.. _ � . �_ . ' a.. . _ . . , '- .�. ' . . � . • ` ` . , ''�"7` ..� ' - . . �. • .. .! _..
<br /> . - ... . _ '_' ������Q7 ��(.. r
<br /> ' 9�°� JaV�r�.�e� [ —- - >-` t'�.
<br /> � Bonowera sserow eccount under the ted�rai F1aal Esffita S�ttiernent Procedures Act o!7974 as amendsa from 4lme to tlme, 12 U.S.C. ` ` �`� �� "
<br /> • 2601 ei se�p.('RESPA'),unieas snother law that applies to t�a Funds sets a �sssr amount it so.Lender me►/,at any tine,coi3ect nnd ` � - -- � ���
<br /> i ho16 Funds 1n an amount not to e�aed the lasser cmount lsndar may estimate the amount of tun9s dua on the basls of curtent dafa � . << .� '�
<br /> ' I 8nd tetisOnBD�eslkn&f89 Of e�endifuces OI tutute ESC�ow iteP178 Ot OlhUtwt50 In 6CCOtdEnCO v�ith PippltC8b19 Niw. ': ; � , _'
<br /> Th� Funds shn0 be hatd in an nst[wtbn whosa �pos@a uo t�sured by a fedsml agsney, insUUrt�r+tal'Ry. or entlry {�ctuda�p � , �
<br /> �� � Lendar, li t.andw is such on Inst(tution) or in any Fe�rai Nome Loan Banfc. Lendsr shaU spply the Funds to pay the Eserow It�ns. f . �-
<br /> , Lender may nat charpe 8orrower tor nold�n p and a p a yin p the Funds, ennua4 y ana t y a l n Q!he escmw account, or verUyfnp the Escrow � . ,� • , :
<br />. ttams,unbsa Lender pays Borrower i�tmest on ths Funds end applicabie faw perm9s L�der to make sueh e charge. However.Lender � '�,F•�•
<br /> may require Borrower to pay a ons�time Charge for an h�epenQent real est�te tax�orWg se�vke used by Lender En connacflon wiih � •
<br /> • this toan.unfBSS 8ppi3eebN law provldes ot�erwtse. Untess en fl�reernant is made ot appRcabl�law requtres tnterest to be pald,Lender � . -
<br /> shal!not be roquied to psy Bortovrer eny hterest or eamngs on the Funds. Borrower and Lendsr may agree in writhg,howaver,that ' � •, , . •
<br /> ` f Nterest shafl Eo pskf on the funds. LenCat shaU ptvo to Borrower, �vi4hout char�, an anaual sccount�p of the Wnds, sAOwing -� - - •
<br /> j cradAs end debns to the Funds and the purpose qor wAich each deb3 to the Funds was made. The Funds are ptedged as addit�onal , -
<br /> Seeurity tor nU Sums seeured by thts Secun'ty Instrument � � .
<br /> ' It the Funds hetd by Lender exceed tAe amounts permRted to bo hetd by appGCab(e law,Lender sha0 account to Borrower tor the • � 'LL, �: '
<br /> excess Funds b accordance wit!!� tAe requPernents of epplicsbfe law. If the amount of the FunQs hefd by Lender at any ttme Is not . � - - '-,.�
<br /> SuffiCieo►!to pay the EserOw Items w�en due,Lendar may SO nOtify Bortower in wr3lnp,end,in SuCh cas9 BOrrowet SAaD p8y to Lende+ • � _ .. ��*�
<br /> the amount n�cassary to make up the Ceticiency. Borrower chal!make up the Eeftctency in no more than twebe monthry payrnenis.at �-�.
<br /> � ,�ir:a.-_
<br /> Lendei's sote dLscreUan. .� ,,`:;:-"�--�
<br /> Upon payment h tuN of a0 sums secured by thfs SacurHy tnstrument,Lender sheD prorttpUy refund to Bortower any Funds hetd by . , �-'���.
<br /> Lender. If, under par+aQraph 21.Ler�der shao acqu6e or sell the ProP�Y.��.P�r to the acqufs�ton or sala ot the PraPerty.sha0 , `�:: "' ':,.
