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201109173 <br /> designated a suUstitute notice�ddress Uy notice to Leilder, Borrower sl�all promptly ilotify Leilder of <br /> Borrower's change of address. If Lender specii"ies a�rocedure for reporting Borrower's cli�iilge of address, <br /> then Borrower sha11 oi�ly i•eport a clzange of address throu�h tliat specified procedure. <br /> Tlzere nlay be oi11y one design�ted notice�ddress under this Securitiy Instruinent at any one time. Aiiy notice <br /> to Lender sha11 be given by deliv�rii�g it or by mailing it by first class mail xo T�ender's address stated 1lerein <br /> unless Lender has designated another address by notice to Borrower. Any notice in coiuiaction wit11 this <br /> Security Instrument sha11 not be deerned to have l�een givazl to Lencler u��til actually received by Lender. If <br /> arly notice required by this Sacurity Instruiilent is also required tiind�r Applicable Law, tihe Appricable Law <br /> requirement will sa�isfy the corresponding requireilient under this Security Instrtiunent. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. Tliis Security Instrument s1�a11 be goveri7ed by <br /> federallaw and the law of the jurisdiction i�i which t11e Property is located. All rights and oUligations <br /> �contained in this Security Instru�l7ent at•e subjec�to any requu•einents and liinitations of Applicable Law, <br /> Applicable Law might explicitly or u�nplicitly a11ow the p�ties�o agree by contract or it inight be silent, bu� <br /> such silance sha11 not be construed�s a prohiUition against agraeinen�by contract. In the event that�ny <br /> provision or clause of this Security Instrument or tlle Note coi�licts witili Applicable Law, such conflict shall <br /> not affect othar provisions af this Security Instrumant or t17e Note wluch can be given effec"t witlzottt the <br /> conflicting provision. <br /> As used in t11is Security Instruinent: (a)words of fhe inasculin�gender sha11 mean and include corresponding <br /> i�euter words or wards of tl�e feillinina gender; (b)words in the singtiilar shall mean and include t1�e plur�l <br /> �nd vice versa; aizd(c)the word"may" gives sole discretion without any oblig�tion to take any action. <br /> 17. �orrower's Copy. Borrower sliall be given one copy of the Nole and of'this Securitiy Iiistruinent. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Inteiest in <br /> the Property" means any 1aga1 or beneficial intereet in the Property, iucluding, btitt not li�nited to, those <br /> beneL'icial interests transferred in a bond fo�•deed, contract for deed, ii�stallinent sales contract or escrow <br /> agreament, the intent of which is the transfer of title by Borrower at a fiiture date fo a purchlser. <br /> If all or auy part of the Property or any Interest ii�tih0 Property is sold or transferred(or if Borrower is not a <br /> natural person ancl a l�eiieiicial interest in Borrower is sald or transferred) without Lender's prior writte�i <br /> conseilt, Lender inay require iilunediate pa�ment in ftitll of all suins secnred by this Security Instrusnent. <br /> However, this option sh�11 iiot l��exercisec�bq Lender if such exercise is prohibited�y A�plicable Law. <br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender shalr give Borrower notice of acceleration. Tl�e notice sh111 provide a <br /> period of not less than 30 days Proin the dlte t11e noCice is given in�tccordance with Section 15 witliin wliich <br /> Borrower inust pay�11 sums securecl Uy tihis Security Instruinent. If Borrower f�ils to p�y these suiils prior to <br /> �he�expirltion of tlus period, Lender inay involce a�iy remedies perinit�ed by this Seourity Instrument withotitt <br /> further notice or desnand or1 Borrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Bo�•rower�neets cert�in conditio��s, Borrower <br /> shall have the ri�ht to have enforcement of t1�is Security Instniment discontinued at any time prior to the <br /> earliest oi': (a) fve days before s�le of ihe Property pursuant to any power of sal�containecl in this SecLirity <br /> Izlstruinent; (b)sucl�otlier period as Applicabls Law inight specify for the terinination of Borrower's right to <br /> reinstaie� or(c)entry of a jiidgment enforcing this�Secui•ify Instruinent. Tlzose conditions�re�that Borrower: <br /> (a)pays Lenciar all suins whieh then woixlc�be due u�ider this Seeurity TnstrLtment aiid the Note as if no <br /> acceleration had occurred; (b) cures asiy default of any othei covenallts ar agi•eements; (o)pays a11 expensas <br /> inctured in enforcing tlus Sectu�ity Instrument, ii�cluding, but not limited to, r�easonable attorneys' fees, <br /> property inspection axid v�luation fees, �nd other fees incurred foi•the pur�ose of protecting Lender's interest <br /> 231231 <br /> NEBRASKA-Sinc�le Family-Fannle Mae/Fretltlie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3026 1101 <br /> VMP QQ VMP6(NEJ(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financlal Services Page 12 of 17 <br />