. . . . ' ' - ' . . . ' . . � . . . . � .. � .
<br /> � . ' ' � . , . . . ' . � . . ' .. ; _ . � . ' ' ;' . . �� . . . . ��. i . . ._'
<br /> t ,
<br /> I • • ' ` '_" _ _' '- - _. ..
<br /> - . • ' . . � . . . ' _ � _ . __ ' Y .. t" . -
<br /> _. . . .f . � .< � . - . .. . .. "_"_ ' .. _., ' . . . . .. . .._" _ ..-. �:._. _ "_ ____"_�_ � .. t ' ' _
<br /> � 9�-10�115 � . _ � f-
<br /> . . �
<br /> � of the Property immediately befon the taking is equal to or gteater than ihe amount of the sums secund by this Sxurity Intitnunent '
<br /> • � immediately before the taking.unless Borrower and Lender othetv�+ise agrce in writing.the sums se�a►ted by this Security Instn�metu shall ' • , . -__._
<br /> be reduced by the awount of[he proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a)the to[al amount of the sums secured immedia[ely , ,
<br /> before tttt taking.divided bY(b) the fair market value of the Property �mediately heforc the taking. Any balance shall be paid to �
<br /> � Borrouer.la the event of a partial taking of the Property in wlrich thc fair market vatu::of the Property immediauly before the taldng , . � .
<br /> ° � is less than the amount of the sum.c secumd immediarcly before the r��.utiless Boaower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless � T � _
<br /> �._:.:
<br /> applicable law otheiwise provides.the proceedv shall be applied to the swns secured by this Security In.anmment whether or not the suws [ - -' • . . --- . � _
<br /> are then due. '�`�.
<br /> E . If the Propett}r is abandoned by Borrawer,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offer3 to make an award � ;� ` ;'• ;
<br /> or seale a claim for damages.Boaower fails w respond to Lxnder within 30 days after the date the notice is given.Lender is authorized , . ��.;i -
<br /> � to collect and apply the proceeds.at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Propzrty or to the sums secuted by this Security , .. . �.�.�_, : _-
<br /> Iastrument, whether or nat then due. �� '
<br /> Unlexs l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in wtiting.anY aPPli�ion of proceeds to principal shaU not extend or pos�one . .._�`"�:•• '°� -
<br /> the due date of the monthly payments nfemd to in paiagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amoun[ of such paymems. •. . �,' "�'�sa=:.
<br /> 11. BosrowerNot RelPased;ForbearenceBy LendecNoE a Waiver.Euension of the time for pay�uent or modificadoa of . , " __ -� -
<br /> �� amottiration of the smns secu[ed by this Securiry Insuument gtanted by Lender to a�r suceessor in i�eresc of Borrower shall not operate . . .. _ - _-_
<br /> to release the liabilityof the original Borrower or Borrower's suxessors in intemst.Lender shall not be required to commence proceedin8s . . •. -
<br /> against any successor in inserest or cefuse to extend time for payment or othecwise madify�ort'vation of the sums secured by this Secnrity • _ -.-- -..:-
<br /> r�..-:;��:� _
<br /> iactrttment by reason of any demaad made by the origi��al Borrower or Borrower's successois in interest.Any forbearance by Leader in � � • ;- ���`
<br /> exercising any right or iemedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or n�medy. ;; _ '��'
<br /> 1Z.Sacceswzs and Asslgns Bound:loint and�everal lddh�7ily:Co-slgnets.The covenants and agreemenss of this Securay . ;:�,—•
<br /> Insn�xment shalt bind and benefu the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subjece w the provisions of paregraph 17.Borrower's --_ _ • ..,�_ _-
<br /> covenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Bonower who co-signs Uris Security Insavment but does not execute the Nots: � �-- .- ��
<br /> �. (a)is co-signing this Securrty Insuument only w mortgage,g�ant aad convey that Borrower'9 interest in the Property under the tetms of • ���-__
<br /> . tlds Security Instnmment: N)is not pessonally obligated to pay the sums secure3 by thiv Securrty Instrument: and(c)agiees that Lender . .. .,1 .:� :°�
<br /> ` and any ather Borrower may agree to enteud,modify,forbear or make any accommoda6ons with regard co the terms of this Security -
<br /> . Instniment or the Note without that Hotrower's consent '`` ' "� '"
<br /> 13. Loao Charges. If the loan secured b this S Instn�ent is sub'ecc to a law ufiich sets maximun loan charges,and .. '
<br /> that law is finatly interpieted so[hat the interest or other loan charges colleaed or to be eoll�in connection witT�the loan exceed the • " �,'�}.. ;i:}t'. �'.•
<br />�� permiued timics,th�n:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessatq to reduce the charge w the petmitted l�a:and ; �,�, ..
