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�� <br /> ����? <br /> __ ._ <br /> a�uinst the la.�ful clainys of 2a11�`r ersons�Nhon.sosver, �in ~ <br />-- -- ._---=--_� __ _ _ ____ _ __ ___ _ _ <br /> L T � � t � 3 the said Alma J. Clark hereby relin— � <br /> t, <br /> quis��es all ri�ht of ��.otNer in an�3 �o the a���ve aescribed �rer�ises. Si�re�. this 5th da� of March `i <br /> ;; <br /> A. D. 19G9 . Charles� E. C1a-�k. <br />� Alma J. Clark. <br /> In Fresence of <br /> �"�eo. ��7. V�ingext. '' *� <br /> I �i <br /> Sta e o N ras <br /> t f eb ka <br /> ) <br /> )ss � . <br /> Hall Cqunty. ) �Jn tl�i� 5th day of � arch, A. I?. 19U9 l�e�ore me the undersi�gned, a I�?otAry <br /> i� <br />� Pu'r�lic , duly commisaione� and ;ualified for ��nc� re�i�;iin; in said caunt�, Fereonally came Charl:es ;; <br /> ;�ri f e <br /> E. Cla.rk �:�a Aw:l.a �7. Cia�k, hisnto rs�� known to �e tlze identical �exsons ;vhose nar�.es are affixed to ; <br /> the foxegoin� conveyance as �,rantors , �nd acknoevledgec� said instrument to be their T,roluntary act �' <br />� � � � ,� � <br /> and ,�eed for the ��arroses therein set forth �itness my han� and Tvotarial Seal this 5th day of " <br /> t <br /> ��:�iarch , 1909. ��1y -commi�sior. ex�ires ���ov. 1��� , 191G. " <br /> Flliott Harrison, ;; <br /> (SE�:I,) IJot�r;r Pubi ic . <br /> { <br /> Filed for r.ecora the 6th da;� of .�,'.arch, 19Cy ��t 9 A.:v1. <br /> ;E <br /> 4, <br /> I .;ount er . �! <br /> � y C ` <br /> _________ ______________ _________--------------______________---------------------______--__--__ ii <br /> '�'ARR�:NTy D�ED: kno�,� a11 men b�T these �>resents;• That �rre , ?vlarion Pur„A and Estelle Rurgo , (hus— �� <br /> , ; <br /> �ana an,:� �,vife) of the County of £uffalo anrl State of �1e�raska , �'or ar.�. in car.sidexatior c�f the � �i <br /> sum oP Seventy Two ��un�.red (�'7200 00) Dollars , in hand �i� ��y Frank Klinkacek of the CoYanty of <br /> i <br /> Puffalo and 5tate of �re�xaska, �ir _Zereb;r sell ancl con�,*eJ unto the �aid Frank Klinkacek the fo1— ; <br /> ;i <br /> Towin� descrik�ed rremi�es~, situate� in the County o�' Hal.l and �tate of �?ebraska, to—cvi.t:c mhe ;' <br /> � ,; <br /> i� <br /> North—east �uarter of section nurnbered seven (7 ) in fio�vnshi�: nura'�ered Eleven (11) , North of ' <br /> i: <br /> Ran�e r.ur�bere�. Twelve (12) �dest of the Sixth P. ��. containing one hun�.red and sixty acres� more or �� <br /> !i <br /> ,. <br />� lessA accoxdin� to the Governmaent Survey. T'o�ather with all the tenements , heredi,tatnents and <br />� ' ap�aurten��nces �o the ear?e belon�izzg, and a11 the estate , ri�ht, title , interest, claim or demand I' <br /> ;; <br /> T�rhatsoever of t;he said �.�arion Furge �: Estelle �?ur�° , of, in, or to the saMe , or any �art thereof. i': <br />: : To and to hol� the above ��.escri"aed premises, t�ith the a�purtenancea , unto the saic� Frank <br /> ' Klinkacek and to his heirs and assigns foxever. And ive hereby covenant ��rith the said Frank � <br /> Klir.kacek that �.ve hold said premises by goo� and �er-�ect t itle; that �ve have �ood ri�;ht and <br /> luwful a.uthorit� +.o se11 and convey the sar�e;• that they �,;re free and clear o� aTl liens and incum-ii <br /> brance�,� and we cov�nant to �rarrant s�n� clefend th�; saia Y�rer�i�es a�ainet the laartul claims of all �; <br /> � '�,; <br /> persons �thomsc.>ever. Ana the sai�. Estelle r�urge , hereby relin��.iuishes a11 right of �ao�ver in and ;; <br /> to the above aescri'oed �remises. Si�ned �his 24th da� of Februar�r, �. P,. 1909. � <br /> ?�Iarior. Burge . '� - <br /> In rresence of Estelle Fur�e. <br /> ;; <br /> 1�Tillard F. �ailey.. <br /> � ,; <br /> � The "tate of T�lebraska � ;� � � <br /> )as , <br /> Fl:ffalo County . } On this 24th day of Februax,r , A. L�. 3�C-'�; r��fiore �e '��illard F. <br /> Failey , a �lotaxlr Pu�.�lic , dul,r commissionec� �nd �ualified for an3 rc�siciin�; in said count��, pers�on- <br /> '�; ally came ar�arion hurge and �stelle �3urge , husband and ;vife , to me kna�n to be the identical �ers7 rVs° <br /> described in anc� �vho executed the foro�oin�; conveyanee as grantors anct acknowlea�;ea the said <br /> instrumant to be their volun�ary act an3 deed/ �itness my han� and .�lotarial ��eal the day ar.d � <br /> { year last a�ove �r�ri�;ten. t�7y comr��ission e:pires Sept. llth, 1�13. <br /> ?�i�lard F. Baile�C. <br /> (S��I�) T�Tota�y Publ�;c. <br /> Filed i or reco�°d the ^th ;.�a; of �,iarch , 19U9 at 9 �.��,i. <br /> ; , <br /> _, <br /> -� oun y er . <br /> ,; <br /> � ;; � <br />� L_ ___ _ il <br /> I� <br />