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��.� <br />�---=_.-__ .,. __ , _._..� _ <br /> , _ _-- -- �_.._ __ .� <br />--=-___ .___. _ _ , ,___� _�.-_. --�-- <br /> _ _ ,.. __...... _ -__—. .__. . ,_�� ___—___--- -- � <br /> State of ��e'r�ra�ka ) <br /> )�� <br /> ITal�. Coun�t$- � 4n this 24 day of Apri1, A`. i�. 1�09 �efore me the undersi�;r.ed, a <br /> 2lotary Pu�lic, duly corr�missiono� ana c�ualifiFd for �nd residin� in said county, personally came ' <br /> Hans Froc�ersor ar.d Alir�ine �roder�on, �o rrie l:norim ta be the identical p�rsans ;f��hose names are <br /> affixec� to tY:� fo-ra;;oir��,r cor�veyance as �ran�or�, and acknovrl�dgod said ir��trwr�ent to be their <br /> voiur:�tar�,� act �nd deect ior the }:�ur��csr�s thA�ein sot fortY�. �'itness my hand and Ttotarial Seal <br /> thi� 24 c�.a,* o� �'���-ril, 19G9 . ��El].iot_t Narri�on, T�ota�Publ�c <br /> �_.__�. __ <br /> (�EAL} Iy'y cor:n:is�ion �n��res rTo,r. 16, 1:�1G. ' <br /> Fi1ea �'ar reco�d �Yie 27th daJ oa �,�;�-ril, 1909 at 9 A.Pi. <br /> � �� � � �__�__°?�-�-..�.. � <br /> ;� <br /> �o�unt�r C1erI; . <br /> � <br /> ,n r rr '_�J! n.l!1� !, I .I. 111iJ!_'l.� ,H n„!t_!l.P.1!..!!1�.J1 i',rr..1�Ji.. .lt..".1�..1.'_J_j. .. !dL!i. �!.1.!!n_ r. )_. .�.n.� 1_i_;Il 7.!? (. ! (d.!..l�,�(L.jl,rr � r r._u n.n..j _�l J/JC.I/1� n_II JI Ji �� �,J�.,jl.�! �.. .!�1L.!L� .1(,j <br /> _ -.<,:r,.r,,..�,_,. �r.,t_ _ _,::.,r � ., ._ a . ..r_ -,.,:_,; ��..;_., . , t.r:n,_ir�t��......�,y:.t :_ :.:r„�.�t.,r�r.4�.. r. .,,, �_:1�t. .. ,:�t.t��.:�_., - -_F.,._ _ �r.,.,.;,r ._�l.�a _ . � <br /> fi�"i� ri L r, u �, a !1 �� ii ir �, !Y ;; �r t, „!1 �, �� � „ ,i i, 1� �, �;7i .� �� �;7�� 7! rl h l; ri �r t: �, �, L 71'�i ri rf�� ,a o L t!7r J? �, r ,. li t���I'f'r`�"ii"n��� �� 1��+ u : .. ,+ r`: !, �, !� il�?1";; �, !� !t {t u�'l�� tl., �;7�li�i��7�7! � <br /> V`1�?.i�,RAi�TY ��EFD. i�i;4i'! �1LL ;;IEi7 FY TLiPSL Ps'E.`_=Ei��T.S: Tha� �J�ereas, the Gxand Island F�anking Com��anv <br /> a carrorr��ion of r.�r�an�� I�1�,_ncj, I'euraskz, has Uy and unc�er t�ie aul�illO7'ifiy of its stcckholders as <br /> �y l�c�� �:;ro-riu�c�, ar,a i�;� reaoltition of its �oarc� of I?irectors , con�rertec;� its s�ic� bar_k and cor-- <br /> {:�oy4�tior_ into a i�;�ticr��tl ?=��zr.ii, Lznc1F,�• �;��e n�n;e of The Cs�4ind I�l��r:a i;ation�l i�,�nk of Grand Islar:a, <br /> T�"e��raUk�, and for �he ���u���o�e o� ca:�ryinu effact ar.d cor_:c_��Iotin�; saia cor.ver�ior_ th� i oard <br /> of Piroctora o� the s�ici "ranc� I:lar��: �anr.i7<� Cor�:����n�;, h�s ;:aL�l�r �utho��i�ed the transfer ard con- ` <br /> veyanC�, '��,� n�.ee:�s��-��,r cieec?� anc;i o�'r:�r ir_�trur.���ents, af all anci ti�in�ular of �i�e ��roperty, real <br /> es�E�x-��, ase;c;ts anc.