<br /> , (b)anY sums alrtady collected&om Bomower which exceeded peimitted limits willbe refonded w Borrower.Lender tnay choose to make ,�,�.P. :�s '�--
<br /> this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct paymeat to Borrower.If a refund sednces Principal•the �;..:
<br /> .� reduccton willbe trea[ed as a partial prepayment without anY P�3'II►ent charge under t§e Note. ` --
<br /> 14. Not2ces. An notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrameai s:all be en b deliverin �or b rt b '��`����,.�''�
<br /> . y sn+ y g y�s" r � . ��::�. : �c-
<br /> fust elass mail anless applieable law cequ[res use of anaher method. The notic�sLall t�dimeted to the Property A�3cess or a�r other ��'�j��: _
<br /> address Borrower designates by nodce to l.ender.Any nodce to Lender sLall be given by fust class mail to Lender's address stated herein . �. ...;.,,� •� ,. �,
<br /> "" or any other address Lender designates by notice co Bonower.Any norice pmvided Por in this Security Insuument s1�aII be deemed to 1�ve -
<br /> - •��. �
<br /> been givea to Borrower or Lender whea given as provided'w thig pazagraph• '�'�� ��
<br /> ,�,....
<br /> 15. Goveruing I.�w;Severabit(ty. 77iis Securlty Inscrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the jurisdicilon ��`
<br /> � in which the Property is located.1n the even[tl�aat any provision or clauce o!�his Security lnstrument or the No[e confllcts with appflcab2e �v ,.��—�
<br /> � � 1aw,such conflict aball noi affect other provisioas of this Securiry Instrumem or the Note which can be giveneffect without the confllcHng ';t''��"�� '
<br /> provision.To this end the pmvisions of thiv SecuriLy Instrument and the Note are declated to be severable. � ��``-=.ss��
<br /> �-.�
<br /> 16. Bosrower's Co Boaower sLall be en ono con[ormed co oP the Note and of this S Instrument. f��� �"�'K
<br /> PY• � PY IIn ecurrty �,�,_�
<br />� ' 17. 7ti�ta5ler of the Properiy or a Beuefldal Interest in Borrower. If all or any pazt of the Pnoperty or any icaerest in ic ���r.__ =_--
<br /> ' � is sold or[ransfemd(or iY a beneficial intcrest in Borrower is so2d or vansferred and C,crrower is not a naaual pe�son)arithout Lender's
<br /> � `����k.si,�.:.�.:
<br /> � � �rior written consent.Len�er may.at its optioa, require immediate payment in fu:€of all sums secured by thk Security Iacvument. �_----�--�-
<br /> a ,� _�'':__
<br /> .. �... �r--._
<br /> However.thi9 apHon ahall not be exenised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by fedeial law as of the date of this Secutity lnswment. :�. --�,r
<br /> �� � If Ixnder exemius this opaon.Leader shall give Boaoi�er notia of acceleration.The notice sLatl provide a geriod of not less =���.�-_�;�,,,
<br /> � tban 30 days from the date tha notice is delivered or mailed witl�in which Boaower must pay all sums secured by this Secutity►sM+++*�+e*!* _ ^�� �•°"— -
<br /> If Bonower fails to pay these sums prior to the eapiradon of this period.l.ender may im+oke any rsmedies permiued by thi4 Secuxity . r...�'�
<br /> �� instrum�ent wiffiout fusher notice or demand on Borrower. :,.?�,f�1•.�,..
<br /> • ; ( 18. BosrOwer'sRight to ReiaState. If Borrower meets ce�tain conditions.Boaower sball have the right to have enforcement L,,��"�1.—.
<br /> •�' of this Security Instnmment discontinued at an time rlor to the eatlier cf:(a) 5 da s(or sucL other od as a hcable law ma ��1'� ! � � °''
<br /> Y P Y P�'1 PP� Y��Y ,x.. �'•�
<br /> • for re9nstatemem) before sale of the Propeny putsuant to aay power cf sale eontained in thiv Security InsummetII: or(b) e�ry of a � '� � ''�'` `��
<br />. jud�e�enforcing this Security Instmment. Those condi?3ons an rpat Boaower:(a)paya Lender aU svmv whicD then would be due under '��' -�•- �� -
<br /> tLL9 Security IaStniment and the Note as if no accelentiou i�.d occurred:(b)cuies any dcfault of any othet covenants or agreements; (c) �`����'��`''_"'� �� ��
<br /> pays all expences incurred in enforcing thi9 Security Iacwmem, including,but not 1ffiited to,reasonable attor�ys'fees:and(d)takes such °*,��
<br /> action as Lend�er may reasonably require to assute that the lien of this Security Instnmmen� Lender's rights in the Pcoperty and Bonower's � � �. �'T
<br /> obiigation to pay the sums secured by thls Security(nswme� shall continue unc6anged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this Security . . . � � —
<br /> ,..
<br /> Fam 3oza 4r90 ' . ` �`
<br /> (page 4 of 6) �� , `
<br /> IDS.Ine. Bormwtt's Initials �, ' . —
<br /> . . . , �� .
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