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53�� , . <br /> _ _ __ _ _ _� __. _ - <br />��v__-` -,_� . ,,_ _ <br /> _ , : -- �-�___. <br /> _- _ .__�_.__�_=---_ __�_. <br /> -,, <br /> ,, <br /> 5ta�e of P��e':,raska } . , '' <br /> '� <br /> ) s:; ;i <br /> Iia11 Caunty. ) Or. �:�iis 10" day of Iyrarch A. D. 1Ju a before me the undersi�;ned, a 2dotary <br /> � <br /> Pu�lic , �uly co::�nlissio::ed an� :��.4ulifi�.� for and resi�.ir.g in sai3 count�, �;ersonally came �Tilliam �; <br /> iI. Tlion:�son, 'Jettie I. Thom.r�so�„Fred �7. AsYiton, Car�ie R. Ashton, Arthur C. r,7ayar and Else � <br /> •� <br /> �;ia;�er, ta me kno�v:� �o ae the iaen�ical rarsons .,llose na:�es aro a�'fixed to the foregoing convey- <br /> , <br /> ance as �rantors anci ackno,�rl.e3�ed s�i�. i:�strLUnsnt to U� their voluntary act and deed for the '' � <br /> pur�oses th�; rein set fort'z. 'ii�n�ss my hand and i;otarial Seal this 10" day of T�iarch, 1�G9. ;! <br /> ?,ly commissio:: e�ires t��e und day of 5ept�^ibor, 1910. Lizzie Limbacl�. Notary Public ; <br /> (SFAT�): : ' <br /> � Fi1e3 for recor3 ��he lOth �ay of :��;iaxc�z, 1909 at 3 �.�ki. � � � <br /> � <br /> �( • . � ~�G ouri� C 1 e r .�;__�.-- ----- f <br /> ------------------------_________________�______---__---_-_---_- -��.��-�°�-�_�����____ � � <br /> , ,*r n T t.,r, -, n �,c�� „�- -,�, ^' <br /> i� <br /> Kr7�:� ���.,L .;11_,.�, .�.:Y !, ._ ,•��, : ', 'r.,.� • "'�ia'� �:.i1Tii� c i�ttt;art � IT7.:;tOVq� Of �i1� County of UaSalle and State Ol ' <br /> ,. _LJi�� , t <br /> �i <br /> I1linoi� fo� ana in consid�ratior. of �„o su,m of :'oux Thousa:z� and r.o/100 �Do1l.ars in han� paid, ;�; <br /> �� <br /> �?o ��vreuy �ru:�t , se11, conve f anc:� con�irm. unto Frea�rick r� . :Lell;r of �ize Cou�:ty of �iar�ilton, ana i <br /> !� <br /> i+ <br /> `�t�x��e of 'r��;ruar;u, t;:P follo�.�ri�� lescrik�ea real �st�.te si�uatea in-�Iall County and State of Ne'c�ra� <br /> i <br /> ska, to-zr�it : North hal-�, 7:.orth-east �u�.rter (�l� ��TE4) �t 5ection thirteen (13) To�rnship Ten {10) !� <br /> T�. Ran�;e �1ine (�) ?hlest of 6th �.:,�. containin� Qi�hty acxes :r:ore or les� according to �overn:aent �i <br /> �I <br /> survey; an1 I �.o here�ay covanant t�vith the said Fredexick F. I�e11;� anc� his heirs and assigns that � <br /> �; <br /> I an la;�Tf�ill.y sei�od of sai,.� �axer��ises;- tY1at they are free `'rom encurnbrance;� that I have ,~oo;i " <br /> �; <br /> right and la:�ful aut�ority to sell the sa:�e; an� I do hexe�y covenant to warrant and defend the !.� <br /> title vo ,aid rretnises a�ainst �l�e la;�ful cl�ims of all. �?ersons �vhomsoever, excopt as above state�,. <br /> � i, <br /> Ana the--said---- here'�;-� r�lin:�uis�'les=-------in ana �o the auovs �.escrib�d pre::lis°s. Sigr.ed �; , <br /> t�is 25th day of Febxuary A. D. 1909. 2,Irs: Emsna �iungart. j� <br /> �, <br /> �� <br /> I� pre�ence o� � �, <br /> . , <br /> 1'�1C�'10�.iiS ',�i . �'�7:1C�.1. ',` . <br /> ...r_ _.._..�._..._____.._.�.