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. . . �.. .. _.� . .. ,..__ <br /> � � �. . y : . . _ :. _ , `` < < . .. : .. . • - . . ----_^�. . _ .: <br /> �_, APPL� 0 01-703 06017 � -- E.�� <br /> �_ fO�'�'' <br /> .� � • y���! ���ii��1fB �..-•-�< . _ <br />- � - - — <br /> AI�NSTA�LE �TE RIDER . . ` ; _ . _. _���: <br /> Tf�S ADNSTABLE RATE RIDIIt is�n2de this ZaTH �y of �� 1997 .and is .< . � . � a <br /> ; .�:.- <br />..`.� incorporated intn and shall be decmed m ameud and supp2ement the Mortgage,Deed of Tru§t or Security Deed(the"SecuritY " ' <br /> � <br /> Instrument")of the same dase�iven by the unde�signed(the"Borrower") w sexure Boaower's Ad}usrable Rate P iute(t he ��° <br /> .o. <br />•� � "NOte")�o . <br /> gpME FEDERAL SAVII4GS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CsRAND ISLAND <br />, --' - -. - �-—`= - _. <br /> (the"I.ender"�of the same date and covering ttie propesty descn'bed in the Se�urity Instrament and located ai: '. . . " _ <br /> 4019 BOSTON CZRCLB ' � :�. <br /> GRAND ISLAND. NEHRASRA 68803 : '_ } <br /> [propxsty Addies:J ` _ '--' <br /> . '��;.� <br /> , �.;: ._ <br /> TEIIS NUTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN MY INTEREST 1tA't'E AND NIY � ��`_'''�'�,��,' <br /> MONTHI.Y PAYArIENT. WCREASES L'01 THL IlVTEREST RATE WII.L RESULT IN HIGIiER PAYN�TITS. � .,, . �� ' �.., <br /> DECREASES 1N 7'�E IIVTERFST RA'I'E'WD-L RESULT IIY LOWER PAYMENTS. :�;��. <br /> . ::t�.::._.. <br /> F� _.�,_,- <br /> ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the cove�ants and agre�eTUS made in the Seauity Ins�ument, . - -��,-�:- - <br /> Boirow�r and I.eader farthea covenant and agree as foltows: "�".��- ---_-;T <br /> �,;:�z:� <br /> . �_a_-- <br /> p,gNTEgE�'['RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES . } r "�y :_. ��!-A_�. <br /> - .,. �-, ���. <br /> . . 'The Not� provides for an �itial interest tare of 6.5 0 0 %.'lbe No4e provides for changes in the ��.�� <br /> intraest rate and the monthly paymeats,as follows: . . <br /> � '.� �, -- <br /> f.' 4.INi'E�2ES'['YtATE MFD MO1�ITHI.Y PAliR/[ENT CHANGES 'S� �� "'''.� :�. <br /> - Dates �g�` � <br /> (A��n� � ���-'"?.�' . <br />� �7 � '.��' � � :�+���:: <br /> 'Ihe interest rate I will pay may change on the fust day of APRTL � 1998 and on�day -•.;,, .�i•.:.- :: ?� - <br /> ��, 12TS month thereaftra.F�ch date on which my int$rest tate could change is called a"Change Date." - �_'�� ; :�--- <br /> (B)Tfte Lvdex � ,��•, <br /> � � 't� � <br /> . Beginning with the first Change inteaest rate arill be based on an Index.'Ihe"Index"is: - _ �� ;�_ .� <br /> "��- <br /> THE SqSBRLY AVL�FtAt3E YIBLD ON UNZTED 3TATES TREASIIRY SBCURITIBS ADJIISTSD TO A �,; F_ <br /> CON3TIYNT MATIIRITY OF 1 YSAA. AS MADB AVAIL3►HLE BY T$S FEDERAL 17ESERVE B0�1RD. ��,:"���'�-a.r <br /> ..,.,��'��� <br /> . 'l7ie most recea�t Index figure available as of the date:� 45 days ❑ _°°_�- ` ` ' . ��� <br /> hefore eacb Change Date is calted the"Cuaent Inde�c." `"_T�- <br /> . � <br /> . .:�+.�.-�-�:�--- <br /> If the IndeR is no longer ava�ble.the Note Holder aill choose a new inde�that is based upon co�parable mfoimauon. ,�� F.l <br /> ��' 'ihe Note Holder w71 give me notice of this choice. • -- - �� <br /> , ._ �.� <br /> . _ . ,.i�-. <br /> (C7 Cakulatbn ot Changes �� - . '�-:=- <br /> . �•-��- ; - <br /> Before eac6 Chaage Date,the Note Holda wiU calculate my new interest rate by addipg . `�'v•���`"� -- <br /> - TWO AND ONB HALF per�entage point(s)( 2.500 I �90)to the Gurent Inde�c. `�'�°'���'.�. �_.. <br /> 'Ihe Idote Holdea will then rounA the resutt of this addition to the �Nearest � Next Higtiest 0 Next Lowest ����, :, �'" <br /> , oN8 SsGHTfi ( .1a5 %). �> ' . .�__.. <br /> Su6ject to the limitv stafcd in Secrion 4(D)below,this munded amount wi12 be my new intera4t rate until the next Change �-�-?t~�`• '� <br /> '.�,'�i_y:. <br /> � Data -.�. .,� `..�� . <br /> : ZUe Note HoWrr aill then Qetennine the amount of the monthty payment that would be sufficient to repay the unpa�d ``��.,ry��,,_`��::., � <br /> princIpal tLat I am ea�pected to owe at the Change Date in full on the matiuity date at my new intcrest iate u�snbstantiaUy ' <br />' equal payments.'Ihe resuit of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment . � ,— <br /> (D)Ltmits on Interest Rate Cmanges . , " <br /> � Please eheek approp�iate bnxes;ff no bnx is checked,rhere wlll be no�mum limft on changes.) , � _ � t��� <br /> �(1)'Ihere arill be no maximum tiWnit on interesR rate changes. • - <br /> xx (2)'IUe int,erest rate I am required to pay at the first�Change Date will noi be greater than e.5 0 0 �o , . - . <br /> ot less th8tt 4.500 %. • . <br /> �(3)My�terest iate will nev�be increased or decreaseil on any single Change Date by more than �, <br /> Tv7o P�xC�iT percentage point(s) ( z.000 %) from the . � . � <br /> ; rate of inteaest I have been paying for the pmceding periad. ' � r <br /> Q(4)My interest rate will never be greater than 11.5 0 0 %,which is called the"Maaimum Rate." <br /> TIiE "MINIMIJM RATS" WIL1, NEVER BS LESS TFI31N 4.SOOt. <br /> � �IULTI9TATE ADdU9TABLE RATE RIDEB-Siaple Family a/94 • <br /> . a.p.,o,2 . . <br /> , �-d99A�caoe) VAIP GORTOJ1tiE PORAA9•(BOOlg2t.72g� ��n�a�e: • . • � . <br /> � •� ��. <br /> • � E� <br /> _.. � ; :: :.�. � _.-=_ - - <br /> � : � � : .� ..� <br /> _� �.�.__-�_ _ . . <br /> . � - , � � � .. . ,: : . � .. . . �. � . - � . � � �. � . :.�. � � , . � � . <br /> . . .. <br /> . � � .� .,�... . . . . . <br /> � . . • , .. . ��. .v � . • . ,• . . . _ .. . . , . � - • . • ' _ "_ • � . . . . .r <br />