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I . � - . . � .�� �°�,'�' „e^:i,'"' � <br /> � <br /> 5:�4 <br /> � <br />'�_�_____ _ _: _ �__---- --_�- --- _ <br />�- - =- .- _� _ __ _�--- ---- --_ - � <br /> __. �. __ _ _ :_ <br /> _ �__ _____--_. __-_ � _ <br /> - -- ---� <br /> ; <br /> �, <br /> �ARF�ANTY DEED: KN0�1 ALL �i�N BY T�iESE PFESE?1TS: That Re, Frank Str��ser and ita�ilda R�. �traeser ;' <br /> :;. <br /> (husband and wif e) of �r e Count y of Hall and Stat e of Nebraska f or anc� in cons iderat ion of the <br /> � �; <br /> sur,1 0�' Fart� Thousana Dollars (�40 404 00) no-100 Dollars, in hanc� paia, do hareby grant, bargain� <br /> sell, eonvey and conf irm urto �'�illi3m D. Lewton of the Gounty o�' Fiall and Stat� of Nebraska, the i: <br /> follo�rin� describea xeal estate si�uateQ in ?�a�l County, and State of Nebras�:a, to-�rrit : The <br /> ,� <br /> �Yest half of North-ea�� c�uarter ( 1�� of N��} , the north ���rest quarter (N�'�) , the East half of ' <br /> south-:rest c�uarter ( E� of S�14) and the West half of Southeast quarter (W� of S'��) Section �:; <br /> nurnbex twelve (12) To�mship number ten (10) P�orth af Ran�e 2Tumber Eleven West of the Sixth (�) °� <br /> Princi�al P��eridian. Sub�ec� to the Union Pacific, Railroad Right-of-�ay, as it now exists . In <br /> all Four 'riundred (400) acres according to gov�rnment $urvey thereof. To have and �o hold the �� <br /> �.� <br /> �� � � <br /> pre�ises above de�cribed �o�e��her v�ith all thQ Tenoment�, Hexeditaments and Apnurtenances ;j <br /> �� <br /> thereun-�o belon�in�,; unto the s��.id Williar� D. Le�:�t�n ana to his heirs and a��igns forever. And !; <br /> � <br /> �ve do hereby eovenant with the saicl Williara D. Lewton and with his h�eir� ana assigns that we are � <br /> i� <br /> i <br /> lawfully s�i��ecl of �aicl premises; that they are free from encuribrance, that we have �Ood ri�ht �i <br /> ,� <br /> and layz•ful authority to sell the same; �nd vwe r�o hereby covenant to warrant and defend the title �i <br /> ,� <br /> � <br /> to �aid premises a�ain�t the l,�wful claims of all persons whom�oever. And the said R�atilda �, i <br /> -- '� <br /> Strasser, herek�y relinc�auish�� al1 her do�rer and other rights in �nd to the a�ove de�cri'ped �rem- ;� <br /> i� <br /> � si <br /> i�es. Signed this 1� c�ay of ��iareh A. �. 1909, ,� <br /> Frank Strasaer ' <br /> ;i <br /> Tn pres�ncQ of � <br /> ���at ilda ��i. St�cas�er. �i � <br /> J. C. �trasser . 41 . <br /> �, <br />',, T. 9�. Fau.�;ht{, �; <br /> --_._ _______i ___ � <br /> __._ _ �j <br /> St;ate of �Sebra��,a ) �� <br />� )�s �i <br /> ��a11 County. ) On this lOth aap o� ��iarcl^�, A. �. 1909, before me, the undersi�red T. �. ;; <br /> ;, <br /> , <br /> Fau ht a Notar Public dul corimi��ioned and ualified for and re�idin in aaid count er- " <br />�� �' � � � Y �! � 3�'� P �;i <br /> gonally camE �'rank Strasser and i,Gatilda l;i. 5trasser, hi� wife, to me known to be the identical � <br /> ' person� who�e narnes are affixed to the forEuoing con�eyanco a� �xantors, and ackno4�led�ed said <br /> instrument to be their voluntar57 act ana deed for �he �ur�oses �herein �et �orth. �i�neg� my ;., � <br /> � ;�r <br /> hanci ana Tsotarial Sea1 thi� lOth day of 3�iarch, 190�. �dy corami�ssion exrire$ the �9th da� of <br />� � ii <br /> Augu�t , 1914. T. �t. Fau�;ht . ' � <br /> No�ary Public . ` i; <br /> (SEAI,) Fi1ed for reaarc� the 22nd day �f �arch, 1909 at 9-�:0 A.�a. <br /> � ,+; <br /> � _ �---� <br /> �_ Countp Clexk. <br /> ��y p•pp �I.x.�.X�p .� �.�p ��.���..p �r .X�y.p � �r�r�r� ,��,y �p� p ,��� ��p� �pp � y�, �,�. y�!��,pp ,� �p� '' <br /> 7f'7i 7J Ff`(�r,"ii 7�7177��7;�7i'f! �� !�7'il'�r!7Y7;7i 71�'fi i$��7`7'7'���7J 7t��7!7i'i7'��71'�7i���'7�"��7'�7:'���'li 71�7i'.�P.��Ti 7t� ii���7t 7i�����7t�7;i771�'tT��7";�I���7`i���li <br /> 1 <br /> KTTOV� ALL 1�qEN BY THES� PRESEIdTS: That we, Chri�tian Ronnfeldt (�ometir�ies known �s Christian ;� <br /> �; <br /> F�oennfeldt) and Sai;hiE Ronnfolc3t, hi� vc�ife, of the Coun�ty of �iall and 5tate of Nebraska, fox ana �i <br /> � � - �� � <br /> in eon�ideration of the �um of Six �Iuncired Thirt�-five Dollars in hanu. Pa3d, c�o hereby �rant, �' <br /> r <br /> ;i <br /> ' bar�ain, sell, conv�y and confirr� unto �Tohann F.eimer�, o� the County of Noward and State of ; <br /> ' Iv'ebra�Ya, the follou.�in�, de�cribecl real e�tate situateu in Grancx Islard, in Hall Caunty, and �tate;? <br /> j 4, <br />,f of ilebraska., to-t:it ; Lot� i�;o. Six (G) and Seven (7) in block rTo. T�Yirty-t�ro (32) in Packer and " <br />� Barz � s Seconu Addition to Grand Isl<�r.d, according to the recorded plat thereof. To Have and <br /> iTo �iold the premises above describecl, together �rith a11 the Tenei.�ents, ��ereditanents anci a�nur- " <br /> tenances thereunto belor.�;in�; unto the said Johann Reimer� and tv hi� heirB and assi�ns, forever . ' <br /> And vre do hereby covenar.t vrii;h the sa3d Johann �.eimers, and with his heirs and aBS3gns that r�e <br />' ' are la��fully seizec� of saia nrernises; that th�y are free from �ncur.-�br�nce; that we have �ood !i <br />� <br /> ri�ht and lacrful autYiority to �e11 the sa�e; and �ve do hereLy covonant to vrarrunt and defend <br /> this <br /> the title to eaid pre�i��es again�t the lawful clainis of all persons whomsoevex. Signed„3" day of : <br /> L�axch, 1�0°, Chr i�,t ian Ronnf eldt . <br /> ��� <br /> In �resence of `So�hie Ronnfeldt . , � <br /> _ Arthvx._C_�__�_�Iayer . I <br /> �; <br /> , I <br /> � i <br />; . t � <br /> L--_.. .. . _.. . �i � . <br />