<br /> . tppy any Funds hoW by t.ender at the ticne of acquLsRton or saie ss a cred$apahst the sums secared by tAis Securtly tnsUument . �_��''�=``
<br />. . 3.Appticatton of Payme�ta. Untess app(i�abie Inw provtdes otherwise,a0 payments recetved by Lettd�under pata�aphs .. . ..'�`���-'
<br /> i and 2 shafl be appNed:frst.to sny prepayment charpes Que under the FIot9;secanQ to amounts payabie under para�h$third • �
<br /> ?` to i�terest du�(ourth,to princ�al du�and last,to any late charyes dus urtdar the Note. . � `�'�''�O1`^�
<br /> • 4. Charges;Uena Borrower stt80 p8y eD ffixes.8SSe5smtx�ts, ChetQes. ftnes 8nd tnposd(ons 8tfi6utAbia to the PtopePty ,
<br /> ; which may attatn prtority over this Security Instrument, and IeasehoSd payrt�ents or �ound rents, �eny. Borrower sha0 pay these �,-'•`-�`- -
<br /> � obi'gations in tho manner provided in para�aph 2.or U not patd in that mann�,Borrower shaD pay them on time d'rectty to the person '
<br /> ;`,� owed ps�ymen� Bortowe►shaJl prorr�ly tumish W Lert6er an notices of amounts to be paid under ihLs parapraph. It Borrower makes . �' _
<br /> , Mese payments directry.8orrower sha0 promptly fumish to Lender recefpts evidencn�the payments. .
<br /> ` Bercower shJ!prorttpUy disch�qs eny I�r�wi►kh hes pr(orRy aver th�s SeCUrlyy tnstrurt�nt uniess Borrower:(t�egrees in wr�ing 40 _ "`" _, __ _
<br /> � ttie payme�►t o}the obGpatlon s6CUred DY tne Gen 4 a manner accepfabi�to Lender;(b)contests N pood faRh the Ben by.ar dofends ? ;y.�� `^'1,�;' _.
<br /> apainst enforcement ot the 4er+In,teQai proceedlnas which h the Lenders op3nWn operate to prevent the enfor�ement of the uen:or(c) �� ' �
<br /> securos trom the holder of the 6an en apreament saUsfactory to Lender subordbatinp the lien ta this Secudty InsUumenL If Lender '
<br /> determines that any pert oi the Praperty t�subject to a Qen wh(ch may attain priorfty over thts fiecu�yr bsbumenA Lender may flive • ' __ _
<br /> 8orrowet e noUce id�►Y�tng the Qen. Borrower shaB satisty the 6en or teke one or more of the actbns set foRh above wEthin 10 days • " � :+�i. .'"
<br /> of the gtvtng of nottce. _ � "' -
<br /> •u� !� . .
<br /> . S. Haza�d or Property Ir�surance. Borrower shafl ke6p the artyrovernents now �rtg or h�1Rer eteCted on the ��t . .
<br /> ' PropeRy insured against toss by fr¢. hazards inC�ded withh tAe tetm 'e�dendsd CovetBpe'snd eny Other hazards.inCbdinp ftoods 0t �;,.f�-Y�-,�-'
<br /> , (bodinp, for wh�h �ender requlres insurence. TAts fnsurance shaU be mahtained h the emounts and Por the periods that lender i", �
<br /> requtes. The insurance cart(c►provld"ng Me insuranCe SheB be chosen by Borrower subject to Lende�s approvai whbh shaY no!be '' •�„� ���.
<br /> ° unraasonabry wRhheld. If�orrower talls to ma§im�n coverape descnbed aDove.LsnQer may.at Lertdefs option.obffiIn cwerape to - ��' -
<br /> ��� protaCt L.et�d�S�TphiS in the PrOpeRy In aCCOrdanCi wkh pntaQ�ph 7. _'.a':,. R'�.�:=��'z _.
<br /> . Att hwrance Po►icias and ronewais shall be acceptabla to LenQer and sQu�p hciude a standard mortp�clausa Lender st►�➢have �.�,.�.:. :-•-�s
<br /> � tha ripht to hoid the pot3ci�end oenewab. lf L�dev�ires,Bortow�shell P�►nPUY C►ve to Lender s0 r�ebts o}paid Dremiums - .. �`
<br /> . ..�.�,�, �
<br /> _ ; end renewal notieas. tn the ewnt of bss.Bortower shaA Qive Prompt notlrA to the insurance Cartiar end Lender. LenQer maY�e . �-�,.-�:,,�w�• �.- . :
<br /> .i :-:�.:-.._--__�
<br /> pmo}of bss Y not maCe pmrr�Uy by Borrower. _..,..,,
<br /> Unkss Lander and Borrower oMerwise�ree in wr�inp,hsurance procoads cAaD be apP�to restoration or repatr ot the P►operty • . �:'
<br /> damaped,�the restoration or repatr ts eeonomtcaCy teas,bb and t.endePa sea,n'ty is not tessatied. It the restoratbn or repair b not .+4''i'�`'=
<br /> ,� r����
<br /> : '� economkaIly taasib►�or Landers seauay would be �sswwd. the insurance procaads sha0 be eppued to Ne sums sacurod by thb :�._�,�TT :__
<br />• .�_; Secun'Sy instrum�t wR�er ar nat then due, w�7A rmy excess pa(d to Bortow�ar. It Borrower ahandons the Praperty, or does not _ - --.