�_. �._ ' <br /> �i <br /> li <br /> The State of Illinoi� } � <br /> ) ss �i <br /> County oi LaSalle ) Gn t��is �5th d�y of February �:. D. 19J9 'aefor� the undersi;ned, a `� <br /> 1`lotary Fublic, <iuly cbnun�ssioned an�� cl�.zalifiel for an3 resi3ing in �aid county, personally car,ie '� � <br /> ;j <br /> Emma �un�art , �rri�.o;v, to r:e l�nown to be t?ze i3entical person �.escribea in a.ncl �vha e�ecuted� the ; <br /> ,, <br /> ;. <br /> foregoing conveyance as grantor ana acknaS:�leaged sai3 instxu.ment to be ----voluntary act arxi deed.� � <br /> i, <br /> �itness ray hand ar.:i '�lotarial S�al the �ay ana year last a'aove �,aritten. �i <br /> Anna i�;ic�".�overn. '! <br /> �SEAL) �Yiy cor.�nission e�ires ?dov. �'7 , 1911. otar� pu ic. �� <br /> � ;:� � <br /> Fi1ad �'ar recorci t�.� �.�t:� �?ay of i�,�arch, 1909 at� 10 A. �,�1. j; <br /> ,� <br /> i����l'.-� " <br /> � G���_��un y �r�:_v__��_,�;... . <br /> -�-�, .��,w ,' <br /> , ,. , <br /> ��� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �( � ' �Lf�.��.7,!��/.�� rr..__fr !111 jf,'7 �'.1�1!_,'..�1 ,,� q�; rr fr_1(.1� q � N,_/� �t n ,i7 �'.�L l._/G f.L�_.l.t_[(./�1LJ ./C./+ ?!.1.C_(!._Il_!_t���(. . L ����/ �l t '/i/ �/ r r_ r ( � <br /> -'fX'��,� ��.�P'��'Y"�"'7}`'tf'f•'�'7t'"f'7!"7'Tl,r�?�t1"7J`-�"11'`7t'�"Y±�'�""�)r'7°•sP'7�`rr!-}�-',r�, r!-,`;-)1-'t`P�(f-���91`�1�'T�`iY�71"3�'1�`71"7y"7.'°�'fi'Tl'lr��'��7f"7t`�I 17l"„ �l'!"7Y'��f�����R'77'7F�'kf� � <br /> L f 1.J1 !�11 Jl r! tt� <br /> rn-�tti <br /> �T z,, � ?� t � � n *� „ ,._ t a„ �1 � <br /> s��sIT.-CLAI,i DEED: TIIIS IT1D� �TT R�, mwde this 25 day of re;,r�aa, � in the ,�ear one vhousan3 nine � <br /> „ <br /> ,, <br /> hundre� an�, nine, bet�vpen �'lilliani Po�vell of A?da, T?all County, i?e;�r:�sra, (a single man) o� the � <br /> ,� <br /> �irs� �-�a�t , �nu ri. �'. �laae, of iiall. Count;T, '7ebr�:�s�.a, of the Secoiiu j�rt , �i�n�ss�th, that the � _ <br /> sai�. part� of t:��r firs� ��zrt, ir consi;�eration of the sur� of T:vo Iiun;ired and no/100 Dollars to <br /> him, luly paid, the r�ceis�t T�r'��reos is :�ere:�y uc�:rlo�.�rl�;�;�.i, �ia� remisec�;, ralease�.l and nt:�it-clain�ed}�; <br /> an3 ay �h°se �ra� loes for l�ir�self, hia :1`.'ll"S� exee�ators :.�.n�. a�aministrators, remise, reiaase ;! <br /> i <br /> and forevar �1zit-cl��ir� �ena CO'�1VE:'yr unto �}:e sui�:� �art� of the secon3 I�urt an�:� to his heirs �nd i! <br /> �� <br />�� asUi�ns iorev�r, all �^.is ri��t, iitle , i}:terest , esta�e , clai:r. and der:�an� both at la��r ar.�. in <br /> � � 4 <br /> e��uity, of, ir. ar.d to a11 0-�' ':�?is ir}terest lan�i.�t�iled an1 ether��vi�c in ana to the iollo�rvin� de- �j <br /> �. <br /> scripea real ����at�: situ�:�;�:� i�l TTall ��u��y, ;ie�;�as'�.<:�, to-�:�it : The east one-half (�) of the South; <br /> i <br /> :�rest on�-�ourth (-}) ant� �;l�c eas� 1��;�1f (�;) af �iLe ilort _-;��st one-�ourtlz (4) of the South-ti^rest One- ' <br />� <br /> i � +' � 1-� � ry l � 1 ''� � � � �~ It ,,^ <br /> ��Ta.r�.n 4 u11 in �ecl;ion ten 1�) ToLvzls�ii_ �I.evesl 11 , i�un�e �leven 11) �'Jest of �he 6 P..�.. in �` <br /> i� � <br /> i ii <br />