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, <br /> �i <br /> ����� <br /> <i <br /> �� <br /> ; As to names numbered 5 George r�i. Sims ;, <br /> 3,=�,5, and 6. 6 I�I311ie sims '' <br /> Elmer Sims <br /> E� Wil.son Edith D. Sims <br /> In presenc� of <br /> L. G. E.�,rd as ta Elm�.r Sims and Ec3ith Sims. <br /> Stat e of Nein��Tersey) ;' <br /> �58 <br /> Cwnberland County. ) On this seven�een�h day of Octob�r A. D. 1908, before me Jame� S. �are, ;, <br /> a �dastex in Chancery of I�T. J. carir�:issioned and qualified for and residin� in sa3d County, Qerson-;: <br /> ally came Em�.ly F. �foodruff ana �Yarren WQOdruff kno�rn to me to be ,hu�band and �r3.fe, to me <br /> personally knodvn to be the identical persons described in, and who executed the foregoing con- <br /> veyance as Grantors and acknorvled�ed the �aid instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. '� <br /> � <br /> W>tness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. ; <br /> T use no sea1, ';; <br /> my commission i�) Jas. S. 1�ar�s, i <br /> for life. ) ;; <br /> 1�ast�r in Chaneery of �I.J. � <br /> Stat� of �1ew Jer�ey, ) ; <br /> )$$ ' <br /> County of Cumbc�rland ) ' <br />� I, Samuel �i. Shelclon, Clerk of the County of Cumberland, and also Clork;; <br /> of the Caur� of Cor.lmon Pleas, in ancl for said County, said Couxt bein� a Court of Record, do i <br /> ;t <br /> hereby certify that J�3r?18� S. �dare, whose name i� subscribed to the certificate af ths �aroof � <br /> acknowled�ment or affidavit of thQ annexQd instrument and �hereupon wxitten, was, at the time of1� <br /> taking �uch proof, ackno�rTled��ent or afiidavit , a I�iaster in Chancery af i�ew Jersey, in and for � <br /> I ' <br /> said County, d�rellin� in said Counts�, eor-,r�isuioned, and qualified to administer oaths and affir- '; <br />� <br />� mations, and to take ackr.o�r�lud�ments anci proofs of Deeds or Conveyances for lands, t�n�ments and ; <br />� ' <br /> �; <br /> hereclit��zments in ancl for said State of Ptex Jersey. A.nd �urther, that I arn kell acquainted wit�h ;� <br /> �, <br /> the hand wxiting of such Master in ChancerST, ancl verily "nelieve that the si�nature to the said <br /> certific�te of proof ar ackno�rled�r�ant is �enuine. In Testi�ony whexeof, I have hereunto set :' <br /> m hand and aff ixecl the seal of the said Count ! <br /> y y, and Court the nineteenth day o� October, 1908. <br />� Samuel M. Sheldon, Clerk. . <br /> (County Court SEAL) <br /> �i <br /> The State of Illinois ) !I <br /> )ss ; <br /> �dar�shall Count�,r. ) Qn this twenty-second day a� Octa�er, A. D. 19Q8, before me N. E. ;� <br /> '+ <br /> Nurss , a Notary Public, auly comrnissioned and qu3lifieci for and residing in $aid County, person- i� <br /> i; <br /> ! ally came Fannio Perkins and Sumner Perkins, knovrn to me to be hus�and and t�ife, also George ��. ;� <br /> �� � ;i <br /> Sims and T�illie Sims, knorm to me to be husband ancl wife, to me personally knovm to be �Ghe �j <br /> ; <br /> ' 3dentical persons de�cribed in and who executed the fore�oing conveyance as grantors, and acknow- �� <br /> ; <br />; , led�;ed the said instrumcnt �o be their �rolun�ar�r act and deed. T�3tness my hand and Notarial Seal. ;i <br />� �', . <br /> the day and year l�st above wri�ten. <br />� N, E. ATurss, Idotary Pu�lic� <br />�;. (SEAL) Com. Egpira� Apr. 29, 1J0�. <br />�. <br />�' � j <br /> State of Nebr.:�.ska ) , <br /> )ss ' <br /> Ada�s County. ) On 30th day of October A. D. 190�;, before me L. G. Bird, a Notary Public,� <br /> „ <br /> dul commis�ioneci and � <br /> y qualified for and residing in said .County, personally came Elmer Sims <br /> � <br /> > and Fdith D. Sims, husbans � Plife, to me known to be the identical persons described in, and who !� <br /> executod the for�goin� conveyance a� grantors, and ackno�lodged the said instrument to be their <br /> voluntarp act and deed. �itness my hancl and Notarial Seal the clay and yQar last above �ritten. i <br /> L. G. Bird. �lotaxy Pvblic ' <br /> tSEAL) Cor�mission expires Au�;. 29th, 1909. -� �-� � � <br /> Filed for record the �Oth day of Pdarch, 1909 at 5 P.M'. <br /> 7 �� <br /> � ' <br /> � � <br /> County Clerk. <br /> , <br /> �i � <br /> , i! ; <br />