<br /> �"r�Ftr�AT�TY DEED: :�2�C;' ALL I�<�ii �Y T�iE�E PRES�.TTS: That FertY�a Hi�htsho� and Harv� Hi�htsho�, her ' °
<br /> hu,uand of th� Ccur�iy o� riall anu rtate of 'iTeb�•a�}�a, for ��nd ir_ ccr.sidera�ion of the su�� of
<br /> Eleven fiundrecl Doil�.r� in hand ??aid, ao hereby ;;rar.t, �;�r�ain, sell, convey and confir� unto
<br /> Ar.cirew J. Tho.!?san af' the Cot..n�_r of �ia11 and Stzte of Zye�r�,sl:a, the follo,�in� desexib�d re�l
<br /> ;�
<br /> es��te �ituateu in �.�ranu Isl�rci, ir� F�all Cou:1�y, �tate o�' T;�bras�.�, to-s:�itt: Lots nur�.bered seven ' Y�
<br /> (7) ei�ht (8) A?:ine (�) T�n (1.G) in �1ock nur�ber tnirty-�ever, (�7) in Packer : ana Barrs S�conci
<br /> Acldition to the Gity oz C�ranci Islar_c�, TTe�raska, being the sane �remis�s conveyed to r�e by H.B. y�
<br /> �
<br /> C�roff, recorciec� in book--'--cf Teeds at pa�;e -„--e� the records of �-tal1 Coun�ty, T?erraska, subjeet
<br /> nos�ave-r to a r��ort�a,;o for ��$OG G0; in �atr�r of �Tar..as �. �er�m�r. v�ith irterest fror.� Plover�ber l�th �
<br /> 1�G8 . To Have and To �Iolcl tYie �rerises a�ove described to�et'r:er �.�it�l all the tenererts, herecii-
<br /> tar��Qnts and aj�purtenances �'nereurl Uo bQlon�;inv. TJnto the sai� Anclrevy J. Thor.��nson and to riis
<br /> heirs and assi;n� foraver . Anci 1hr� do hQreby eovenant t�ri�i: the saicl Anclrew J. Thonlnson and Vrith `
<br /> 7iis heir� arld a��i�n� triat--�at,fullti seizec: of �aid nrer�,ises; that they are free from er.curnbr�nce , f°
<br /> except the niort��.�e a.i�ove �t�tod; tYiat �re havo good ri�h� �nd lav:T�uT authority to sell the sar::e;
<br /> ana e�e do hereby cov�raart to ���arrar�t and clefend the title to the s�:.d rrar..ises agains� the lac��ful
<br /> clai�ls of all �:�er�on� z��honlsoever . 1�nd the saic� f-iarve �ii�;ht�hoe ��areby relinquishes all his ri�ht ' �:
<br /> '<:�
<br /> of curtis;� in arlcl to the above uescrii�ed �arer:�isas . Signed this 23d day of April, A.D.1°09 .
<br /> In �resence o� �ertna f�ightshoe. �
<br /> ��o . D. Het�.�l , Harve �i:ightsnoe .
<br /> �t at A of i>Te i�rasl:a )
<br /> ,�Ai
<br /> �-ia11. Coun�Sr ) �n ti�is ti�a aa;� oi April, °A.D. I909 bafoxe r.�� tho unclersigred Geo . D. �ietz�l
<br /> a i�,ot�ry Puulic , dul;r ccm�:�issi�r�d and qualified for and xesidin� in said county, personally
<br /> came Bertha HioYitshoe and �iarve �ii;htsr:oe, to rr.e �:nown to be �he iden�ical r�ersons �xrl:ase n�r�es
<br /> are affixed to the forQ�oin� conveyance as �rar.tors, anc� ackr�otr,lecl„eci saicx instrument to be their _
<br /> valurtary act anci deed for the �ur��o,es therein set �orth. �litnesa rny hand ard ttotarial Seal
<br /> this 23 day oi AlJril, 1�0�. l�ny cor��l�ission e��ires tYze �8 day of Oct . 1909 . -
<br />� Geo. P. hetzel .
