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<br /> . ' , ' ' -
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<br /> �7����.Y.� � , , .�
<br /> . TOGE'THER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter uected on the propecty,and all easements,aPPw'tenances,and j, •• �t.
<br />• fvcaues now or hereafter a part of the property All rePlar.ements and additions sst��all aLso be covered by this Security Insnrumem (
<br /> � All of the foregoing is referred to in this Securaty Insnrument as the"PropeatY" ! . • .
<br /> r
<br /> BORROWER COVENANT'S that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby co.�veyed and has the nght to grant and . . .
<br /> convey ihe Property and tfiai die PmPertY is une�c�°�.except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will � �
<br /> defend geneaally ths ude to the Property againsc all claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of record '
<br /> TEIIS SECURPTY INSTRUIV�NT combines uniform wvenanu for narional use a�d non-uniform covenanu with limited t. .' - - - -,- -
<br /> vaciations by jurisdietion w constiwte a unifarm se��rity instrument cavering real property � , �.
<br /> UI�IIFORM CUVENANTS.Borrower an�Lender�4-enanLand��oll�Borrower shall prompdy pay when due the '.• �. _ .
<br /> 1.L'ayaneni of Priacapa!and Interesi;�'eFaym ..
<br /> principal of and iaterest on the debt evidenced by the Note and anY piepayment and late charges dae un d e r t h e Not�. _.. • ,•
<br /> Z.F u n d s f o r T a x e s and Ins�rance. Subjea to applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pa�� �.. .
<br /> � Lender on ttce day monthlY 1mYments are due under ttee Note,unUl the Noie is paid in fu11,a sum("Funds")for.(a)Year1Y � : . _-- ..
<br /> and assessments which caay auain priority over this Security Insuument as a liea an the Propeaty;(b)Yearty leasehold payments . .,:>--�-.',_
<br /> or grouad rents on the Propeaty.if any;(c)Yearly har�rd or pmperty insutance premiumx(d)Yeariy flood insurance premiums,if � ' . ' . '�
<br /> any:(e)Year 1 Y mortgage m s u r a n c e p r e m i u m s,J a i►Y'a n d (�an Y Sums Pa yabte b y Borrowes w I.ender.in accordance with the �.;� :.
<br /> provisions of paragraph S.in lieu of the payment of mortgage ins�rancx premiums.These items are called "Escrow Itcros." , _ �_,�
<br /> L¢nder may.at an y tune,coltect and hold Funds in an amount not w exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally re�at�d , , � ;._�"
<br /> mortgage loan may require for Borrawer's esemw acauat ander the federal Real Estate Sealement Procedares Act of 1974 as . �;:�
<br /> amended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.Section 26U1 et seq. ("RESPA").unless another law thai applies to the Funds seis a lesser `;�,,;T
<br /> tunoun� If so.Lender may.at any time,collect and hoW Funds in an amount aot to exceed the lessa amoun� L,e.�der may �w��;�i
<br /> e.�mate the amount of Funds due on the basis of cuirent data and�asonable esamaces of expendiwres of fuwre Fscrow Itsms or �,.� _� 9;�_
<br /> ottx�wise in aaordauce with applicable law. ` . • ��:.- _
<br /> 'Ihe Funds shall be held in an insamuoa ahose deposits are insured by a fedetal agency,insuumentality.or en6ty(including , .�:#
<br /> Lender.if Lender is such an instiwtion)ar in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escmw , �''',
<br /> Items.Lender may nol ci�arge Borrovvrx for hotding and applying the Funds,annually analyzin8 the escrow accouns,or verifying . _ ._`,���;.;
<br /> .. the Fssxow Ite�ns.wiless Lender pays Botrower interest on the Funds and applicable taw pemiits I.end�to make such a charge. �: s �.:: .
<br /> However,I.ender may require Boaower to pay a on�time charge for aa independent real estate tax reportin8 sen+ice used bY �%� ` ,.
