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<br /> B. All future advances from Lr.nder to Grantor or other future obligatians ot Grantur w Lendtr under any promissury �< <• -; "��_
<br /> note,cuntract,guaranty.or other evi�iencc af debt executed by Grantor in (avor of L.cnder executc:d after this • . ,�__
<br /> Securiry Instrument tivhcther or not this Security Instrument is specificaliy referenced. If more than une penon �;�_
<br /> �, signs this Security lnstrumrnt,each Grantor agrees that this Security Instrumcm will secure all fuwre ad�ances and
<br /> future obligatians that are given 1u or incurred by any onc or more Grantor,or any one or more Grantur and . ; .' _
<br /> uthcrs.All future advana:s xnd other future obGgauons are�ccurrd by this Securitc Instrum�nt e�'en though all ur . . . �,_
<br /> pan may not yet be advana:d.All fuwre advances and othcr Euturc obligations are securcd a�if made on th�datr , • _
<br /> of this Security Instrument.Nothing in this Security Instrument shail con�titute a cvmmitment to make additional �
<br /> -`�- oc fut�re loans ur advances in any amount.Any such cummitment must be agreed w in a separatc writ►ng• r •._
<br />� ,p:` C. All obligations Grantor owes to Lender,which may later arise.to the extent not prohibited bv law.inctuding.[�ut .--i -- ._ • , � �_
<br /> aot limited to,liabilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit account agreement betw�ern Grantor and Lender. _ y_�
<br /> D. Aq additianal sums advanced and expenses incurred by Lender for insuring,preserving or othemise protecting : .:;,��
<br /> the Property and its value and any other sums advanced and e�c�penses incurred by Lender under the terms of - `� _
<br /> this Sccurity[nstrumenL �'"'=�� --
<br />� � This Security lnstrument will not secure any other debt if Lender fails to give any required noace of the right of rescission. , -'_`;��»�:�__
<br /> 5. PAl�:N1EN'I5•Grantor agrees that aU payments under the Secured Debt will bc paid when due and in accordance ____—.
<br /> � ' ;.`::_�;�::-
<br /> - with the terms of the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument. �;... '��_,_..-_...
<br /> 6, WARIdANPY UF TITLE-Grantor watrants that Grantor is or will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this -
<br /> - Security Instrument and has the right to irrevocably grant,convey,and sell the Property to Ttvstee. in trust,with � _��.�-�=-
<br /> power of sale.Grantor aLso warrants lhat the Property is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record :���.�-
<br /> 7. PRIOR SECLJRITY INI'EI2ESTS-W�th regard to any other mortgage,deed of trust,security agreement or other lien �"'�'��T
<br /> document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property,Grantor agrees: ,, , � ��---
<br /> • A. To make all payments when due and to perform or comply with ap covenanu. , .• •��-• -_-�----
<br /> -, B. To promptty deliver to Lender any notices that Grantor receives from the holder. , � � '�� ~� �'�°
<br /> .:.�.� _�-�•.--q-:,--
<br /> `i ' C. Not to aUow any madification or extension of,nor to request any future advances under any note or agreement ;, ��
<br /> secured by the lien document without Lendei s prior written consent. ���? ;
<br /> & CLAIMS AGAINST TIT1.E•Grantor will pay aU taues,assessments,liens,encumbrance:s. lease payments,ground r, �-+.:: : ,�_
<br />� rents,utilities.and other charges relating to the Property when due.l.ender may rcquirc Grantor to provide to[.a:nder �:�,,-
<br /> copies of all notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment.Grantor wil!delend
<br /> �- �_:
<br /> title to the Property against any claims that would impair the lien ut this Security Instrument.Grantor agrccs to aasign �-^� ,:
<br /> to L,ender,as requested by Lender.any rights,claims or defens��s Grantor may i�ave against partics who supply labur ,.�� .;,"_� _.
<br /> � or materials to maintain or impravc the Prupeny. `' '�-
<br /> - 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBItANCE.Lc:ndLr may,at its uptiun.dcclarv ttu�ntire balance ut the S�cured U�bt ta _
<br /> immcdiatcl duc and a ablc upun thc creatian of.or cuntract tur thc crcation uf.Fmy licn.�rtcumbrancv,transtcr ..�; ;,; ,�,?'�.�'.:..�;.
<br /> be Y P Y �. �
<br /> ur sate of the Property.This right is subject to thc restnctiuns impusrd by fcdcral I�w(12 C.F.R.591),as applicablc• .;,�,�,.. �„�;
<br /> � This covenant shall run with the Property and shal! remain in cffect until the Sccurcd Dcbt is paid in fuU and this ,,,' . � .;��,��
<br /> Security Instrument is released. '�t ��"�=
<br /> 10. PROPERTY CONDITION.ALTCRATIONS ANID INSPECTION. Grantar will kcep the Property in guod Z: '�
<br /> condition and make ap repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor shall
<br /> nol commit or allow any wastc. . ���',-
<br /> ' � impaircnent,or deterioratian of the Property. Grantor will keep the Property frcc of noxious�veeds and gras.svs. ��� �;�;,1,�.
