.. . : , .. : a . _,. _�_ , ;
<br /> _ __ ... --- � -- - ..... .. .. . .. . _ _ �—; --, . c` _
<br /> � 97- �1�2�.4 �. �� .` . �
<br /> � 11. Sucsessars�nd A�ssigas Bound;Joint and Several LlabiliYy;Co-slgneis.The cuvenants and agreements heroin cuntained } . - • , ;-�
<br /> , � shap bind,and che rights hareunder shall inure to,[he respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject [u che � ( �;�
<br /> provisions of paregsaph 16 hereof. All covetuttts and agceements of Bonower shxlt be joint and several.Any Horrower who c:o-
<br /> � ' signti this Deed of Tnut, but does noc execute [he Note, (x) is co-signin8 this Deed uf Trust only to grant and convey that
<br /> , Borrower's in*.eresc in the Property to Trustee under the terms of this Deed of Trust,(b} is not personally liable on the Note or ,
<br /> under this Deed of Trust, and (c)ngrees chat Lender and any othe� Borrower hereunder may agree to extend,mudi'ty,forbear,
<br /> or make any other accommodatiotu with regurd to the terms of chis Qeed of Ttuct or the Nate,without tt�t Borrower'�wnseat .
<br /> and without releasing that Botrower ur modi'tying this Deed of Trust as co ti�a[ Bonuwer's intere�t in the Properry. . ,
<br /> 12. NotiCe. Except fut any nouce required under appli�sble law to be given in another manner,(a) any notice to Borrower , ,
<br /> provided for in thi, Deed of Trus�t shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mdil addressed to Bonuwer �
<br /> at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may designace by noace to Lender as provided herein,and (b)any � .
<br />` � - nodce to Lender sl�all be given by certified mail w Lender's address stated herein or [o such other address as Lender may .
<br /> � designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any nouce provided for in this Deed of Trw-t shatl be deemed to have i�een -. -
<br /> { given[o Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br /> j 13. Governing Law;Sevetebility. The state and local laws applireble ro this Deed of Tntsc shall be the lxws of ihe , _
<br /> � { jurisdiction in which the Property is lo�ated.The foregoing sentence shall not limit the applicability of federal law to this Deed . ,
<br /> 1 of Trust. In the event tl�at any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the IJote conflicts with applicable law,such conflict =,�:.R:=�-
<br /> shall not afiect other provisians of this Deed of Trust or the Note which caa be givea effect without the conilicdng provision. _ ___
<br /> ': � and w this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust end the Note are declued w be severable.As used herein,"costs,""expenses'
<br /> end 'attorneys'fees"iaclude all sums co the extent not proIubited by applicable law or limited herein.
<br /> 14. Borerower'sCopy. Borrower shall be fumished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the pme of • _ `��.
<br /> �: � execuaon or aRer recordation hereof. , b _
<br /> ;`� 15. RehabIIit�tlon Loan A�'eemen� Borrower shall fitlfill al l o f Borrower's o b liga t io n s u n d e r a n y h o m e r e h x b i l i t a t i o n, �—. ;
<br /> improvement, repair,or o[her [oan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender.Lender,at Lender's option, may require
<br /> ` Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender,in a forru accepta b le to L e n der,an a s s i g n m e n t o f an y ri g hts,claims ur defenses which ������k.
<br /> Bo,rower may have against parties who supply labor,materials or services in connection with improvements t�ade tn the Propetry. � • � 'i� '_'_
<br /> 16. Transfer oY We Property or a Benef�cial Interest jn Borrower.If all or any parc of[he Property or any interest in it is ; .��.,:-;
<br /> s�:d or transfened (or if a beneficial interest in Bos'cower is sold or traasferred and Borrower is not a aattual person) without I. ..' ��_
<br /> • Lenier's prior wriaen consent, Lender may,at its opflon, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Deed of � ..�sr,-�
<br /> Trusc However,this opuon shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is protribited by federal law as of the date of this Deed f '.`:, r;
<br /> E, ti° ►�
<br />� of Ttu.t. ' ��:T,�?::
<br /> '' :� If Lender eurr: s this option, L.ender shall give Borrower nodce of acceleration. The notice shall provide a periad of not ._ _ , . :
<br /> less than 30 dxys fruu.!he date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bonower must pay all sums secured by this Deed �,� „�! � ,
<br /> .. � of Trust. If Borrower fa.•Is to pay these swns pnor to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted e
<br /> i by this Deed of Tn►st without 1'urther notice or demand on Bonower. �
<br /> . i _.
<br /> � NO1V-UN�ORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender fiuther wvenant and agree as follows: • - ,�
<br /> 17. Acceleration;Remedtes. Except as provided in paragap6 16 6.reaf,upon Borcower's breac6 of any covenant or r,�, ''i' `
<br /> agreement of BorroRer m this Deed of'IYust,inclading Sorrowers failnre w pay,by the end a!10 calendar days after Wey are n_ -
<br /> � an sums sec+med b thig Deed of Tn�sd,Lender prior w acceleratlon shaIl give uotIce w Borrower as pmvtded In •� . `�� �
<br /> dae, y Y :;µ ac
<br /> paragraph 12 hereof specifying:U)the breach;(Z)the action required to care su c h 6rea c D;(3)a d a te,no t l e s s t h a n Z O d a y s . ;� 4
<br /> from the date the notice ts ma�ed W Borrower,by whIch sncb breac6 must be cared;and(�tLat failwe W cm�e sacb breach - - �� .
