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��_�� ' <br /> .� ..__ _ _ <br /> . Ii <br /> � � � <br /> QUIT CLAI2� r�EED: �2�?0� �LS� ��ZEN EX THESE PRESENTS: That �r�e, .Aup;u�ta Peter�on and Peter I.i. Peterso�I, <br /> c�rri�e anci hus}�ancl, and Lena }3a�sch an� Edv��axd Baasch, wif� and husbana �.nci Aenry �.oennf eldt anc� �ti�;a <br /> j <br /> Tina, ana Chaxles F'�oennfeldt an�. �5rife, Louisa, and John G. Roennfeldt and wife, I�,�arie, anc3 �riaria ;,! <br /> Lau, fornierly T;iaria Fonn�alclt �d Fritz Lau, ��rife and hu�band of Neuland, in Germany, the heirs at ,i . <br /> � <br /> law, and on13� h�irs at la�*r of �'.ilh�lm Roonnfeldt daceased, in con�ideratian af One Dollars and <br /> other �ooci con�iderations herel�y quit claim anu convey unto our brother, Christimn Roannfeldt of °�he <br /> County o� Hall ancl State of ATebraska, aIl our rip;ht , title and interest of v��hatsoever nature, in �nd <br /> to the followin�; describecl real estate, �itua.ted in tha Gounty of Hall �nd State of Nebras�a, �; <br /> I; <br /> to-�:;it : Lot t��� Six (�) in Ulock Z�o. Thirty-t�ro (w�) 3.n Packer and Barr ' s Second Adr�ition to th� ; <br /> City of C�rand Islancl. In ti�T�tne�s vrhereof, e��e have hereunta set our hands this 10" d3y of Octok�e� <br /> , <br /> A. D. 190�. ( Au�;usta Peterson � <br /> Witness: Peter �i. Petersen � <br /> .Arthur C. �dayex. � Lena Baasch � <br /> � ( Ed�vard Baasch. ' <br /> . ,! <br /> , ( Henry Roennf elcit �� <br /> J. R. Bar�er . ;I <br /> ( Tina Foenn�e7.tlt ; <br /> �� <br /> ( John G. Ronn�eldt 'j <br /> Oran �"+alker , �, i; <br /> �� � ( 2�are Ronn�eldt �� <br /> ( Charles Ronnfeldt <br /> ( �; <br /> { Lauise Fonnfelctt � <br /> n <br /> ( r�aria Lau,�eb.Ronn�feldt !� ` <br /> Paul Fut�ner , ��1 Notar. ( Fxit� Lau, .� <br /> , <br /> �� <br /> ) _ �+ <br /> �tate of 21ebr�ska �! <br /> ss <br /> County of Hall � On this 10TM day of October , A. D. 1.908, befor� me, a Notary �'ub13.c, in i� <br /> and for said county, personally carne Au�usta Peter�on and huvbanc� Petex �bl, Peterson and Lena <br /> Baasch and Edward Baasch, her husb�nu., to me personAlly knoy�n to bs the identical persons �hose l� <br /> name� are affix�d to the above 3.nstrument as �rantar� and �evarally ackno�rled�,ed the egecution of �; <br /> ;; <br /> :� <br /> the saz�e to be their voluntary act and aeed for the �ur�?oses there3n expressed. in witne�� <br /> 'i <br /> � <br /> Whereo�', I have h�reunto sub:-rcribed ray n�rie and affixect My official �eal at Gran�. I�l�d, on the �:; <br /> � <br /> day �ast above written. Arthur C . �ayer . ;� <br /> Pvotary Public . t . <br /> (SEAL) R�y com1��ission e�pires ��ay 17, 1911 . . `i <br /> State of l�Tebraska ) " <br /> )�s '� � <br /> County of �alina ) 4n this 12th day of Octobor, �. D. 1�08, befors me , J. R. Barger, a No- �! <br /> ;; - <br /> tary �'ublic, in and for �air� county, �ersonal].y came Henry Roennfeldt and Tina Roennfeldt, hus- <br /> '; . <br /> ban�. �nd �ife, to me �ersonally kno�m to be the identical �ereon whose narnes are affiged to the ;; <br /> above instrument as �rantor and severall.y acknoevled�ed the execution of the same to be their !' <br /> voluntary act and cleee� for the pur�oses therein ex�ressed. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto <br /> subscri�ed my name and affi�d my official seal at De'�i�t , on tho day last above wxitten. - <br /> � <br />, (uEAL) :��y coi.Lr�ission ex�+zre� Dec . 18, 1913. J. R. Bar�er, <br /> 2dotary �'ublic. � , <br /> State of Colorado, ) <br /> ; ) s s ;; <br /> County of ptero. ) I , t3ran �'alker, a Notaxy Public, in and for said County, in the State " <br /> aforesaid, cio hereby c�rtify that John C. Ronnfeldt and 2:iarie Ponnfelc�t , who axe �er,anally � <br /> known. to me to be the �nersons whose n�.me� are subscribed to the anneaed deed, ap�eared before me '�, <br /> this c�ay 3n �erson and ackno�led��c� �hat they si�ned, sealed and deliveret� the said instrument o�! <br /> vrritin� as their fr�e and voluntary act, �`or the uses an�t �ux�ose� therein set forth. G�ven unde� <br /> r�y haz�ci and notarial seal, this u0th day of October, A. D. 1908. ��y comm.ission e�ires June 1'7, �,911 <br /> (SEAL) Oran� ��Zker. <br /> Notary Pu'c�lic. <br /> State of Iowa ) <br /> , ss <br /> ; Po�tawattamie Gaunty ) , � I <br /> On tilis 29 day of Oc�ober, A. D. 190i;, before �e �i. Guy �artin, a �?otary ii ' <br />: i _ � <br />