+ eifect� of :�c:�id ����71?�. to its �uccessor Uar.�:, the saic� The Gr�.nd Zsl�nd N�tiona3: <br /> �-��nk incluctin� the rea.l es�a�e ii�reim�fter c�escri�ed. Therefore, in corl�iclara��.an of tY�ie <br /> fore�;cir.� and o� tll� 1?�.°�yr�.�n� of Fifteen 7'housanc� Dol:lars by tho said The r�rand Isl�.nd 3;ational. <br /> �anx, recei1;t o�' TF�ni�h is riere�;y ac?:ra��;lec?�ed, the �aic: �srand Is1�rk �sn;cing Comnany, a cor�or- <br /> ktior �.� afor�said, l,Gre�;JT anc7 % y tl�iese ��resents c?oe� �r�.n'� , ba-r��in, sell ar_a conve�r and confirm <br /> unLU �ti�e 7'ne Csrai�cz Isl<�na 1����ion��l .���.n'r,, a cor�-�o1•atian o� �"�rc�ncl Isl<tind, Ne�raska, the follo�ti-in� <br /> c�escri'rlec? re�l �state situ�At� in rranc: Island, IAa11. Coun��,;r, r'ebraskl, to-Yy�it: The ea�t one-third <br /> (1-�) o�' Lot nuril;e� Gr�e �1 j , in LL�lc,cic nur�:��er �l�tV-iCt1Y (64) ir. the Cri�ir:�l 7'o��m, (no�v city) <br /> Gz r::r��nci. I:lt:r:c?, II�"�.r��slca, ; al�o tho follo,�;ir_g doserik�ed �real estate situate in Fuffalo County, <br />� ���e�ra�k�z, to-tivit: Tilo rzorti:-���st ru��rter {?�.G�.I-,�) ai �ectior. nurri�;er fourteor (14) , in '_"oz�n�rip nur;�-- <br /> �;er t1��elve (1�,) , �3ortlx of Pan,�e i'w,ii:;er FaL?rteen (14� �:rest of thA r�ixth P,�¢�, 7'o iiave �nc' To Fiold <br /> tl�ie ?�reirises a��ove aesc:�ii;ec_, to;��ci.�r �,�;itYi �11 the tenezr:er.ts, h�reciitar.�len�;s and ap-�,urtenances <br /> �i-�ereun�o �elori���n;;, unto t�.� saici 'i'h� CTr^�r.d Zsl�.nd T�?a�ional ��ank, �nd to its successors and , <br /> assi^;ns i'oy°ev�r. Anci �t:i� �aici� Islar_d �an]�inJ Coi:�»anf does Ylerai_,�� covenar,� tr;it�� the said <br /> The Crand I�l�.na :.�ztic;r���.l ��ank, its uucceU�or� �.nc� ac�i,ns , tYint it i� 1�.��fully seized of �aid <br /> �:;rar:ii�es; tha.t �'r�ey �.�Q -"rQe fror:� enci.r.i�-iarce, and that if: has ;ooci ri�;ht and la��rf��l autharit}* <br /> to �e1:1 {,:�e s���:��� ar_c+. i� r�oes l,erei:;y ccver_�n�� to :r.�arrant and c�efend the title to said rrer,�isee> <br /> a;�in.�t �:ri� la���s'ul clair�:� of a11 ?�er�ons ��,lior.lsaevex. <br /> ii�T TI;�R'Ii.iC�'Y ;`:�i��R�,QS', the saia �'rranc:? Isl�:.r�d ���:r.kin; Com�;ar:y Yias C�i.tlSeCz these pr�sents <br /> to 'r�e ciuly si;ned, e�:ecu�ac: �.c� ackr.o;�,le�.;eci �;� its Pres:ident und Cahhier, anci attestecl by its <br /> � Gor�,orate ��e�l or. t�iis �6" ciay of A1,�i1, A . I3. 1�(��. <br /> �:xr'c��iiZ�? I�';L�`,iiD k�1�1'iKTiTCr C01,iPAT,Y. <br /> V�Ji�tn�s�: �CO�;P S�AL) I,y ChriSti�.r� _C_Hansen�__Pre_szctient . _ �� ' <br /> J. L. Clear�r. �tt�;st : ; Geor�;e F. ��e11, Cashier. <br /> Frank �T. Cle���v <br /> __...�_,___._ ��.. <br /> -- _ _.. -- ' � <br />