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_.1�,J V 0.,l �� <br /> � 541 ' <br /> , <br /> -V - -- ______---_ --- <br /> - =.____ ___---- -- -- <br />� -�_ _ __ __-��-�__ - _ <br /> � <br /> 'untary act �n�. �a:�i. ( <br /> �'itness rr:y h�:nd �r.d No,tari�l seal, ti��.e �iate aforesai�?. � <br /> Artr.ur C. '�;iayer. I <br /> ' I (�E�1L) 1 �; <br /> P ot�-ry Puulic. i <br /> � <br /> P��iy Con�::�is�ior. E::pires :,.af 17, 19i1 I <br /> i <br /> T'iled for record th� 13 aay of ��iarch 19C�, at 4. 50. � ������ ; <br /> � � �� � � � County Clerk. � � � � <br /> � <br /> i <br /> .. � i . i ,r r � ,� i ! rr i� r; ri � , il n , � i,�� �r i. r ,� �, �r n � � o rr ;, r n � n � n rr �:� i )� �r I� � r , n u rr ry rr rr i� n r�.l,r rl r' !' n r� rr n n Ir�n r ,�r_r[ r PLLL n rr � r !. r�'n q n n,n rr rr <br /> -u �-��,;�� �l 1:���t..�l.,:_.�. .r ! i1 _ _.. .:. � . :-� . , l,l :. _. . 1 :!, , ,, , . f. . _ _. :1,.1. L ,�y._ _ ! r. _,��:� I <br /> .��, <br /> ,, _ <br /> , ;.-,. <br /> 7T !��l u u �� � �! i� u !!�� �� n u it t� i� , ��� i: r! ri C7 r . �, N ! ,t li r :��, !I ,, �� t'i� n it n u �i�i� �� � ,� � ,� �. �; .� .. � , �? � ��r��;'�� . _, ',"��7�`r,��1"�i �i r� b o �� � r i1 �l a!. .i i 1� -:7r` � <br /> I <br /> I KI�IOW ALL ��i� BY �FiESE P�'�ESEi1�8: That we, Na11ie ,.�. Ap�lin and IIerbert I,. Applin, husban�. and � <br /> �'� :rife, of th� County of rarfield an3 State of I•iebrasku For ancl in considnration of the su�. of ; <br /> i <br /> � � T�o huna-reci no/lOC Dollar�, in �ianu pai;i, do hereby t�;r�.nt , bargain, sell, convey ana con�iri:� u�- i <br /> � <br /> � to the City of Grand Islar.d, Nebraska, of the Cour.ty of �Ia11 and State o� Nebraska, the �ollo�ti_� <br /> ';' in� :lescribed real estate situated in Grand Island irl Hall County, and St^te of Piebraska to-«it: <br /> � <br /> '; I,o� iwur�ber Ten (10} in �lock x1ulr;beM Fourteer. (i4) of �"lalyichs Addition to the City of Gr�.nd <br /> �; <br /> ;' Isl��nd, Hall Cour�ty, �v'ebraska, �0 IiAVE g�lD TO :i�:,i� the rrer..ises above aescribec�, together � <br /> �' ��ith all t he Tener_ents, Iiere�tita::�.ents, an1 Arpurtenances t,lereunto belongi7�� u��to the said The � <br /> � � <br /> i <br /> ' ;' C ity of Gran�? Island, ITebrask�, and its as,�i�ns f o�el-er. And we 3o hereby covenant �rith tt^.e i <br /> ; said The City oi Gran� T�lara, Ilebrasku, �ncl �vith its assi�ns, that we are la�ully seized o� <br /> ' said preri:ises; tl�at they are fre� fro�: ancur:,.br�:.r.ce that are have good right and lawful aut'hority <br /> �i <br /> �' to sell the; ana �ve do hereby covenant to �varrant an� defend tile t itle to said rren�ises <br /> ;� <br /> � <br /> �'' �gain�t trLe la?Xrful clai:;is of all �exsor.s whorr�soeve,�. And the suid Herbert L. Applin hereby i <br /> ;; <br /> '�� ra3inquiahes all tiiis rights in ana to the above ��e�criber. pre::tises. i <br /> }, � <br /> ;� Signe� thls 2 duy of :�iarch A. Ll. 1909. � <br /> Tlsllie ::. Applin � <br /> In Presence of ----- � <br /> i <br /> `� I <br /> . I. �� ra�� Herbert I,. Ap�lin._ � ' <br /> ;: <br /> i <br /> ;, <br /> ,; <br /> , �i State of Nebraska, � <br /> .. .. ,� �y M� � <br /> � ;� Garfielc� County. �n this 2n3 u.ay o� ��:�arcn �'�. L. 19C9 befo�e me, C. I. Eragg 2lotary <br /> , ,' Public , c�uly cor.unissioned and qualified �or and resi�ing in said county, personally mme Nellie <br /> i <br /> ;' �I. .