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<br /> �, � � � NEBRASKA 419Q080805640327 : . -
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<br /> .. i NEFHY BQPffiiC�CH aa1 �i B. BIIFIIiCI�CY. I . :�•:��,� ,- -.
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<br /> � • � 8IIH8AND AND WIlE _ � . , �'- .
<br /> TBRI 8 B9PIIiC8EC[ a .+b
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<br /> 68aCID IBLAND N8 688079518 6II11ND IOIAfiD H6 6880�9518 �
<br /> 1�Y�-
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<br /> T$.FyPfli#iEH� �... ...,. . ID ,,BiIYlfi,r ASi0NN0. . TB�NCltLtH�s ."?!r
<br /> ID��A 505946723 ,`����-� � "
<br /> 505996T23 , � ��;�• �
<br />. _ 7RUSTEE: v�sm atu�c so�a naaara r�a I : _ _ �
<br /> 1�1 HOYTH HSIN 1148 BIOOi PALLe aD 5710] y� . j �. �•�
<br /> n eonst�eranon ot ute Ioan or other a t accormn on ereinafter spec(fied and any hrture advances c►firture Ob�igations,as defined herein,which ¢. '•
<br /> may hereinaftet be advar►wd or fncurred and ihe trust herelnaNer metnloned and other gaod end valuable constderatton,the recetpt and euffideney of whteh � .�.
<br /> are hereby adoiowtedged Qrantor hereby Irtevocably wartarda,baryalns,selts.tirranat�rs,�ants.earneys and assigns to Ttustee.hts suceessors and . �,�.
<br /> asslgns,IN TRU3T WITH POWER OF SALE torthe benefti end seWrl7y of �irsc eaat o! eoueA n�toea txacsoa�l ns�oosat�oal
<br /> `.a�:.. �*, s
<br /> 1 of Grldntorse resem ,•:� '�° ,•.�
<br /> beneflciary under this Daed of Trust,under and suhjed to the tertns end condNons herein set torth,wttt�dght ot entry end possession a! p �.�� ,,�;
<br /> '�'i :
<br /> end fulure es*.a:a,rtghi,tfUe and I�rteresl in and to the rea1 property descrfbed in Schedule A whleh is attached ta ihis Oeed of Trust and incorporated herein � . M1,� : w�.
<br /> ' by thls refere�s�.together v�flh all presertt and firture IrtRxovemerrts and fl�aures:aU tanglbla personal prot�erty(ndumng without IiMtation ali machinery. _' ' -�., A, �
<br /> equlprnertt.buil�ng materlels,and goods ot evary nalute(exducQng consumer gaods)now or hereafter located on or used In connection with ihe real '�t �- • �;
<br /> propeAy,whelfier or not aH'ixed to the land;prlvileges,hereditarrerds.and appurtenances inclucQng all davetoprtient ri�►ts assodated with tha Property. _�� F �, ? �
<br /> whether previously or subsequemly transforred to the Properry from other real properry or now or hereafter susceptible of iransfer from this Properry to other �."�; .� :
<br /> � rsal property;leases,licenses and other agreemerrts:rents,issues and profits;vtater,weli,dtteh,reservotr and mtneral�lghts and stocks pertsining to the wal r �;,,,`,, �-� ;;��.
<br /> propany(pirtulativsty•propetty');to have and to hold the Pmparty end the dgMs hereby�anted tor the use and beneftt of Lender,his successors end x 'v'
<br /> •��1. N
<br /> ' assigns.unt(I paymem In tull 01 ali Obligatlons seeured hereby. • �;�"
<br /> Mareover,tn tur1her consideraUon,Qrantor does,tor Cirantar and Grantors heirs,represematives and assi�s,hereby expressty wartant.eovenam,and :���. ���� �.
<br /> . agres with LenQer and Trustee and 1heU successors end asslgns as follows: �=f;�: �'�"'"`
<br /> � 1, pgL[Cip1TON8. This Deed of Trust shall searo tha payment end pedormance of all preserrt and(uture indebtemness,IlabillUes,obligations and �}� ��
<br /> • covenarrts of 8orrawer or Grantor(wrtulattvely'Obiigallons�to Lunder pursuartt to: . .
<br /> . (a)this Osed of Trust and the fotlowtng promissory notes and other agresrronts: m''-'� w
<br /> <
<br /> PNIHCIPAI:A11�iDqlitr: I�IOiEt;: iAAT1sEi1fY, Ht1�l�iBER ''�'�"=` �
<br /> �. �REpkTLRiP[ AGitE�I�FITD�tE OA'tB z.. �;.=�—-�=`�
<br /> �""�"•'�`-':�fr.' ' "..
<br /> 25,000.00 02/26/97 02/28/02 4190080805690327 �'�'!:''�°�"="'�_�
<br /> • ��lt•�-�-_
<br /> • � . • .