<br /> Grantor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not sub�tantially change without Le:nder's prior written . .,�»�
<br /> . .. consent.Grantor will not permit any change in any license,restrictive covenant or easement without Lendei s prior ��F_��
<br /> written consent.Grantor wil!notify Lender of all demands,proceedings.claims,and actions against Grantor.and of '�,�.�_ -- „
<br /> any loss ar damage to the Property. �Y��'�.
<br /> I.ender or Lender s agents may, at Lender's option, enter the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose ot
<br /> ' inspecting the Property. Lender shall give Grantar notice at the time of or before an inspeclion specifying a __ • . ; . .��.
<br /> - - . reasonable purpose tor the inspection.Any inspection of the Property shall be entirely for Lender s bene�t and
<br /> Grantor will ii�no way rely on Lender's inspection. �'���
<br /> . .^�'YJ�`�-- .
<br /> 1L AUTFIORiTY TO PERFORIVI. If Grantor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this _ .x,,.:-j����::-- 3=
<br /> Security Instrument,Lender may,without notice,perform or cause them to he performed.Grantor appoints L.ender __�����_ _,_,_
<br /> as attomey in fact to sign Grantor's name or pay any amount nccessary for perfortnance.Lender's right to perform for � _— r�,..
<br /> Grantor shall not create an obligation to perform. nnd Lender's failure to perform wil? nat predude Lender from ;�,_;=---.
<br /> • �- exerc�sing any of Lender's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument.!t any construction on the Property is . .;��;�'_�, _
<br /> diseontinued or not carried on in a reasonable manner. Lt:nder may take all steps necessary to protect Lender's
<br /> . . security interest in the Property,including completion of the construction. f
<br /> 12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS.Grantor irrevocably grants,conveys and sells to Trustee,in 4rust for the .. ,�.�r,�y:�6�`" —
<br /> ;�
<br /> benefit of L.endcr,as additional security a l l t hc rig ht,tit le an d in tcres t i n a n d t o a n y a n d a l l c x i s t i n g or future leases. :,�,_��.,:_._.,�..: ;.. .=
<br /> " � subleases,and any other written or verbal agreements for thc use and occupancy of any portion of the Propeny. 4� - ,�
<br /> � including any extensions,renewals,modiCcations or suhstitutions of such agreemcnts(all referred to as"Lcases")and . � .�Y
<br /> - tents,issues and profits(all referred to as"Rents").Grantor will promptly provide Lender with true and correct : . `, ,. . �
<br /> capies of aU existing and fuwre Leases.Grantor may callect,receive,enjoy and use the Ren�ti so long as Grantar is not _
<br /> in default under the terms ot this Security Instrument. �.-.�:y:��.r..;-��
<br /> Grantor acknowledges that ihis assignmrnt is pertccted upon the recording uf this Deed of Trust and that Lendcr is ,..._. �� :
<br /> cntitled to notify any of Grantor's tcnants ta make payment of Rents due or w becomc due to LcnJcr. Elowever. : ,
<br />., l.ender agrces that only on default will Le�nder notify Granlor and Grantor's tenant�and makc demand that all future
<br /> Rents be paid direcUy to Lender.On rrceivin�notice of deiau{t.Grantor will endorse and deliver to L,cnder any .
<br /> payment of Rcnts in Cirantor's pourssicm and will rcccivc any Rcnts in trust for lsndcr and wiU nut cumminglc thc . ,
<br />' Rents with any other funds. Any amounts cullected will be applied as provided in this Sccurity lnstrument.Grnntur �s�.• -•�- - • �
<br /> ' warrants that no default exists under the Lcaticti or�ny applicabte landlurdltcnant law.Grantor also aKrces to maintain : ��.
<br /> and require any tenant to comply with thr terms of the Leases and applicable law. ' .
<br />� 13. LEASEHOLDS;CONDOMINIUMS;PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP'NENTS.Grantor agrccs to cumply with thC �
<br /> prc.visions of any lcase if this Security Instrument is on a leasehold.If tc+e Property includes a unit in a condominium ....
<br /> � or a planncd umt dcvclopment.Grantur will per(orm all of Grantor's dutics undcr thc cnvcnants, by-laws,or
<br /> . regulations of thc condominium or planned unit development. . . _
<br /> ' 14. DEFAULT.(irantor will bc in dcfault if any party ohligated on the Srcurrd Deht fails to makc paymcnt when due. ..
<br /> Grantur�vill br in default if a breach occurs under the tcrms af thi� Srrurity (nstrumcnt or any uther documenl ,
<br /> _ : (Page 2 of 4) . ,i�, .
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