<br />� answer w8hin 30 days a noUce from Lender that t'�a insurance carrfar has of(ared to set4ta a el�im, then Lender rtray CoL�CCt tAe ,��'°;��; �
<br /> • hsurence proceeds. LenQer may use t�e proceoQs to repair or restore tne Property ot to pay sums Securad by thb Securky - ;.�,� . �� '
<br /> . InsWmen�whether cr not then due. The 3aday period w�l bepin when the notks is pNen. •' u�
<br /> Untess Lender erd Borrower othe�wise ap�in wr3bip,eny appUCaUon of proceeds to prinaipal sha0 not e�end ot post¢one thv . � _ , � � ".
<br /> due 6ate of tAe rtwn�ty payrnents reterred to in paraqraphs 1 and 2 ar chanpe the amauni of the payments. If under para�nph 21 • ' .
<br />_ the Property b ac�i�d by LenQer, Borrowers�IpAt to�ny Insurance poietes and proceods resultiinD from dart�rpe to the Praperty prior ' � �
<br /> ta the �cquisRton shal pass to Len�r ro the �Rent of ths sums secured by this Securiy tnstrument trer�edtltey prtor to the ���zaca���-
<br /> aCfatfS$ion. � . ., -
<br /> . � 6. Occupaney, Preservablon� NHelntenance and Protecttga� of the Property; Borrawer'a Loan � � �
<br /> AppUceUon; 1.�35CID01d�. Borrower shaU occupy, esLtbRSh,and use Me PrCperty as 8ortowers prinefpal residenCa w�lfin sbdy � . -
<br /> days after the execuUon ot this Seeur�ly Instruenent and sh�l tontinue to occupy the Praperty as Bortoweafs prinalpal residence for at . . �
<br /> taast one year after tha date of aca:Qancy, uniess Lender othe�wke a�ees in wnt'np, which cansant sh�➢ not be unreason�bfy • , •
<br /> . w7thhetd,cr untess�4einuaUnp Circumstences extst wh�h ere beyand Bortowars control Borrower sha0 no!destroy.darr�8pe or impatr ' . . .
<br /> � the Property,aPow the Property to deteriarate,or corrgnit waste on the Property. Boaower aha/bs in dehu�M any tortekun aetion or '
<br /> procaedng,whether cti9 or cnninal,is begun that in LenGefs gaod taRh judgrnent coub resaff h forte�uro of the PropeRy or otAerwisa � : _
<br /> matar�►Ly �npatr tha C�en created by thls SacwBy Instrumsnt a Lsnd�s secunty Intarost Borrower may eure such e detauR end � • � -
<br /> relnstato.es provided 'n paragmph 18,by cuushg the acUOn or proeeed�p ro be dismissed with a rufnp that. 3n Lenders good fa�h � , -
<br /> QetermhaUon, precUdes tortefture of Ne Borrowefs hterest in the Property ot other mateHal impatment of the Gsn creatQd by tAis � � . �
<br /> Secun"ty Instrum�t or Lende/s secut�ty in2eres4 BArtower shae also bo h detauR N Borrower, during the Wan eppt'icatbn process, • •, �
<br /> gsve matetfa9y fa�e or Inaccurafe intormaUon or str.tements to Landar (or fa6ed to prwd� Len�r w3h any material i►formatbn) in {, ,
<br /> connection w�h the ban evMensed by the Note,hciudhg,but not fmded to, representatlons concerr�ng Bortowei's occupancy of tAe � , •
<br /> � Pro�aAy es e priiC�al resldenCa If tAis Secunlyr Ins4rument is on e �easeAO1G. Borrow� SAaB compty w$h a0 tAe provisbns o!the �
<br /> lease. If Borrower acqa'ves fea trtb to the Proparty, the �asohot4 end tho fEa t�b shf1U not msrga un�ss tha Lsndsr agreas to the �. � � :
<br /> - Rt$f$Bt QI YYtRQ1e. Fa�m 3p2E BlBO � ' �
<br /> i '
<br />� • F�0Y81M0(�/W) �ap�?of 5 � � � � �:
<br />. k _
<br /> aW � .
<br /> j._.....-.,r.-j..__. � ,
<br /> : . . ' - .. � • . , . ,� . '. . ' . . . , . . . • _�. � . ..
<br /> �. �n- . ." . - , . . �.. - . . .. . ' .' .. . ' � ' 'N - . , ,
<br />, �. . .. • . " - . - .� . , ...� 'r�. . �-. � � � . . -� ..� . . . . . � � . ' . . . . . - . � _ . .�. � - � ._. - _ •. .. .. .
<br />