<br /> on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sumg secared by thLs Deed of Trast sand sale of ,�:�'*�_ � �.•---
<br /> �� We Property.The notIse shafl further inform Borrowerof the rigGi to reiastate atteracceleradon and We right w bring a conrt :;;a•, �
<br /> �!;, action w assert the none�dstence of a default or any other defense ot Borrower to accelerat�on and sale.I�We breacb ts not * �
<br /> the notice [,euder at Lender's optFon,may derlare sU of We sums secm�ed by tbis Deed �;�Y�`�V y�,,,,,L.
<br /> c a r e d o n o r 6 e f o r e W e d a t e s p e�i f i e d i n � � , .,,.�:,.;
<br /> . of'IYust w be immed3ately dne and payabte without tarther demand and may invoke the power of sale and any o t her reme d ies ,_.�,_.,���
<br /> .' permitted by appllcable taw.Lender sLall be entitled to collect all reassnable costs and expe�es inc�ced[n pursaing the •`.,:�.�.5;. �,�.;__
<br /> � remedies provided iu tLls para�apb 17,inctadIng,bat not Iimited to,reawnabte attorneys'fees. ' ° " � •�--
<br /> ���.
<br /> ' if tLe power oisale ts tnvolced,'Ilrassee shali record a aotice ot defauLt in each coanty in whlch the Property or some part __�.�.�':�.
<br /> � thereof is located and shall mall wpies olsuch nottce in the manner prescribed by apglicable law to Borruwerand to the otber �� '�'_�`•� :� --
<br /> . , � persons prescribed by agpiiea6te law. Aftert6e Iapse of such time as may be reqnired by appllca6le law,7'nd�tee shaD glve ����-
<br /> pabltc notke o?sale to t6e peisons and in the manner prescrtbed by eppllcable law. Trastee,without demaad on Borrowrr, ': `�'���_
<br />• . shall seil We Property at pubtic suction to We 6ighest bidderat t6e time an�ptace and under the terms designated ln We aotice . '_�_,,�=,-�:�
<br /> ; of sale in one or more parcels and in sucb order as Trustee may deterr�e. Tnutee may postpone sale of all or any parcel � ..,. ,.• :
<br /> ,� of t6e Pcoperty by publtc announcement at the dme and ptace ot any previously sched "° sale. Lender or Lender's destgnee . �",�,;�
<br /> may Pmchase the Property at any sale. . . •
<br /> . Upon receipt of payment of the pdce bfd,Tr�stee sdaU detiver to We�eurchaser Tractee's deed comeytng the Property sold. , .
<br /> The recitats in the Tirustee's deed shall be prima tacte ev[dence of ttie trutm af the statements made t6ereln.Tnutee shail apply : . �
<br /> the proceeds otthe sate in the following order.(a) to all reasonable costs and expeases of t6e sale,inclading,but not Ilmited . . .
<br /> ' :' to,Trustee's tees actaally iacurred of not more tLan perceat ' , - '
<br /> � ( �'o)of t6e gross sale price,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of dtle evidence;(b)W all sums secured by thls
<br /> Deed of Trust;and(c) the excess,it any,to t6e person or personv le�lly entitled thereto. . •
<br /> 18. Borrower'sRigJ�t to Relactate. Notwithstanding Lender's xcceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of Tnut,due . �
<br /> • tu Borrower's breach. Borrowar �hall h:+vr the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce this Deed of Tn�st .
<br /> . diswntinued at Hny time prior to the eariier to uccur ot(i) the fifth dny before the sale of the Property pursuant tv the power , • •
<br /> of sxle contained in this Deed of Trusc or(ii)entry of a judgment entarcing this Deed of Trutit if:(a) Borrower pays L.ender all
<br /> sums which would be :hen due under this Deed of Trust and the Note had nu acesle:acion uccurred; (b) Bunuwer cures all � �
<br /> breaches of any other covenanta or agreemenu of Bonower contained in this Deed of Trust; (c) Botrower pays all reasonable ,
<br /> expences incuned by Lender and Trustee in enforcing the covenants and agreem�nts of Bonower contained in this Deed of Trust • . � ,
<br /> and in enforcing Lender's and Trustee's remedies as provided in paragraph 17 hereof,including,but not limited to,re�sonable �
<br /> � attorneys'fees;and(d) Bottower tekes such action aa Lender may rea.sonably reyuire to a�.sure that the lien of this Deed af Trust,
<br /> � Lender's interest in the Properry and Borrower's ohligstion to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Truct shall continue ,
<br /> � unimpaired. ilpon such payment xnd cure by Borrower, this Deed of Trust and the obligations secured hereby shall temain in ; -
<br /> fuil force�nd effect as if no acceleration hxJ uccutred.
<br /> . , -
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