<br /> • • (b)all olher presem or re,w n agreemanta w t n r re er spe y to t a e o rust e �r�x�cu or s same or dlHerent �,�. �+�!'s'��
<br /> . putposes than fhs torsIIolny): •
<br /> ' (o�any guaranty of obl!gat'ons oi other pardes gtven ta lender now or hereafter executed ihat retere to thls Oead of Trust: ' • _
<br /> � (dj future advanoos.vms4tor obiipatory or opdonal,to ihe sarta extem es if rtsade ootrte�ryoraneously witA the execulion of thls Deed ot Trust,made or • �
<br /> extended on behalf o!Cirantor or Borrower. ararrtor a�ees that If one of 1he ObIlgaUons is a Ilne of c�emt,the Ilen ot thts Deed ot Trust shail corrtinus �
<br /> ' urNl paymem in tutl of all delri due under the Itne notwithstan�9ng the faa that from iima to tirre(but 6efore tetminaHan of the Ifne)no batance may be
<br /> outstai�ing. At no Urre dudng the tertn of thls Oeed of Tnut or any e�¢enslon theroof st�all the unpaid end oulstan�ing secured prindpal tuture
<br /> � advances,not inciu�n�sums advanoed by Lender to protect the sewr(ty of thia Oeed of Trus�axceed tho follovdng amowt: ��s_oao_o0
<br /> Thto provision shall not eonstitute an obtlgaUon upon or cortmifiiairi of Lender to make adQUonal advanoos or loans to Qrantor,and .
<br /> (e)all amendmems.extensians,renewats,modi8catlons,replacemerrta or substitWorts to any ot the toregotng. �
<br /> As usud in ihis Para�aph i,the temis Cirantor and Bortower shall Indude and also moan any arartor ot Borrower if more than one. • _
<br /> 2 HEPRESENTATION8,INARRANTiE8 AND COVENANTS. Orantor ropressnts,warranis and covenants to Londer that: __
<br /> (e) Qrantor has Ine slmpla rt�aAcetabte title to the Property and shall maintain the Properry(ree o!ail Ilens,sewrity interests,encurrmrances and Gaims _
<br /> ' except for this Ceed ot Trust and thoso described In Schedul0 B,which is attachud to thls Oeed of Truat and inoorporated hereln by reteranca,which _ _
<br /> ;� Qrantor a�ees to pay and peAartn In a tlmoly mannar, ' • �-•,,.
<br /> �b)t3rantor Is in oomptlanee In all respectswith all applicaGe tederal,state and Ioca!laws and re�lattons,induding,without Ii�itaUon,those relaUng to . f.,::.::.
<br /> Herardous Matodafs;as daflned herein,and othnr environmentel maltera(the'Ernlronrrerrtal lavrs�.end netther the faderel govemment nor any _
<br /> other govemmental or quasl govamrrorAal otrtiry haa filed a lien on the PropeAy,nor are lhore any govemmontal,'udidal or adrNnistrative actions with �
<br /> • respect to or►vironrnental mattors pending,or to the hest ot the(3rarrtofs Iaiowiodgv,throatene�,wh!ch irrvoNe�e Property. Neither Grentor nor,to . •E"�_
<br /> tho hest o1 Graritofa Imowledgs,eny othar party has used,generated,roleasod,mscharged stored,or msposod ot any Hazardous Materials as deflned
<br /> heroin,fn oonnocllon with the Properry or transportod any Hezardous Materials to or from the Proporry. Grantor shall not carrerit or pem�tt such setlons
<br /> to be taken In ihe future. Tha tortn 'Hazardous Mate►�als"shall mean eny substanoo,materlai,or waste which is or becames regulated by any . • . . __
<br /> � nn govemrrontal aulhoriry indumnp,bul not 1lmited to.(I)peVoloum;(If)iriable ot nonMaWe as6estas;(iif)polychforinaled biphonyls;(hr)those substances, , . __
<br /> I �9V matedala or wastes deslgnated as a'hazardaus substance'putsuarrt to Seetton 371 ot 1he Clean Water Aet or Iisted pursuant to Section 307 ot ihe ••
<br /> { Clean Water Aet or any amendrtnrrts or replacemenis to ihese statutes;(v)those substances,materiats or wastes deflnod as a'hazardous waste' , �
<br /> i pursuant to Sctdion 1004 01 the Rosource Consorvation and Rocovery Act or any arrendmenis or replaa3ments to ihat statute: and �vi)ihose f
<br /> substances, matorials or wastes deQned as a'hazardoua substance'pursuant to SaeUon 101 of ths Comprohensivo Envlronmsntal Responso,
<br /> i Cort�ansaUon and Llabfilty Aet,or any artandrrents or repfaoor►brtts to that statute or any other similar state or federal statute,role,regulation or f ' —
<br /> I ord:nance now ot hereaftflr In ettect. C3ranto►shall nolleasa or permit ihe subisase of the PropeAy to a tenant or subtenant whose operations may �
<br /> ? ras�lt��►sts►+!naHon of�hw Pro�arty v,i�n Ha�rdous Matorials or toxle substancas: � _
<br /> { `
<br /> � � . F--r�--
<br /> NEDOT Ra.11R4 P�1 d 8 ; . r—
<br /> . � ``:
<br /> - , , . ., � . . � . ... . . _ ._ . �� . . ..�., . . � .- ' . .
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