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fJC � <br /> „ <br /> 537 <br /> . <br />� � <br /> . � <br /> _ __-- - <br /> �_= �� -�__�. _____� ---------- _ <br />��_- _�._-��-_ ___--- _ -- <br /> =___ __--- -- - - _______ - - ! <br /> , Hall County, �lebraska. Toget:ner �Titn �.11 �n�. singu�ar the h°re:�ita:�ents th�reunto belonoin�. <br /> � <br /> ' To have and to hola the a�:�ove de�cribed ��remises unto ��he s��id A. F. �lade heirs and assigns;� � <br /> � <br /> that n ither he , t�.e said ;�illiam Po:vell or any person i� his na::��e and behali, shall or �xill � <br /> i <br /> heraaf er claim ox �er.��ma any ri�ht or title to the said premises or an;� part t�iareof but they <br /> . � <br /> ', and ev ey one of tnar� sha11 Uy these p.resants be e:�cluled and forever 'oarre3. In �9itness S9her�-i <br /> . � <br /> ' of, tlz said �?arty of �he first �art ::as hereunto set his }iand and seal the day an1 �fear last � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> I a�ovo ritten.� �filliam Potive?1 : <br /> 5i��;ne3, sealed an�. delivered in r,r�sor.ce of � <br /> �H: F. r;�clntosh, -`;vi_tness. � <br /> ��farth� A. Po�xrell � � <br />,, ---�__-______. - ---.._.__�. <br /> � <br /> State f ;te�;ra:�ka ) � <br /> lss <br /> Hall C unt yT. ) On this ?5th day of Februar;r A D. 1�09 befoxe r.i° the undersigned, <br /> Iiu-h F. 2i2Clntos��, a Justice of the Peuc� , qualifi�d for an3 resiain� in said county, personall;� I <br /> � <br /> came ':7i11.iar:� Po�,vell ( asin�le man) to �e kno�vn to be the identical �erson �arhosa narne 3s affixe�. <br /> to t e foregoing conveyanca as grantor and ackno�vle�.�e3 said instrument to be his voluntary <br /> � <br /> act and aeel for the pur;�osas ;herei� set forth. ���itness my hand �his N5 day of Fe'Qruary, 1909. <br /> Hu h T'. i�IcIntosh. J�zstice of the Peace. j <br /> �t - <br /> _� .___._ _ <br /> __._�_ �_ ..�_�� _ , <br /> ,;,. , <br /> ' Filed for r�=��ord th� llt'� day of ��Iarch, 1909 at 1-?0 P. ','... <br /> , - <br /> . �; ����� � <br /> ��.�� ____�___�oi� y e r:c. � � <br /> � �� ���, ��� �.��� <br /> ;' r � rr n r r, r � .j rr rr � r i_1�..7. l_� tl 1._.l '.lr rr�r rl !r �r r��.'!.L_L( !..11._f_;..1 r rr.11 ��Ji_fl ll rr,rr �r �r � rl_�L.�r,/! i�C 'll � /:�::�;_ -� -'. L.lL �- 1. �_J!JI. '1f-i--r, r _i n 7r._ll•',r <br /> � 1L 1,f �.�_....�1�.�I. .��.�:_i�_-�'-�-�.:1`�'--r �..,�:.r{�.. 1� . i r i...,.....��_ ' � �-�-�:. . .:i. . . f.� 1�. ��. - �F- <br /> ��� i ,� ;,�l �, „ „ �, n „ „ ;�;r � � _ ,� �1 „ n �. ,i;,���,t�r,��i! ������`��i�-t,"�t���-�r , t��t7t 7r�t�r�����1� ,,i�;P r r� <br />� ��, -, �� �, ,� „ ! �� ��� ,, r, ,, �, �!����c 7r;r �� „ „ -J�,� �r„ �;,,, a�r��;r „ �; .. ,, rr ,, �, rr �r ,, ,. � <br /> I <br /> '' KNO�Y AZI, .�i�11 �Y '�':ff;SE PrPSEi1':S: That I 1�nareLFT `�'1. Cass��rvan ( :vido:�er) of the County o� Car'pon; <br /> . ana �tute of ti7yor�in�, for ar.a in co�siaeration of �he surn of T'_:irt���en ihotisana Ei;ht Hundred <br /> ;, an�, no/100 Do� ^.ars in h�n� �aia, ao ��ere':�y �r`�t , bar�ai:�, sell, co�!vey an� confirm unto �?�trne,� <br /> 17eoben o-r �'�� County of Hall and State of �Te'�raska, the follo:ving described real es�ate sitt�ate3 <br /> I <br /> in ilall County, State of ;�ebraska,, to-.�rit : The South :vest qu�zrtar (S��J-4) Section T:venty t�vo � <br /> (.�2) �o?�nsnip number Ten (10) i'oxth of R�nge ?iun�per T�rTelve (12) '�?es`t of i;he Sixtli (6) Principal <br /> �eriaian. In all on� hL:r�„�.r.ed an;i sixty acres accoraing to government survey thereof. gubject <br /> to one certain I�,iort�age of T«ren�;r-�'ive i-iunared Dol� ars (y;2�00 OQ) and interest on tlie same aft�r <br /> adaxch the firs� , 1909,. AZso subject to one certair. r:oxt�age to dr� Herman Janss, as shown on <br /> �; record of book of i�Iortguges, �ook �1, pa�e 372, for �1500 00 arati�ing interest at tha rate of eix <br />�� ;I � � � <br />� !� p�r cent. To Have, ana Te Hold �Yie prer:i�es, a��;ove :�escri�ed, tog°ther �vith all the tenements, ( <br /> ' hexedi�az:�en�s an3 ar�,urtenance� thereunto belon�;in;; unto ;he sai3 Barney �ebben, ana to his <br /> !� heirs aizl assi�ns �orever. And I do ��ero'�y cov°nant ~rith t}�e sai:� �arney u7e'raben and ��ith his <br /> heirs and assi�ns t��at I ar:i la���tfully seized of sail rrer.zises; that thQy are free fram encur�brance I <br />, - • � eYCept as above; � that I have �;ood ri�;ht and 1�.:7fu1 authori�� to sell tl:e sa�:e; ar.� I do �,.ereby � <br /> i ' ! <br /> covenant to sti�arrant ana �.efend the title to tl:e said z,rer�lises a�;;.:inst the la���ful claims of all � <br /> ' persorls ;vho::soevcra A.n1 the �aid ----hereb;� relin:�uis:�.es all-----in an3 to t',e a'.;ove :�.BSC?°1.'aea <br /> . <br /> i premises. Si;;ned t'iis 1St?z aay of ����i�r.zar.;; �'1. �. 1909. <br /> . � Andr��v R. Casservun. <br /> i' In j resenca of � <br /> - ii <br />� ;� T.��. Fau,�,ht., � � <br /> State of r�ei�ra�ka ) <br /> '! }�s <br /> ` '� ?�'all C,ounty. ) On this 26 �.�y of Februa.ry, .�. D. 1909 bef.ore me t:�e undersi�ned, T. �". <br /> Fau;ht , a Notary Pu�lie, �uly cor,�n7ission�d and qv.�lified for and resiain�; in said county, � <br /> ( <br /> ; persona�lJ car::e �n1r.e�r u�, �.ass��rvan to �e knoynn to be tile identical person ;v'_��ose name is <br /> �; � I <br />�� '� _ � -- � � � � <br /> �� , <br />