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5�� '�� <br /> _ _;:_ __ _ .:_ ., --_- _��� _-�-..__ _ __ ___- -- - --- ---�-------- --- <br /> __ __ <br />=----= ---- �a_ _ <br /> ��St a�e of �:zebraska ) ;, <br /> ss �� <br /> Hall County � On this 25" day of t�[arch, A. D. 1J0�3 before me the undersi�necl, Lizzie '! <br /> ;i <br /> Limback, a 2�otary Puk�lic, e�uly comrni�sionecl anci qualifiec� for and residin�; in said county, per- '; � <br /> � <br /> sonally came V9illiam H, Tho:�pson ana �attie Z. Thompson, his v�ife, .Fred BP. Ashton anci C�rrie I�. `� <br /> ;; <br /> Ashton, his r�ife, to me knov-•m to be tha idantical per�ons c�rhose naMes are affixeci ta �he fore- r� � <br /> , <br /> ;; <br /> goin� convey�nce as grantors, ancl ackno�le�lged said in�trument ta be �hQir voluntary act �ncl f <br /> d�ed for -�he nur�oses therein se� forth. �itness my hand and I�rotarial Seal thi� 25" day of j � <br /> „ <br /> I, � <br /> &tarch, 1909. �,iy commission ex�ires the 2nd ciay° of Se�tomber, 1910. � :_� <br /> Lizzie L��ack . �� � <br /> )SEAL( Notary Publ.ic. '� �` <br /> Filed for record the 30th day .of ��ia�ch, 1909 at 1-30 P.M. ± � <br /> 1 <br /> '1 <br /> �� <br /> �� County C1erk. 1-��`� <br /> ;� <br /> ����f����#����#����-��k�k#���;1�#���`���#�##�##�###�###,#�#��#��###��#��#�#�##�#�����# , <br /> a�crant D e IO _ i� "' <br /> �i y e d: K� �d ALI, �EN BY THESE PRESENTS: That �re, Lewz.s F. S-�ock�,�ell and •Anna H. Stock <br /> '; <br /> a <br /> �ell of the County of Hall and State of Tlebrask�, for and in consideration of the sum of �ixteeni <br /> � <br /> Thousand and Five aiunaxed Dol�.ars, in hand raid, cio heraby grant , bargain, sell, convey anc� con-!� � <br /> �; <br /> �irm unto El.ihu D. GrAha:n of the Coun�y of �Iall ancl State of Nebraska, the �o1lo�ring described ' "� <br /> � <br /> real estate situated in Ha11 County, State of Nebras�:a, to-�rit : TYie South half of the north- � M <br /> �� � <br /> ��est quarter. (exce�t a strip of land four (4) rods in �vidth aff of the Eas� end thereof) and %� <br /> I � <br /> the South-,•re�t quarter of Section Twa (2) 3n Town�hi� nine (9) North ,of Ran�e Tv�relve (12) VW'est � ' <br /> i! <br /> of the Sixth Pxinci�aal ��feriaian, containing t�vo hundred and thirty-eight (238) acres, more or � <br /> les�, according to Govt�xnr:�ent survay: To Have and To Hold the prerlises above deacribed, togethe� � <br /> „ � <br /> , :vith all the Tenements, Hereait�.��r.ts anc� Ap .r,ur�en�nces thereunto belon�;in� . Unto the said 1j � <br /> � � <br /> :� <br /> Elihu D. Graha:r�, and to his hQirs ana assi�r.s forever . Ana we do hereby covenant with ths said �� <br /> +i <br /> Elihu D. Graha�t., �ncl cvith his h�irs and assigna that---lativfully seized of said pre�ises; that `� ,� <br /> !i ,�, <br /> they are free froan encumbrance, trlat �Te have good right and Ia�yful authority to sell the ���e; �; = <br /> � � <br />, iI � <br /> and �re do hexai:;�y caven�nt to warrant and defenct the title to the said nrer�ises against the ' <br />� !� * <br /> lativful claims of all persons �rhomsoever. Ancl the �aic� Anna �3. Stocictivell, hereby relinquishes ;; .� <br /> �; <br /> ;i ��: <br /> all her ri�ht of dower in anc� to the above dsscri�aed �?rerai�es . Signec� this first day of " "" <br /> , ,�: <br /> I+�arch, A. ,D. 190�. Le�is F. Stockwell. �{ � <br /> � <br /> In presence of 1�nna H. Stc�ckwell . ,� � <br /> ;I � <br /> David �deel,y. ;; ;� <br /> � �� <br /> C. A. Robinsor�. ;i � <br /> ;� � <br /> �; <br /> Stat e of TSebraska ) '; � <br /> �s� ii "� <br /> Buffalo Gounty. ) On tl�is ls� ctay of ?�.�arch �". D. 190u before me the undersi�ned, C. A. ;� � <br /> . .,t <br /> RRbinaon, o.--�-R�°���, a ilot�ry Public, duly ca�missionecl and qualified for ancl reaidin�; 'in '� � <br /> ;, <br /> �aid county, personally eamo Le�vis F. �tocici�ell and Anna H. Stock��ell, husband ancl wife, to me ; <br />' knovrn to be the identical p�rsons c��ho�e narnes are affixec� to the fore�;oir.�; conveyance as ; � <br /> -� <br /> �rantors, ancl ac�:novrlau.t;ed said instru�lent ta be their voluntary act and deed for the pur�oses � � <br /> �-� <br /> .� <br /> ' � <br /> the-re in set f orth. , <br /> ►+itness my hand and notarial ��al t�iis lst day of 1iareh, 1909. � <br /> ,� <br /> (��A�) � . � C. A. Ro'ainson. �� <br /> Cor�:��ission ex?�ires A�r . 10, 1911. Notary Pu'olic . ��� � <br /> ;; <br /> << <br /> Filed for record the 31st day of i��arch, 1909 at 11 A,A�. � <br /> �E <br /> � <br /> `.�, _ _._�__ '� <br /> County Clerk, i <br /> � <br /> 'i <br /> , <br /> ;; . <br /> ''�I <br /> a <br /> � <br /> ; <br />; ; <br />'r__ �� i <br />