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<br /> c, — _
<br /> ��_ �O��s�
<br /> , i nrancc roceeds shall be a Ged ta t�resto ation or repair oi t e Property ,... �.:
<br /> Unless otherwise agreed in wntu�g,all ns P PP . __
<br /> ar to the Secured Debt,whether or not then due,at Lender's option.Any appGcation of proceecis to principal shall not , . .
<br /> � extend or postpone the due date of the scheduled payment nor change the amount of any payment.Any excess will be ��.'_ `,�
<br /> ,.• � paid to the Grantor. If the Property is acquired by Leader,Grantor's right to any insurance policies and proceeds . _
<br /> resulting ftom damage to the Properry before the acquisition shall pass to i.ender to the exten*_of the Secured Debt
<br /> , immediately before the acyuisiuon. .� �
<br /> '_ Zp, ESCRp{�y FpB TAXES,�ND�(SURAPICE.Unless othenvise provided in a separate agreement,Grantor will not •
<br /> be required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in esaaw. • . •• . . �"}•:
<br /> 21, FINAN�IAL gEppRTS AND ADI)ITIONAL DOC'IJti�iEI�1TS.Grantor will provide to Lendcr upon request,any - - ----_-- --r= .
<br /> financial statement or iaformadon Lender may deem reasonably necessary.Grantor agrees to sign,deliver,artd file � _
<br /> any additional documents or certifications that Lender may consider necessary to perfect,continue,and preserve � �;;-;`
<br /> : Grantor's abligations under this Security Instrument and Lender s lien status on the Property. t � -%� "".:_
<br /> '- . :.• _ � .,.�-,.�-,.
<br /> under this Security Instnrment are joint and individual.If Grantor signs this Security lnstrument but does not sign an z�� ,��r '
<br /> evidence of debi, Grantor does so only to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the �;�r:��
<br /> . to be ersonall liable on We Secured Debt If this Security Instrument � ' '",�_.-�"—��-..
<br /> S e c u r e d D e b i a n d G r a n t o r d o e s n o t a g r e e p Y r., . ._ �
<br /> secures a guaranty betareen Lender and Grantor, Graator agrees to waive any rig6ts that may prevent L en der f rom , ���rr-���.f�_
<br /> - bringing any adion or claim against Grantor or any party�ndebted undsr the obligation.These rights may include,but ,_`'��'�Y�-.
<br /> .? .....
<br /> are not limited to,any anti-deficiency or one-actian laws.Grantor agrees that L.ender and any party to this Security —____.
<br /> Insmimeat may extend.modify or make any change in the terms�f this Security Instrument or any evidence of debt �
<br /> without Grantor's consent.Sach a change will not release Grantor fram the terms of this Security Instrument. The ,'�'�_
<br /> • duues and benefits af this Security[nstrument shall bind and hcnefit the succt.�sors and assigns of Grantor and Lrnder. - _
<br /> 23. APPL[CABLE LAW;SEYE�IL�TY;t1VTERPR�TA'i70N.This Srcurity instrumcnt is governcd hy thc laws ot y _,
<br /> � the jurisdictian in which Lend,er is located,except to ih�extent Enh�rwise required bp the lawa of the jurisdictiun . '_._--�- <
<br /> wherc the Pr�perty is located.This Security lnstrumcnt is cumplcte and fully integratcd.This Sccurity Instrumcm may __
<br />� not be amended c�r m��dificd by aral agreement. Any scctiun in this Securiry Instrumcnt, .�ttachments,or any _ �-
<br />' • agreement related to the Secur�d Debt that conflirts with applirabtc law will not he effective,unless that law expressly `- �=r-�=�`°
<br /> � or implicdly permits the variatians by written agrecment. lf any section of this Security Instrument cannot bc cnforced _.:'_
<br /> ' accarding to its terms,that section wil!be severed aad will nut affcct thc cnfarceability of thc rcmaindcr uf this -L� "", ;,;,�;:.�:.
