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<br /> __ �_._� _�_-_____�_,�- . _ �_�. ___
<br /> _ --� _�_._._ ___--_______ ------�---
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<br /> State of �,'ebr�.sk� ) °�
<br /> )ss
<br /> F�all CoL?nt�r ) On this 21" day of ��ri.l, 1�n9 be�'orQ mo, Lizzie Limback, a �Totary �ublic
<br /> duly cor�nlissione� and ru��li,'iod fo� and resid�.n, ir� said County, personally came Willian H.
<br /> Thor�lpson an�? i��etti� I. Thomr�son, ilis lri�'e; Ar�hur C. T,1a�,�er, and Els� "i:ia�,rer, i�is S'J7.f8� and Fred 1�.
<br /> A�7�ton and Carrie n. Asiiton, his titiziiQ, to me known to be the iden�ical persons ciescri�ecl in and
<br /> who executed �n� fo�egoing instruti.ent as gran�ars ancl theZr acknot���ledged said instrument to be
<br /> t�.�ir voluntary act ancl c:�eed. �litness my hana and P1ota�ial Sea1 at Grand Island, in said
<br /> Coun�y, the day anc� year last a��ove �rrritten. Lizzie T,im?�ack .
<br /> Notary �ublic , - - �
<br /> (��EAL) T�iy cor:.mis;;ion ex;;ires the 2nd day of �e�ter�2t�er, 192C�.
<br /> Filed for -recora the 24th day of A�ril, 1909 at 2 P.2v..
<br /> - �--e;-� .___
<br /> �> Caunt y C1erL.
<br /> .�!!::�i:•!l;;Il���.,-� �t n,ir.l�ll_.� .`t�f� ! f��!_n r,.l! '.i_;1:._l.�( L//JL_U � I..Jl.,'���(1.1L1 ,_,_),ii,�(_ 1..11._f.�L�(� I/._!.tC .1�,��,_lf.r� i.IL,j(.,/Z_11L.1t.n..tL,j(..!� .,j..i. ../�.�/f ri. L1L-�� ��- - - -n _.!' !.1!. . '.�_�/j..,Q.
<br /> ;� �!tr 7l t" i(�i 7��t i; .,, �, . ., � .l � ... �. . /. .��., . . c�-{{.�7� r l�.1� .f _j .11 .L'a l .
<br /> � �� u u Y, �� t, �! t: ir`r 71�r���7 i� �(i7'r�"7'`717i���i l�''7T 71�i��� �17�'7l�i7"!�7/'7'71�i'i7/ r. , �7"L`�7:'�7;`7(�77'�l/"1�`7�7'�71`r� r, f r�"lf"7i il���`i�.il��t`� 7i it�7%.�"t�l`i�'7�ii 7:�717��71r
<br /> EXECUTORS DEED: This convey*ance r.^.ade this 13th day of April, A D. 1GG9 aet�een P. A. Dennon, o�
<br /> Hal�. Caunt;;, :1ebr�sk�1, Execu�,or of the l��t �Iill anu T�star_��n-t of �terhen Buzzu, late of Grand
<br /> Is1��nrl, ir_ :-��a11 CountST, T�lebrar_�k�-�, deeea�ed, of the first ��art ane� Ida G. ��atts, of Ha11 County
<br /> 13ebrask<z, party of the secar.ci Z:,�zrt , Y�ritne�setl�.: That the :��.id party of the first �aart by vir-
<br /> tue of the �:o�°,�er and �utho�ity to hir,l given in dnd 'ay said last will and testai��eni� , and in
<br /> ccr�sideration of the sum of mzxro Y:undred I?ollars, to nim paid l�_y the said party of the seconu x�ar� ,
<br /> tha xeceipt ��rh�r�of is :nereby ac�r.o�i�i�a�ea, has �rantacl, bargairod, so1d, denised, relea��d,
<br /> conve�,�ed and con�irr��ed, ana by these rresents daos �;rant , bar�ain, sell, rer�ise, release, convey
<br /> and con�'irr�l unto the saic? ��arty of tho second ��art, her heirs and assi�r�s forQVer, all of the
<br /> follo`�in� descri�;ed re�1 es�ate situa�ed in �;he Cnur.ty of ��Ia11 and State of T�ebras�;a, to-�dit :
<br /> Lot num'�er t�rvo (2) in y�1oc�> numU�r forty-five (45) in Ru�Nel '�dheeler ' s Acldition to Grand Isl�.�:d,
<br /> ��all County, Tve'�ra�l�a, to�;e�her i-aith all and sin�;ular the tener�lents, hereciitamer�ts, and a��aul -
<br /> �en�nces thereunto velon�in�, or in any wise anjjer�ainin�; and al�o all estate, right , title,
<br /> ir.terest , r-roperty, pos�ession, claim and deaianci ��rhatsoever, botn in law ar,cl ec��,:ity, .rJhi.ch
<br /> saicx testator had in nis lifatir�.e, and at the time of his ci�cease, and e*rhich the said party of
<br /> the first r�art has by virtue of the said last v��ill and testan:ent, or ot��er�vise, of, in or to
<br /> the a�;ove �rar.ted prer�;ises . To I���,ve and To I�ol� all anci singular the above �ranted prer,�ise�,
<br />� toge�her ��ith the a�l�i�r�enar.ces unto tne saici party of the second �art , her lieir� and assigns
<br />! forever. The- said par�y of the first �art for hims�lf, his heirs, exocutors and adMinistrators
<br /> doea covenant , ��ror�.is� ar.c� a�rQe to and ��rith the party oy the second �art, that he is lawfully
<br />' the execu�or of tYie last v:ill and testlr:��n t of tne said Stephen Buzza, dece��s�d, and iias povror
<br /> i
<br />! �o convey a� ��o�esaid, anci has in all res;��ect� acted, in making this eonveyance, in pursuance
<br /> to tha auti�.oi i�;y grar.ted in and by said last will anci testar:-�ent; that he has not made, dona, or
<br /> �uffered any act , matter ar thin�, �arhatsoev9r, since he vlas executor as afe�resaid, �rizereby �71e •
<br />� a'uoT✓e �-rar�ted �rer:ises oy any �art thereof, are, shall or r�ay'�e im�eachec�, char�od or incur.:'�aered ; -
<br />! in any rnanner ti�thatso�ver. In �uitne�s �zereo�, the said �arty of the first �:rt has hereun�o
<br />�
<br />� set his hand the day ana ycar �'irst above writ�en.
<br />� _ P. A. Dennon. �_
<br /> �".1�nESS: �hecutor of thQ last �ri11 and�
<br />� R. Fu Horth. tes�ar:ient o� Stepl.er� �3uzz�.,
<br /> aeceased.
<br /> M State of T,ebra�ka )
<br /> � �� .
<br /> Hall Coun�L;r. Be it re::ier:i'oarea �hat on t�iis li�th day o� April, 1�. P.. 1909, before rie
<br /> i,. R. Ho-r�i�, a No��ry rublic, t�rithin ana for saicl County and S�ate, per�onally appeareci P.A.
<br /> Dannon, execu�oz of the l�.s� ti��rill anci testa�.��n� o�' ute��;he� ��uzza, deceased rersonally knn�n
<br /> r� �
<br />�
<br />�.�_.__ „
<br />