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e��� �� <br />' l; <br /> In Witness �Phereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and a.ff3.xed rr►y of�ici�3 seal at ! <br /> Grand Island Hall Co. Nebr, on the date last above written. '''; <br /> � <br /> T. 0. C. Harrison. - <br /> (SEAL) Notary Fublic . �� � <br /> �+y cor,mission e�ires I'ebruary 10, 1�12. :; .� <br /> . . . ;� � <br /> � Filed for recorrl the 20th day of 2�iarcr., 1909 at 2-30 P.��. � � �a ��� <br /> ��"r �1 <br /> , �: �� .� <br /> � „ County Clerk. <br /> ,� � <br /> � ��,�'�--lk�����#���{�-����i9`-�����f--����'����t�#���-��°�`-��-��#�-��'`�-�1���#��#������� ' ,��`��#�-�f-�'����;�� �� � <br /> ,, <br /> � <br /> Ki�O�I ALL �dEN B Y TH�S� PFtFSE�dTS: That I, Earnest Erdmann, somet imes known as Hanny Linaemann, a ' <br /> . . ;; <br /> sin�le man, and only heir-�t-lax of Fr�:;edexicke Erdrnann, late of Hall County, Nebrasl:a, now �� <br /> ,� <br /> deceasea, of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, for �nd in consicieration of the swn of r; <br /> Eight�-five Dollars , in hanc� paicl, do hereby grant , bar�a3.^, se11, convey and confirm unto '� - <br /> i� <br /> Charles Schirkofsky of the Gounty of Hall and State of Nebraska, the follow�ng described real �' � <br /> ;; <br /> estate situated in Grand Island, in�Hall Gounty, State of Nebraska, to-�it : I,ot number- four '(4) �� <br /> �� � . <br /> in Block nurnber Fc�ur (4) in Joehneke's Addition to the Citg af Grand Tsland, Nebraska, aa same i; r <br /> ;, <br /> is -platted and recorded. And i further certify that the said Freedericke Erdmann �ras my matr�er; ;; <br /> ,y <br /> that sha died a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, on July 14�h, 1°04, that she was unniarried ;'� <br /> at ths time of her death ancl that I am her only heir-at-la� anci only child, or issue left sur- !; r ': <br /> ' ii . <br /> viving her. To Have and To Hold the prerr�ises above described, together with all the- Terier�en�s, f� -� <br /> Heraditament� and Ap�urten�nces ther�unto belonping. Unto the said Charles �ehirkofskp and �o 'j ` <br /> , � <br /> hi� heirs and a�si�ns forever. And I do hereby covenant �aith the sa3.d Charles 5chirkofsky and � � � ` � <br /> ' _ I, <br /> with his ho3rs and asri�ns that I ar� la�rfully seized af said �remises; that they are free from �� , � . <br /> i <br /> encuznbranee, that I have good ri�ht and la�vful authorit� to �ell the s�me; and I do hereY�y cave- ;; � <br /> � � , ,� <br /> nan� to warxant and defend the title to the said pre�r.ises a�ainet the lawful cla3r� of alI perso �i�s ' <br /> , <br /> whoM�oever . Signed this 20th day of �iarch, A. D. 1909. i <br /> Earnest Erdmann, ;? <br />, � In pre�ence of -� �j " <br /> ;; <br /> ,� <br /> Chas. G. F�yan- � �, � ", <br /> �� , .. <br /> ; State of Nebraska ) '' <br /> ss fl _ <br /> Hall County . � On this 20th day of ��Sarch A. D. 1�09, before me the undersi�ned Chas. � '� <br /> � � <br /> ;; _ <br /> G. Ryan, a Notary Public; duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in �said County, �� <br /> �� <br /> per�onally ca�e �arnest Erdr�ann, sor�etimeg kno�vn as Hanny Lindemann, a s3ngle man, to me known '; <br /> . i� <br /> ; to be the identical per�on whose nar�e is affixed to the f'ore�oing conveyance a� grantot, and ' ;� � <br /> ! �i <br /> acknowledgeci said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth�l ' <br /> „ <br /> � �litness my hanci and Notarial Seai this �Oth day of I�farch, 1909. +i <br /> . �, _ <br /> �y cor�.misuion expiree the lst day of February, 1913. Chas. G. R�ra.n. �i <br /> ' �otary Public. �! <br /> (SEAL) ' <br /> ;; <br /> , <br /> Filed for record the u0th day of ,darch, 1909 at 3 P.tai. ;; <br /> .r <br /> .� _. �-��. '' <br /> County CIQrk. � <br /> � <br /> ��C• 1[ -!l .!{-�' � ��J!-h'- _ rt �r � � , <br /> �`��`�� „�i,-;�„t�_�: :� ::�"7�u n ;��,r����'��i����'��`�������I�'��'�`����'�'�'i������r.+�,:.�����`��'����'��'-,'�`��'�„������'��'�'�� � <br /> `' � <br /> PJARF�ATTTY DEED: KNOW ALI, �dEN BY T�TESE PR�SEi1TS: That ave, Albert V. D. Heyde and Emilie Heyde, 'i <br /> � . <br /> husband and wife of the County of Hall and State of Nebraslca, for and in consider�.tion of the E' <br /> surci of Twelve Iiundrad (�1200 00) Dollars in hana paid, do herob y grant, bargain, sell, convey ii <br /> ;i <br /> and confirm un�o i�4ar�axQtha Lindem3nn of the County of Hall and State of Nebraaka, the fo2lowi.n� �j <br /> ; <br /> describecl real e��ate situatecl in Grand Island, in Hall Caunty, State of Nebjraska, .to-�3t: ; � <br /> I� <br /> = A tract of land situated in and bein� a part of Lot Number �Nine of the County $ub-division of ;j - - <br /> �+ <br /> the �est one-ralf o� �he South-west quarter of Section fifteen, Tormship �leven, Range Nine as <br />'�; same is �latted and recorcled and particulaxly describeci as follows; commencin� on the South i; <br />; ; <br />', i ;' . <br /> boundary line of said lot nine, thirty-thr�e feet oast of the South�xrest co�ner of said lot And '� <br /> i <br /> �; - _- � - � <br />! � . � <br />� <br /> I ' <br />�_L,�.._ _ ___ __ � <br />