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57� � ' <br /> � <br /> ta.xes for the year 1908. And we covenant to warrant and def end the said nremises a�ainst the �� <br /> lac�ful clairas of all ��er�on� ix.homsoever, axce�t as abov� statecl. Dated the �5th d�y of Septer�ber;; <br /> A.D. 1908. Henr� E. Bishor� <br /> � �; <br /> �litness: ' Riler Bi�ho� _ <br /> C. �. Brini�er,� a� to Henry E. Bishop. �' <br /> � D. S. 13ohrer as to Riler Bisho�n. <br /> ;; <br /> State of Ne�raska ) ';; <br /> )�� <br /> Hal]. Count1r j 0� tnis 26th day of Sept . A. D. 1908, before me, the undersigned a Notar� <br /> ,, <br /> PuUlic, commissioned �ritnin and for 6�3d Cotlzlt;yr� nersonally c�me Henry E. Bishop to me person�lly;i <br /> knov�n to be the idsntical person tivhose name is affixed to the above instrument as grantor, and <br /> ;� , <br /> he acknowlea�ed the same to be his voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. �! <br /> ;; <br /> �� <br /> In �ditness �thereof, I have hereunto su'c�scriber� my name and affixed my official seal at Grand Iala�d, <br /> �� <br /> Nebr. on the c3ate last a'aove written. �' <br /> L. R. Brinin�er. � <br /> (�EAL) �fy coi��missian ex�ires ��:farch lv, 1J1�. Notaxy Public . �! <br /> ;, <br /> St�te of 2debr��ka } �! <br /> )s a i� <br /> Custer Caunt �� <br /> y ) �n this �8tn day of September A. D. 1908, before me, the undersi�ned, a 1; <br /> Notar Pub?ic comrz�ssioned within and for said Count �� <br /> y , y, nersonally came Riler Bishop to r�e per- ; <br /> � <br /> sonally known to b� the identical person whose name is affixed to the above instrument as �rantor;i <br /> . ,� <br /> and she acknowledged the same to be her valuntary act and deacl for the purpose therein expres.sed . !� <br /> ,� <br /> In W3.tness V�hereof, I have hereunto su'oscribed my na�1e and affixed my offieial seal <br /> at Arnold, Nebr, on the date last above written. {; <br /> D. S. Bohrer. � <br /> (SEAL} Notary ubZic . ; <br /> �y cnmmission expi-res Ju�y 3, 1911. ,� <br /> ;, <br /> �, <br /> Filed f or xecord the �rd day of April, 1909 at 9-20 A.�S. i� _ <br /> a����_ ;f_ <br /> ��; County Clerk. �;i <br /> ��'#�`�#�#��7-�-���1-#-#�##�'�##�����°�#�#�#�##������#�#�##�# , �#��'�##����.1�_-�s-�.%�-��������;',�,.,;!s��# ���' <br /> ;� <br /> ' QUIT-CLAII�i DEED: This Indenture r�ade this first day of April in the year one thousand nine '�; <br /> i <br /> hundred and nine bet�,�een I�iichael Costello and Alice Costello, his ��ife, of the first part, and ', <br /> �f <br /> Emil �'. Travis �ritnesset:n: tha� the sai� 'i <br /> y , party of th� first part , in consideration of the sum , <br /> ,, <br /> ,� <br /> of T�enty-five Dollars, ta thetn auly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have � <br /> ;; <br /> � <br /> remised, released and quit-clai:ned, ana by these ;aresents do, for themselves and their heirs, �� <br /> � � !� <br /> executors ancl administra�ors, rer�ise, �'sle�se, and forever quit-claim and canvey unto the said i� <br /> � 1f � <br /> party of the second p�.rt, and to h�r heirs, and a.ssinns, forever, all o ur right, title, interest ,� <br /> estate and claim and demand both at la�r and in equity, of, in, and to all of I,ot five of Block �+ <br /> '� <br /> ttiaenty-three of iJagy' s Addition to Grand Island, Nebraska. Togethsr with all and singular the ;i ' <br /> ' hereditar:lants and a}apurtenances thereunto belongin;,,. To Have and to Hold the above described <br /> , <br /> ;, , <br /> premises unto the said Emily W. Tr�vis, hei-rs and assi�n�; go that neither of the said �rantors;� <br /> ov-};�l� <br /> ;; <br /> or any._ person in the3.r name ancl behalf, shall or will hereafter elaim or daman�. any right� to ths',� � <br /> �i <br />� saia nremise� or any part thereof, but they and every one of them shall by these Presents be i <br /> excluded and forever barred. In �titness WherQOf, the said �arty of the first part have hereunto �! <br /> �, <br /> set thei•r hands the ciay and year above written. !i <br /> I;iichael Costello . <br /> Witness: � ; <br /> Alia� Costello . <br /> � James E. Dill. � ��; <br /> •�,� <br /> j <br /> ; <br /> � � I <br /> '; <br /> ,, <br /> , <br /> i <br /> , <br /> �, <br />. ; __ r i <br />