<br /> � Sccurity Instrument.Whencver uscd,thc singular shall include the plural and thc plural the singular.The captions and - `' '�
<br /> " headings of the sections af this Security Instrnment are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or ���.-`
<br /> - - define the terms of this Security instrument.Time is of the essence in this Security Instrumen� �,.��.--
<br /> � Z4. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Lender, at Lender's option,may from time to time remove Trustee aad appoint a
<br /> successor trustee without any other formality than the designation in writing.The successor trustee,without ;,,,: �,�:'��
<br /> conveyance of the Property,shall succeed to all the title,power and duties confened upon Trustee by this Security ,"?�:;�
<br /> Instrument and applicable law. '� �'°�!.�
<br /> ?5. NOTTCE.Unless otherwise required by law,any notice shall be given by de6vering it or by mailing it by first class '�.;,��.
<br /> _, ;4 raail to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Security Insuument,or to aay other address designated in
<br /> writing.Notice to one grantor will be deemed to be notice to all grantois. ;�-�=;'
<br />, � Z6, WpIVERS.Except to the extent prohibited by law.Grantor waives all appraisement and homes�tead exemption rights _��:�
<br /> �_
<br /> � relatiag to the Property. '°` '
<br /> Z7. OT�R TERM.S.If checked,ths following aze applicable to this Sezurity Instrument: � '�•'
<br /> rJ::_, .
<br /> � Line ot CrediL The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision.Although the Secured Debt :_�.� �.. . __. s�,
<br /> '. may be reduced to a zero balance,this Security Instrnment will remain in effect until released. — _ �.
<br /> � ❑ Constractton Loan.This Secwity Instrument secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an --��4��
<br /> • impzovement on the Property.
<br />. � � ❑ Fjature Fillng.Grantor grants to Lender a security interest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in the -- �---�-°°--�•
<br /> future and that are or will become fixtures related to the Property.This Security Instrument suffices as a -- ---
<br /> financing statement and any carbon,photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record for purposes , �•• .
<br /> of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. __ '•�`a"��---
<br /> ❑ Ridere.The covenants and agreements of each of the riders checked below are incorporated into and ,:�,��;R W'_��,_; "�
<br /> � supplement and amend the terms of this Security Instrament.(Check all applicable boxes] _
<br /> _ -. . . _._.,, _.�.
<br /> ❑Condomim�un Rider ❑Planned Unit Development Rider ❑Other.......................................................... ��-• ,
<br /> . ❑ Addltlonal Terms. �
<br /> �,r- �
<br /> � ��F�.
<br /> :..::..'�!`'
<br /> �c :ri�.- .i:� -
<br /> ��'"•Cae•.:i.�. �+i-= -
<br />. . ��'� .
<br /> .a: cc;�:
<br /> •�-�,��"'-
<br /> • f�it r:`,
<br /> SIGNA9'URES:By signing be1oH,Grantor agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in ��� .�-.
<br /> any attachments.Grantor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument on the date stated on page 1. . -: - •,.
<br /> ����
<br /> . .; � ` 21/97 � � . ' ...........03/21/97 � �,e:. -
<br /> � .................... .. .. ..... .......:.. .... ....... ... ............... ............... . ........ . ....:..... ........ . .
<br /> ... ... . ... . ..... �"
<br />_ ' (Si�ure) (Datc) (Sip,naiure) � L KOBNIG (�ate) . .
<br /> � RICHARD D K ENIC3 •
<br /> .s . .
<br /> . STA'I'E 4F.........................................•....................COuN O ........................ . �ss. .
<br /> :. , MAI2't,`I�....................�9.9"7�........ , •.
<br /> , n�a•����� This instrument was acknowled ed before me this....`1� ......day of............................................
<br /> . . bY BIC��flD_D,BOSB.�.AAD.NARY,.L 1f�BAIG..HU9BIlAD illtD NIPB../.............................................._......................................... � _
<br /> ..... ................... ,
<br /> ' . My commission expires: � ' -
<br /> L�,��„�,,��. .�i.��� ��.... ...................... . �
<br /> (Seal) ......... . ..... . ... . . ; _
<br /> Notary Public) , _
<br /> GENERAI NOTARI•Stote olttebrari�
<br /> . . =- � 6iYComm fiR idaT2i.e"�00 _ _..-_ - - .--
<br /> �_ ..-.. �.:.. � ._
<br /> - �t94e Barif�e�s Systoms.ine.St CbuO.MH 1�-806397-23411 Fam RE-OT�xE 81B19a (pdQB 4 0�4) ..- � . .
<br /> ----- — :1-� �
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