�,nplin & iierbert I1. Applin (s�vife � husl�and) to �e kno��n to be the identical persons �.escribela I <br /> .. ;� ' <br /> ' ! in an�, who exec�ated t��:e foregoin� conveyance as grantors and aeknowlcctveu said instrument to be � <br /> :; <br />' �� their volunt^ry act anci �eed. Witness r:.y hand � Seal the day ana year last a�ove �ritten. � <br /> '� (SEAL) . . C.� I. Ara��. <br />' ;� Notary Public. � <br /> - i; �iy con:.^�ission expire, tYle llth day of Febuary 1915. A�� <br /> I �� Fi1ed for record in the County Clerk' s office of said county the 15 day of T�dar. 1909, at 10 0' c'loc � <br /> ,� <br /> i� �`� � � � <br /> ,i � / <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> I� <br /> o�.n Y le r�'�' <br />� �I ../t rr Ji.!i r t Ir r� r i rl �t r �� �I I� !r r Ir t. ir t i� I J/ t . l� r �i �'..l! rr ri �, „_r. �. 1! �� ,i . �� i� If ".II.I� ' � � , �� i� „ r� ll ir r, �r ! r �i_!I � ir r ri Ir l.' �l I� I� Il l; • !! '! rr �/ �, �r r Ir I� �i �I <br /> �� --� = _ ; � — „ , , � . „ , ,. : , ,. , � � , � . , '" ' , - -- - � <br /> t, ,J ' �� � ;r��1 �, �,i��;;� �, ��„�,�`;; ;7r� _ .. - ,.� J�.11 _� /. <br /> . ,. .. . . <br /> r. et . U !, , ;i il !l � ,! ;r „ l; . !� T rr , ,/ f� ,l : i �ii u i ;i�i;�, �i .� .�7! �7,-1; ii�u , � <br /> li ,r ,, „ , � , ; .. , .; ' �. : , yt�", 7!71 . � � .:� � <br /> I -� ij IiI�dO�I �ILL i��N BY THESE PRESE��TS: Tlzat 0. A. Ab���ott Jr. (a sin�;Ie mar.) of the CoL?nty of Hall and <br /> I� '; i <br /> E; Stut� of Nebrasku for and in consi3erztian o� the sum o� `���vo Hundred and Fifty and no/oo Dollars, j <br /> �i <br /> ` i�in han3 paia., 3o hereby gran� , bargain, sell , convey a�:i confir::: Francis H. Peterson,of the <br />� �i <br /> 'County of Hall an:.� St�te of 1?ebraska tY�e follo:wrin� descrioea real estate situated in Granci Island, � <br /> _; <br /> �'; in H�11 County, State of Nebraska, to-��vi� : Lots six (6) seven (7 ) eight (o) nine (9) ten (10) ` <br /> t . <br /> " in U1ock Fifte�n (15} �acker '_ Ear,,s aduitian to Grand Islana, jjebraska, TO F�AVE !',1?D TQ ITOLD the � <br /> j � <br /> �' pren�ises above describea, together with a11 t�:e Tener.ients , Hereditaraents , and Appurtenancee there <br /> � <br /> `l; unto belon�ing unto the 3ai�� Francis �. Peterson an�, to his heixs an3 a�signs forevcr. An�.i I do <br /> � <br /> 'r <br /> ' I; ln � r� � 'T F�'F n n - -? � (T - <br /> �; <br /> ��ereby= co;renant �.�ith tlz„ said rrancis ��. P..� �..r,,on ana .nth his heirs and assl�,ns that I am la:vfu�,Zy <br /> � � sei�,ed of sai�a ?:re^zises; that they are frs� fror encu�.�:brar.ce ��hatsoeve�, that I have �003 ri�ht <br /> !! arh;. 1a-:�fu1 au���crity to �ell t11e samA; an:� I to lz�reby covenant to vtarrant �n:i �efen�� the title ; <br /> , to sai� rrer::ises against the 1a�rful clai::s of all �ersor.s �r�hor�soever. And the sai��. hereby relin- <br /> • �iuishes all in an� to the above :�escribed �re::ises. <br /> �� <br /> II <br /> ii <br />