<br />� ' (:EAL) �_-i�o'�a����t�~
<br /> Filea for recorcl the 17th day of ;;:ay, 19GQ at 5 P.1�1.
<br /> � � - Count Cler�.�"'--�_..�__ �
<br /> ��� � `�` y
<br /> `��L1l tr_ �r �! �� (+� � 1 7.�I !' '+.n n rr_!C�� !r n..�r.'f '1 !�.q_I!.rr rr i,� n,.�' 1' 't 1L'I..,Q�IJ It rl_tl l�.Jl._�).rl tr n ,,.+r.f._7_,j.��� ._f�_. _ i.J.?l�p..f../1.1,(. �..�. .iL.�(.11.± 1.1_ . rr�,/_. �j. . . . � �} �)
<br /> � i ;; ,1y.���..., ,. , ,�_., �.,1, ,.;, �_, , :..� . , ,:�rt- . . . ..4 I _ I. �.y,..�J:�. . �l.�l;,�l . .��!._l�r�=l�- t .������� t�,r, t,�.rt.
<br /> �i�7J�71`'7. .i ,� i, � 1, i. i ,� �� i, n , „ ,� � „ , . , „ ,1 , �,i��7, �i"i;�7'�: f!'"i . � �� i'7 li ,� „ r, „�7i��7!'�;i,l ��„ u �,7!�";'t;, „ u r�7. , 7�7i 7����7f���. ,� ,: �,7��"���77 r��3�'Y7� �
<br /> DEED OF LIFE ��TA7'��: K�:Cr�' ALL �,iFat �3Y TatErF PF���i?7'a: Tha� ��re, i�iay L. LTnclerv�rood �nd Cl:arles G.
<br /> Ur�ciervrood, titi�ife and h�a��ard, of trie �ity af Hastir�;�; "r��ttie L. Lindsay and Ea�oard P�. Lindsay,
<br /> 5���ife ana husi�arci, of th� cit;r o� �:earney; anc� Frar.ci� �i, Lowell and Laura E. Lowell, husY�ana and
<br /> tiri7e o� the county of �-ia11; all of tha at�te o� ??�':;r�xU��� (tY�c� suic� �:ia;� Z. U'nderr�rocd; Hattie L. ,
<br /> Lirdsay �ncl Frar.cis i�. Lot��ell k�eir.g the �ole Gliilc�r�n o� ths late P,avid �'�. Lotxrell, deceasecl)
<br /> fo� ar.c� in Consi�eration of CnQ Doll��r anu other good and valuablo consicierations in hanc� paid, dq -
<br /> I herei�y gran� , bar��in, sel� ard cnr�v�y unto �:urie R. Lot��e11 (t�,iic:otv af t�ie said David �. Lowell, � �
<br />,
<br /> decewsed) , of tne city of' iiastir.gs and State of r?ebrasr,a, the fol:�otsin� described raal estate, -��=
<br /> �
<br /> sii:t�ated in �he County of' Hall �r.d �tate oy i��ebrasl:a, to-r:it : Th� undiviczea t�;o-thircls of the
<br /> south e�st r.,uarter of �ection tz�rent;r-��.ve, in town r.ine, narth, o� rar.ge elev�n, west of the
<br /> �ixth ,�rinci?�al rr,eric�i�n: To r��v� and to ?�iolcl tYie ��:��e �uring the natural life of the said
<br /> Su3i�� F. Lo�x�ell, The int�r.tion of tl�ie �aic: parties of tha firNt part is to, and they do hereby
<br /> convey to said narty of tne secor.0 rart, the use, �ossessiorl, rents and �rofits of and fror:: said ;
<br /> real estate ciuring the n��tural life of the said party of the secor.d nart ; it aeing understood
<br /> t�.at tYie title to said x�al e�ta�e is retained by said ��arti�s of the first ��art, subject to saici
<br /> lif� estate.
<br /> i; '..�
<br />