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<br /> , t r .:c . . ' . . . . . .
<br /> _.... .. . . _. . _ --- - - � . _ — Ngb,T-0095-7 �`. • • ( . : �
<br /> 6186653 � •
<br /> 97- ip2i19 � � , �.; �
<br /> . . . . , , _`+.
<br /> �� 18.Forerlosure Pracedure.If I.ender req�res immediate paymem in full un�er para�aFh 9,Leader m�9 _ .__ __._ ___ - -: •--__
<br /> inomke the power of sa�e and any other rnmedies perm�aed by applicable taw.i.eader s6a11 be en4itled to cnllect _—
<br /> a11 eapenscs tncmzed in pwrsuing the remedics under this paragraPh 18, tncluding, but Qot limited to. .. ., ^;�,
<br /> rnafonable attorneys'feFS and costg of titie evideuce. ', .Y,. ';-�"=�
<br /> ' � If the power of sate is tnvoked,T►usteE shafl record a notice of defadt tn eac6 coanty in which any part of `�
<br /> the Property is lacated and shall mall wples of such notice in We manner preseribed by applicable law ta , �«�u.•"'�,
<br /> m, : �;i�'�' �
<br /> . �. Borrower and W the o4her peisons presaribed by appllcahte law. After the time requued by applicabte law. • . . . .•. �: .�� ._-
<br /> :� Trastce sLall give public no8ce of sa3e W ttce persoas and In the manner PrPSCribed 6y applIcable law.Trastee, . .-- __-----
<br /> , ,j w i t h o n t d e m a a d o n B orrower,sl�aU seq the ProPertY at pubf�c aactfon to We highest bidder at the time and
<br /> ! place and�mder the terms designated in the notIce of saie in one or more p a r c e l s an d i n any o r d e r T r a s t e e '�:.'-�—.
<br /> ' determjnes.Tcustee may postpune sals of all or any parce!of the Propertq bY Pubi�c annonncem�nnt at the time `:�� �':_
<br /> ' and place of auy previonslp sched�led sate.Y.ender or i�.s designee maY P��e the Property at auy sale.
<br /> ,` �`•:.�` ',
<br /> If the I.ender's interest In tLLs SecurttY InsGnm�end is hetd by�th�vok�e non�3udfdal� o�� J =----
<br /> immediate payment ix� fiill �mder ParaSraPb 9. the Secrdary � ;�?r:;":-:„.;
<br /> - pmvided in th�Single I�amily Mortgage Forerlosare Ad of 1494("Act")(l2 U.S.C.3751 d seq.)by request[nS -•-- � .�
<br /> r
<br /> a forerlasure coffimisstoner destSnated under t6e Ad w coramence forerlosure and W sell the Propaty as �`..�+�,"�}';�
<br /> . � provIded in the Ad. Not6ing in the preceding sentence s6all de,�rive the Secx�aiy of ac►y rights athewise . g.:.�_•,
<br /> ..�.1ri�C...�' °-��.. .
<br /> avaLable to a I.ender�mde�'t614 ParaSra�►d�IS or appltcabte law. .: °,:��-;
<br /> �m -,��;
<br /> Upon receip�of papm�t of the Price 6id,TmsteE shall deliver w dhe purchaser Tnutee's deed conveqing • -:�,:•-. ..._'• �.
<br /> . �e prog¢�,. The recitals in the Trustee's dee8 sball be prima facie evidence of the truW of the statemenfs _ r �;_ —
<br /> ' w a d e t h e r e in.Trastee shall aPPt9�e Proceeds of We sale in the t�oF the Tar r n��s fePS a c t u a 1 19�n c u r r e d,�n o t t o :`^'. , .�
<br /> eaercising the power of sate,and the sate,inrludlnS the paYm�n .�"� � }: ,._.,:'^;'
<br /> mea
<br /> '•�r.�,�.,�. '.�` .
<br /> ��5.00 %of We prindpal amount of the note at the time of the d�eciacatton of d�a�u1t, - _ �t . ,'•,�,
<br />. aa�c�sonabie attorneys'fees as permItted 6y law,(b)to all smas sec�ed by ttils SPanrity Ius� :.:�,�°=;: . `. �.
<br /> . �.
<br /> � any�cess to We person or�ws�!!�lly emitled to it. '• - ._ �:;, .; .__
<br /> '.:.�-..�
<br /> f..�''t , '
<br /> 19.Reco�eyance.Upon payment of all sums sec.�by tWs SecaritY Instrament,Lender shall recNest Trastee ",J
<br /> � to recomey the PropertY and shall surrender dus Security Insuument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this 'e�. ;,°
<br /> � Security Instn�meni to Trustee. Tmstee shall recomley the Property arithout warrantp and without charge to the �; �
<br /> • , person or persons legally enddod to it.Such person or persons shaU pay any recordaaon costs. , ^ � �
<br /> , _ ��"� .
<br /> � Z0.Sabstitate Trustee.Lender,at its aprion, may fram time to 6me remwe Trustee and appoiat a snccessor :. '�"�
<br /> • tnutee to any Tzastee appointed hereunder by an instn�ment recorded in the caunty in wtuch this Security Insmiment �. �:;,.- ,"
<br /> . ,; is recorded.Without com+eyaace of t8e Property.the successor trustee shall succeed to all the dfle.power and dudes ��;T�.
<br /> wnferred upon Trustee herein and by applicable law. .'�• �:_ �?` �.� '•�"�•
<br />.. ':1 :. �,,.--
<br /> , "'�,�.
<br /> � � 21.Request for Notices.Borrower requests that coPies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's _ _ _ - _,
<br /> . ' addnss which is the Property Address. .,-`. - �
<br /> � _J .L:a' -+i.�em.a
<br /> � `� �-'�r_ �..
<br /> .1 -�...�"�r-=-•=`
<br /> - = �...:�3"�����_-:..
<br /> " .,�; �,gid����ority(nstrument.If one or raore ride�s are executed by Borrower and recorded rogether .
<br /> � � with this Security Instrument, the covenants of each such rider shall be incotporated into and shall amend and � ��-�"'
<br /> h (nstrament as if the rider(s) were a art of this Security "�+w:'�'�.�:
<br /> _ � suPPlement the covenants and agreements of[tris Secvrity P `'.��'..
<br /> , . ,.�„
<br /> In��ent.[Check applicable box(es)]. '- =""r"�"-
<br /> 0 Growin Rider 0 Other[specify] `.-�°_�' `���.,°-
<br /> LJ Condominiwn Rider S�tY .;��,,. E�.�-.
<br /> � planned Unit Development Rider ❑ Graduated Payment Rider '
<br /> �
<br /> °�-
<br /> ,�'�wq�';
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