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_ � <br /> L,i l.:►C�t�+ � , <br /> 5��� <br /> _ _ <br /> _�___ __��_ _ _�__^___��_________ ___ ` �- -- <br /> , <br /> ' State of Nebraska ) � <br /> )ss ! <br /> Nall County ) On this 18" day of P,iarch, A.- D. 190° before rr�e the uncler�iWned, a plo�ary� <br /> � I <br /> � Public, duly cor��r��is�ionec� and qualified for and residing ir� $aid countT�, persor_ally car�e Chri�- i <br /> � <br /> tian Ronnfelclt ( son�etime6 s�ell.ed "Roennfeldt") and So�hie 8onn�eldt to me kno�rn to be the i <br /> i <br />. identical per�ons whose namee are affixed to the foregoin� conveyance a� grantors, and ackr.ow- <br /> I <br /> leclgecl said instrument to be their voluntary act arcl deed for the Purno�ae� therein set forth. <br /> '� <br /> I �Titneas my hand and ��'otarial Seal day of ���arch, _1909. � <br /> ; � Arthur�C'. �vi_a�r er , <br /> � (SEAL) � - -�Iotary � u'�ulic . � i <br /> �� � <br /> �!' My conx�lission expiro�e Z:ay 17, 1911. � <br /> i� i <br /> !`, Filed for record the 22nci day of ��Iarch, 190� at 10-45 A.r�i. � <br /> , � � <br /> ' ���� I <br /> �; �� ; <br /> " County Cl�rk. <br /> ; <br /> I ,������'�1�-;���'�'�1-�-���-���-�-��`-�'-�-�'�1���-���'���#�-���-;��'�#�,��-�'��x�f��'��'��'��`�'�����1�#�����'��f-���-��'��'����-�1��-���'����� <br /> � <br /> _� .� <br /> i; WARRA�bTY DEEDt KnoQ� All Men Bq These Presents: �that I;iichael L. Dolan and Josephine R. Dolan, ' <br /> ,� i <br /> ' his vJife, of the County of Ha11 anil State of r;e�raska, for and in consideration of the sum of j <br /> i� <br /> � <br /> ii One Huncired and Twenty-fi�re (�125 GO) Dollars, in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, con-' <br /> ;i <br /> i' vey and confixrr� unto 2�iary I . Dawson, of the County of FIall and State of r�e'oraska, the following ; <br /> , <br /> ;' descril�ed real estate situated in Grand Island, �n Hall Coun�y, State of Nebrask�, to-��it : Lot � <br /> T ; <br /> I� � <br /> '� number ten (10) in fractioral Flock nuinber Eleven (11) in �►allichs Addition to the City of � <br /> li ! <br /> ' �', Grand Islar�d, �3ebrasl;�z, as sar��e is platted and recorded. Su'aject to the taxes for 1�03, and to ' <br /> i" i <br /> �, any and all liens crQated thereon by grantee or her assignor, Geoxge �I. Da�,Tson. To Have and To � <br /> ;I � <br /> I'� �iolci the prernise� above described, together ��ith all the TeneMents, Hereditaments and Appurtenan- <br /> � !� ces thereunto belongin�. Un-to the said ��iary I. Dawson and to her heirs and assi�ns fore�;ror. � <br /> � <br /> �, , <br /> �' And �re do hereby covenant r�th the saici T�uary I. Dav�;son ancl with her heirs and assigns that we are ; <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> . ; I <br /> i, la��fully seized of saic� premises; that they are free fxora encurnbrance exce�t as above stated, ; <br /> `; i <br /> . ii that ��e hawe good xi�ht and lawful authority to sell the same;and vde do hereby corenant to � <br /> ;� <br /> ;� warrant and ctefend the title to the said prerlises against the lav�ful claims of all persons � <br /> �� <br /> �! whomsoever, excapt as above reserveci. And the said Jose�hine R. L�olan hereby relinquishas all � <br /> ( <br /> � <br /> �;; dower, inneritance and other interest in and �o the abo�e described preniises. Signed this 19" � <br /> ; <br /> ;! aay of �iarch A. D. 1909. �.fichael L. Dolar1. i <br /> � � Josephine R. Dolan . � <br /> � ' In presence of <br /> ;; <br /> C�e. G. R�an. <br /> t <br /> ' Sta�e of Nebraska ) <br /> � )ss <br /> ;: Hall Cou�Ity. ) On tr,is 19" day of r�sarch A. L�. 1909, before me the undersi�r.ed Chas . G. <br /> �� Ryan, a Notary Public, duly commis�ioned and qualified for and residing in said county, person- <br /> �� - � <br /> '! ally came 2�Iichael L. Dolan anul Joserhine �. Dolan, his v�ife, to me knov�n to be the identical per- <br /> !i . <br /> I sons c,hose names are affixed to the foregoing conveyar.ce as grar�tore, and ac�nowledged said <br /> � i <br /> �.i. instrument to be their voluntary act and deeci for the purpos�$ tharein set forth. 1�itness mp I <br /> ;� hand and Natarial ceal t,�is clay of �:iarch, 1909. Idy comrii�sion egpires the 1 day of Feby, 1913. <br /> ,' (SEAL) Chas. G. Ryan. Notar�r Public . � <br /> ; <br /> " ! <br /> Filed for record the 22nci day of �ySarch, 1909 at 11 A.l�i. <br /> . - <br /> 'i <br /> i <br /> ! <br /> ��� �� ' ounty C�erk . ; <br /> � <br /> , <br /> I <br /> ' I <br /> ; <br /> I <br /> � <br /> .� ; <br /> .y <br /> i <br /> i <br /> : � <br /> �I <br /> � � <br />