this paragrap , ---
<br /> � addidonal indebtedness of Borrower secuced by this Deed of Trust. Un�ess Boaower and Lender agree to other tecros of �
<br /> � � payment. such amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lxnder to Borrower requesan8 paYment tiiereof. Nothing �
<br /> • contained in this paragraAh 7 shall require Lender to incur any eapense or take any action hereunder. ,..._�^
<br /> S. [nspectioa. L�nder nnay make or cause to be made teasonable entries upon and ins�ections of che Property. i —
<br /> . _ prflvisle�that t�nd�r stiali give Bormwer nodce prior to any suc6 inspection specifying reasonable cause cherefor related to � __
<br /> � Lender's inrerest in the Property. � `- -
<br /> . , �
<br /> � I . �. _.
<br /> � I Pa e 2 of 5 �-
<br /> _1 Nebraska26876-3 11/96 OsigiaallRecordad) Copy(Ssouch) CopyfCuetomer) s I : ^�'�.
<br /> .� �,. �.r--•--�.--r.----- . , - .-
<br /> . . . . �. � � ''" � .. . , '.. . . . . • . • � .�. '"`� .. . ' ."� � . �� � . .' � . ,. ..�
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