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<br /> , payments may no longer be required.at the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance coverage(in the amount and for the penod , �.`
<br /> thaz I.endea requires)Provided hy an insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the A
<br /> , premiums required tn maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a loss resen+e,unril the re�uirement for mongage - ,.
<br /> ' �1�����rdance with any wriuen agreement bctween Bosawer and I.ercdes or applicable taw. , . • ,.
<br /> � 9.Iaspeckon. Lendea or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspestions of the Property. L.ender shall give , , , .
<br /> 3 Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifyu►B reasanable canse for the inspection. ,
<br />�i 10.Condemns4ion. Tha procecds of asry arrard or claim for dam2�es. direct or caas�quential. in cannection with any _ __ . __:_, -
<br /> condemnation or other►aking of any part of the Pro�eaty,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,are hereby assigt►ed and .
<br /> i shall be paid to Lender. f ' .
<br /> in the eveni of a total tal�ng of the Praperty.the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security lnsuument, ,,.
<br /> � wttriher or not then due,with any excess paid to Boirawer.In the event of a pardal taking of the Propeny in wfiich tlie fair maricet �.
<br /> � value of the Propeaty immediatcly before�he�aking is equal ro or greater tban the amount of t3�e sums secured by this Security . *• -
<br /> � a in .
<br /> Ins�ment unmetiately beforc the taking, unless Borrower and Leader otherwise agree in writinng. the sums secured by this ��.
<br /> � Security Insarumeat shall be reduced by the amount of the pmcetds multiglied by the following fraclion:(a)the tntal aaaount of --��
<br /> the sums secured immediately before the ta3ong,divided by N) the fair marlcet value of the Property unmediately before the : .•-'='• .:
<br /> � t�ng.p�y balance shall be paid w Barrower.In the event of a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fair marlcet value of the � �' ""�' ..
<br /> prpperty immcdiately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums sesured immediately before the taking, unless � � ^�—'
<br /> ,+���-
<br /> Borrower and Leadea othe�wise agree in writing or nntess applicable law otheiwise provides,ths proceeds shall be applied to the . ; :" : -°�.;,.�
<br /> sums secured by dus Sec�mty lnsnumeAt whether or not the sums are t6ea due. . �. � .••-��
<br /> If the p►nperty is abandoned by Bormwe.r,or it;afrer notice by Le�►der to Borrower that We condemnor offers to make an . �'.° ____
<br /> award or sente a claim for damages.Bormwer fails to respond to I.eBd�within 30 days after the date the notice is given,Lendea � . ..:' 4•' `���
<br /> . ,�.;r..�;:.�__-
<br /> � is authorized to coll�ex and apply the proceeds,ai its option,eith�to restorarion or repair of the Propesty or to the sums secured __
<br /> by this Secwity Instrumeat,whether or noi then due. � ,� + `��°
<br /> Unless L.euder and Bosower otherwise agree in writu►g.anY aPPlication of proceeds w principal shall not extend or posq�one : • � `.�:
<br /> � ' ,,,,�_. <.
<br /> the due date of the monthty payments refeared to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change t he amount o f suc h paymen t s. .x�.�y��.:
<br /> �j lY.Borrowee Noi Reieased;For�rsaraate Bp Leader Noi a Waiver. Eatension of the time for paymeni or modificarion � , . . _,__�,;�;,,i�,.;; _
<br /> + of amorpzation of the sums seraued by this Security Instrument graa.:ed by Lender w any successor in interest of Boaower sha11 -.�
<br /> not aperate tn r�lease the liability of the original Borrower ar Borrower's successois iu intesest.Lendea shall noi be requiced to f
<br /> f ���• r�.
<br /> ��mence p�oceetlings ag,ainst any successor in interest or refuse ta ea�tend pme for payment or otherwise mod►fy amort�anon o {,. �
<br /> the sums setvred by this Sec�uity Insomment by reason of any demand made by the origmal Boaowes or Borrower's successors �� . , ; �� ,'�'�." _
<br /> l m interest Any forbeazance by trndea in eaescis9ng any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude th�exercise of any ��: ` �;�i i ;
<br /> right or r+emedy. � •: • ;?
<br /> � 12.SQ�essors and Ass3gns Boand;Joint a�d 5everal Liab�lity;Casigners. The covenants and agreem e n t s o f t h i s ;y,: :� � � �
<br /> �i g�rity Insprument shall bind and benefit the successois and assigns of Lendea and Borrower, subjest w the provisions of � • �� '
<br /> � . 'f..}:•• �is
<br /> paragraph 17. Bonow�'s covenants and agreements shall be joint and sevetal. Any Borrower who co-signs this Se�vriry -.::�-- �. +.
<br /> Instrument but does not executc the Note: (a) is co-signing this Sec�uity Insuument only to mortgage,grant and convey that �. . e ;�.,i
<br /> Bmmaer's�t�est in the Property under the tcrms of this Securiry Instnunen�(b)is not peasonally obligated to pay the sums '`�i:�-."� ��=�;
<br /> secUred hy shis Securiry Instcamen�and(c)agrees that Lendex and any other Borrower may agree w extend,modify,forbear or � r',:-j;�:.. ° ':''`'�
<br /> m�e any acconuuodations vvith regard tn the t�ms of this Security Insuument or the Note without that Borrower's consent �. , �%�.�.:{•'' _
<br /> n
<br /> 13.Laan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Insnument is subject to a law which setg maaimum loan charges, . ��%::��::'� -
<br /> and that law is finally interpnted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connecdon with the toan ��-"a'�
<br /> e�cceed the peimiued timits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall he reduccd by the amannt n�w reduce the charge to the '��'--_y,`�_,:,.-_
<br /> pearnitted luni�and(b)any sums alreadp colteaed from Borrower wf�ich eaceeded permiVed limits will be refunded to BonoRer. � � �,_�,y,;,:
<br /> Lender may choose w malce this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to - �-;;�.�,�_
<br /> Boirowea.If a ref�nd redaces principal,the reduction arill be treated as a parti�al prepayment without any prepayment charge � •_:::�;;�'�';,
<br /> ar 1
<br /> under the Note. , �� .�r'.'r.-�-
<br /> � 14.NOtlaee. Aily IIOIICC W lfOIiOWCf p70VIQC0[or in ti�u jc�:wiiy ii��-uiiiiiZP�i Si�ii�i.$:�G:'sy d:.'.:..°vs.^.g i:�:b��'_:...��3g:: �,�ra,��r►::.� -
<br /> by fiist c?r�mail nnless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address or �.- � _•.. :." . :��
<br /> any othes address Ba�ower designates by norice to Lender.Any norice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to Lender's : ,.„_M,. . .. , _�:.
<br /> address stated herein or any other address I.ender designates by notice to Borrower.My notice provid�ed for in this Securiry ' • � � � ,-�
<br /> Instrument shall be deemed tn have been given w Bor�ower or Lcnder when given as provided in this paragraph. . . _
<br /> 15.CcYerning Law;Severab�ity. 'Ihis Security Insuument shall be govemerl by federal law and the law of the
<br /> �_n.._ .
<br /> juriSdicE.u� in which the Properry is located.In the event that z�y pravision or clause of this Securiry Inswment or the Nots . �- -�.,F�.-_
<br /> conflicts with applicable law,such conilict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Insuumenc or the Note which can be : : =
<br /> given effect without the wnflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Sec�uity Tnstrument and the Note are declared to _ • �_{�
<br /> be severable. '
<br /> Form 3028 9I90 • ' .
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