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<br /> : 13.Notises.Any noucQ co Borrower provided for in this Seauity[nsa�ment sha11 tse given by deGvering it or 1 . • �.
<br /> 'c
<br /> . b y mailin g it b y firsc class mail unless applicable law requites use of another mecho�t.The norice shall be directed to � � . _
<br />- - the Propeity Address or aay other asidress Borrower designates hy notice to Lender. Aay noave to L e a der s h a ll b e : --- -
<br /> • given by fust class mail[o I.ender's address stated hemin or any address I.ender designates by notice to Bormwer. � . ,. �
<br /> . Any notice pmvided for in this Secuaty lnstnament st�l be deemed t°have been given to Borrower or Lender when _
<br /> . glvea as pmvided in this paragraph. �_�<<,�i_-_._
<br /> 14. Gaverning Law; Severabi3ity.This Security Inswffient shalt be govemed by Federal law and the taw of , . _-__--_=.—
<br /> the jurisdicuon aa which the Property is located. In the event that any provisioa or clause of this Security�nMmment �
<br /> , .�. ��':.�
<br /> . or the Note oon8icts wi8i applicable law,such conflict shall not affe�t other provisions of this Security Instrument or ; :;., '� �'_,._
<br /> ' the Note �vhich can be given effect arithout the conflicring provision. To this end the pmvisions of this Securiry � ,,,�„�-�'�
<br /> ' Instrnmeat and the Nate ace declared to be severable. � ''� '�"��i��'---�
<br /> of the Note and of tuis Sesuriry �"��Y''""��''"
<br /> 15. �osrower's Copy. Bormwer shall be given one conformed ooPY - __
<br /> � lnsuvment. - -�
<br /> � 1 6. H a s r d o n s S n b s l a n ce s. Borrower shall not cause or permit fl�fliesence,use,disposal•stora$e,or retease �-� � :
<br /> of an}r Hara�dous S�bstances on or in the Property.Bocmwer shall not do,sor allow anyone else to do, anything �'r: �` . _-,
<br />� affecxing the Property that is ia violation of any Envimnmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to -:.�� M,j,y
<br /> - the presence. use, or storage on the Prvperty of small quantities of Ha7ardous S�bstances that aze geacrally .. . �: �;.i*
<br /> reoogaized to be appropriat�w normal residenrial uses and to maintenance of the Propexty_ .�-�_.-�.�:r'`` �
<br /> Borrower shall pmmptty give I.ender written notice of any investigatian,claim,demand,lawsuit or other aaron ,�.:�' --:�:��:�
<br /> • - by any govetnmental or regulatory aBencY or private parry involving ths Properry and any Harardous S�bstauce or :.�: .:'a: .
<br /> Environmental Law of wiuch Borrower has acNal lmowledge. ff Borrower leazns,or is notified by any governmenial „ ':�• :^
<br /> - or regulatary autharity,that any removal or other remediation of aay+Ha�ardons Substances affecrinS the ProPertY is
<br /> '•.-,. ._ � '��:� �,_,
<br /> . , ner.�ary,Borrower shaU pmmpfly take all necessary iemedial aaions in aocordance with Envuonmental Law. :r�"'� �� .
<br /> "�: �'t� '. .;--
<br /> As used in this paragraph 16. °Ha�ardous Sbbsances' are those snbstaaces defiaed as waic or ha7ardous .`=�•- �,,;: ..� _..
<br /> � • �..
<br /> subssances by F�vinonmental Law and the following substances: 8asQline. kerosene, other flammable or toxic � �• �
<br /> peiroleam pnoducts.toxie pesacides and herbicides.volat�e solvents,matecials containing asbestos or forn�aldehyde, ' � �
<br /> h 16,°F�vironmental Law' means federal laws and laws of the �' `:'� ,• _
<br /> and radioacdve materials. As used in this pazagrap �. .<�a ; `_.
<br /> , . ' jurisdicaon arhere the Prop�►ty is located that relate to health.safety or environmental pratection. , .�,�,-
<br /> ��•:.: -
<br /> ; �
<br /> NON-IINffORM COVENANT'S.Borrower and Lender further covenaus and agree as fo�lows: ,`;�� ��,
<br /> � 17. Assi�r�eaR of Reats.Borrower ianoonditioaally assigns and oransfers to Lender all the ietus and reveaues _ �- �?�:
<br /> � �• of the Property Boaower authorizes Lea�der or I.ender's agents to collect the rents and revenues and hemby directs ���:,.,.i�
<br /> eacm unant of the Property m pay the rents to Leader or l,ender's agems. However, prior to Ixuder's natice to " ��=-
<br /> Borrower of Boirower's b�ach of any covenant or agnemeut in the Securiry Insuum�t.Borrower sha11 oou�t and ' '�"'�
<br /> . receive a11 reats and revemus of the Propercy as on�cee for the beneSt of Leader and Bozrower.ltis assignaseut of � ,
<br /> •�;_°�.....
<br /> � ' rents constitutes aa absolute assignmeat and not aa assignment for addirional security only. �
<br /> _ ... If Lender givcs notice of breach to Bosower.(a)all reuu received by Bomower shaU be hetd by Bore+ower as �.-°°��;.
<br /> t�ustee for beaefit of Leuder only.to be applied to the svms secuied by[he Security Insunment;(b)1.ender shall be �:�a •---
<br /> entitled to wllect and receive all of t�e reats of the Property;and(c}e�sh ten�t of the Property shall pay a11 zents � �.���•'�:
<br />' '_.,; due and unpaid c�1.eader or Lender's agent on Lender's aritten demar.�i to the tenant. "�. w:--.�--.-�'
<br /> � gorrower has nat executed any►prior assigament of the rents and has not and aill not perfoim a�r act that would � ,�'� �.»�
<br /> . . • o this ara h 17. '��;"� _
<br /> • pmveut I.�der from�xe�is�no its nghts uader P 8�P • - - ' _ _ _=- -
<br /> �_.i..�..r..s.,.e ...�ae. ..:we w..�ro� �:
<br /> � �.P•IIdCI S�1 IIOI bP.ICQ111I0A IO CIIICf[I�fOD.I3[L GOIIIIDI Vi Vt ����—���s:••iuc r avyrsy w.vw... ...p.• p = -
<br /> of breach w Borrower.However,Lender or a judicialtY aPPointed n,ceiver m�y do so at any time there is a breach. � -�r . .--�;°
<br /> , /�ny application of rents shall not aue or waive a�ry default or invalid�:any other right or remedy of Lender.This „-F.,...�.,,. �_:
<br /> :�i��
<br /> • assignm.¢nt of rents of the Praperty shall terminate when the debt secured by the Securlry Instrument is paid in full. ` -
<br /> ,_ .� ,�_
<br /> � ,�.° :_� ;.
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