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�QT/'''� � <br /> �l�_� <br /> 5�� <br /> i I <br /> ;; State of Ne'braska ) j <br /> � . �� �83 i <br /> j; Hall Cour�ty ) On this 26 day of �arch A. D. 1909 before me the undersigned W. L. ; <br /> � <br /> �� Spra�ue, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said count;�; <br /> I <br /> �' personally ca�e �eltha H. To��ne, ana Charles E. Towne, wife and husband to me kno�m to be the <br /> � <br /> � <br /> identical persons t�rhose names are affixeci to the foregoin; conveyance as grantors, and acknow- � <br /> I <br /> �' ledged said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set farth. i <br /> �� � <br /> '' S�itness my hand and Notarial Seal this 26 day of 2larch, 1909. � <br /> ; � � S� L Spra ,ue. � <br /> �' (SEAL) �ty cor�mission ex�ire� the 27th day of 2tiarch, 1°12. ' <br /> � <br /> Filed for recorc� the 27th da of �iarch 1909 at 2-35 P M � <br /> Y <br /> �ri , <br /> u <br /> ,> <br /> �� �� �E'�_. <br /> County Clerk. � <br /> �;��`�#�#��##�#������#�-#-#�##��, ,���##���#�#�#��##�#�###�����#��������� <br /> ;, <br /> : �fARRANTY DEED; Knovr A11 lvien By These Presents; that �,te, �illiam �,�. Tucker and Adda R. Tucher, <br /> ;; <br /> �! husban� ana wife of the County of Hail and State of Nebraska, for and _in consideration of the sur�: <br /> �; , i <br /> �'� of Ei�ht Thousana Dollaxs, 3n hand r�aid, do hereby grant , bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto � <br /> �I i <br /> ', Wi11�am Fagan anci David Broadwood of the County of Hall ancl State of Nebraska, the follo�rin� <br /> ;� describecl real estate situated in Center T��, in Hall County, and State of �lebraska, to-�rit : The <br /> � <br /> �;i Sauthwest Quarter of Section Number S3x (6) , in Torsmshin Number Eleven (11) , North of Range Nura- y <br /> ; bor Ten (IO� , Wast of the oth P.P�. To Have and To Hold the premises aboee described, to�;ether : . f <br /> ;� i <br /> �� with a11 the Tenements, Hereditaments, and Appurtenancee thereunto belon�ing unto the said <br /> � <br /> �i �filliam Fa�an and David Broadwood, and to their heirs and assigns forever. And I do hsre'ay cove- ' <br /> `; nant with the sa3d �Pilliam Fagan and David Broadwood and �sith their heirs and assigns, that I am <br /> � <br /> _ '� lavdfully seized of said �remi�es; that they are from encumbrance e�cept mortgage for �`4,000, � <br /> � j <br /> R�; that I havae good xight and la�ful authority to sell the same; and I do hereby covenant to warrant � <br /> � <br /> °'; and defend the title to said premises avainst the la�v�ful claims of all persons �rhomsoever, excep� � <br /> ; <br /> f! said �4 000 mortgage. And the said Aeida R. �ucker herflUy relinquish�s all estate and dower in � <br /> 4� i <br /> ,, and to the above des �i'�ed pre�ises. Signed this 27th day of :.�arch , A. D.1909. � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> In presence of �tilliam �d. Tuckex . � <br /> ;: i <br /> ;. <br /> �' R. R. Harth. Adda R Tucker. <br /> ---- � <br /> i � <br /> 'I State of Nebraska ) ; <br /> ss � <br /> `�'� Hall County. � On this 27t:n day of �darch �. D. 1909 before me R. R. Horth, a Notary � <br /> '; Public, duly commissionad and qualified for and residino in said county, personally came William <br /> � �' �t. Tucker and Adda R. Tucker, husband and wife, to me knor�rn to be the identical persons described� <br /> ,� <br /> - j; in and �ho exacuted the foregoing conve�ance as grantors and acknowledged said instrument to be � <br /> �� i <br /> j� their voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand & 3ea1 the day and year last above wr3tten. � <br /> �; i <br /> � �i (sEAI�) � R. I�. Horth. _._.._, _ j <br /> ;' Notary Public. I <br /> �. <br /> �dy commission expires the 29th aay of ��garch, 1911. <br /> �; i <br /> I.' Filed for recorcl the 27th day of 2�darch, 1909, at 5 0' clock P.M. <br /> , � � /� <br /> � �J ,. <br /> ��', <br /> k I <br /> ;, <br /> . County Clerk. <br /> I <br /> ;: <br /> �, � <br /> I <br /> �� i <br /> �; " <br /> i � <br /> ; <br /> ; <br /> i � <br /> � <br /> �' { <br /> i, ( <br /> ;i I <br /> �; <br /> i� <br /> „ <br /> �, . <br /> I I; <br /> l II _ . <br />