<br /> Lender in cannectinn witb ihis toan, ualess applicable law pmvides otheawise.Unless an agreement is made or applicable law .:.. �~ •. :'•� <
<br /> � ��������p�i�,Le�der s�all eot be req�ired to pay Borrow�any int�est or eamin8s on the Funds.Borrowea and .�.� ,,,•.,..; '
<br /> Lendes may ag�ee in writing,however,that mtaest s�2'3 be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give tn Borrower,without charge,an ,..,,.:,.; '_ ; ;•
<br /> + annual accountu►g of the Funds.showing credits tmd debits to the Funds and the puipose for whic.h each debit to the Funds was . -�,• :;,
<br /> •'4 made.The Funds are p2edged as addisional serurity for all sams secured by this Security Instrument ' j `•:i �°'
<br /> f If the Funds held by Lendea exceed�:�ainounts permitted tn be held by applicable law.Lender sha11 account w Borrower for !�_� . ,
<br /> ' � the excess Funds in acc:ardance with thE r�luirements of appficable]aw.If the amount of We Funds held by l.endea at any time is :-�� . "��, ;.
<br /> �•i not sufficie�t to pay the Esaaw Items when due,Lendea may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower shall pay _-'�ns�. �' :_
<br /> ' i ��ade� t1►e amount necessar7+w make up the deficiency. Borrower sha11 make uP @►e deficiency in no more tban twelve :� ,_� °
<br /> .' •i monihlY PaYments,at Lender's sole discrerion. :,��%�~
<br /> � ; Upon payment i�full of all sums s�.�ed by this Security Insmime�►t,Lender shall prompdy refund to Boaower any Funds � _
<br /> , �; held by Lender.If.und�parag�aph 21,T..ender shall acquire or sell the Pcopeaty,Le.�der,prior w the acquisition or sale of the �-
<br /> � the time of uisition or sale as a credit against the svms secured by this � ����.'' .�•"•=..,r
<br /> � property,shall apply any Fnnds he1d by I..ender ac �1
<br /> " Sec�ity It�Wmen4 ,:�•�-�e•�
<br /> -, T�.�''�r�E'�a:-
<br /> 3.Apptication of Paymenta Uniess applicable Iaw provides wb�wise.all paYments rece�ved by Lender under paiagaphs ,, r,Y,,._ _
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be apPlied'first.w anY F��Yment charges due undez che Note;second to amounis payable under parag�aph 2; . ::•;��, �
<br /> -_ .-.��,�_:
<br /> third,to interest due;fourtL,to principal due:and last,to any late charges dus und�the Note. 7,•;,::;��:_. _-
<br /> 4.Cbarges.Liens. Borrow� shall pay all taxes, asses.'�ner►ts, charges. fines and imposuions attributable w the property ,Q����,r:
<br /> '•- --`-•�pa�'r,i��or�•:r.a:'�L°•,'-f?ny.R�mnw�s chail nay these '�__ -:_
<br /> �..i ahich�nay aVain prionty over tius�ecuriry inswrna�i.�,►o��.a.. — �-- —�:
<br /> � obligapons in dte mennea providetl in paragraPh 2,or if not paid in that mannea.Boirowes shall pay them on time directly w the :.�,��.rs�.__
<br /> ._�� peason owed paymcnt Borrower s!^all i rumptly fumish to Lender aU notices of amounts to be paid under this paiagraPh. If _. : • . '+�,,,. -
<br /> ents d'uectIy,Borrower shall promptly fumish tn Lendea receipts evidencing the payments. �.�` � �
<br /> . Borrower makes these paym
<br /> Borroaer shall prompdy dissharge any lien wluch has priority aver this Security Instnunent unless Borrower:(a)agrees in �,
<br /> . � writing to the payment oi the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:N)contests in gaod faith the lien . •
<br /> � by, or dafends against enforcement ef u'�e lien in. legdl proceedings which in the I.ender's opinion operate to preti+ent the _ _ _
<br /> eaforcement of the lien;or(c)secc�.s from!he holder of the lien an agreement satisfacwry to L.ender subordinaUng the lien to
<br /> �S�ty���L�'�der�e�snines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may auain priority over this �. .:
<br /> Securiry Iissuument,Lendea maY give Borrowa a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more - � �
<br /> of the acdons set fonh atwve within 10 days of the giving of nodce. Form 8028 9�00
<br /> � �•8R(NE)ie2�2i.o� aa9•z o�e ��nu�e: . .. ,. _
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