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i`�t� 4��� <br /> , <br /> ��� <br />�_.-_-_-_-._ - --�..-_- _.,-: ,,._„ ___.__ _- _- - �- _ �__.__.____________ __�e_�-_-__- - - - -- - i <br /> � ._. _ _ _ _ _ � <br /> John J. Bre�aex, ;�eeea~e3, of the County of Hal.l an3 St�te of �debr.aska, for an�. in consi-d°r.ation iE <br /> ,i <br /> o� the sum o�' Six Thousan�� Fnur Hun�.rea Dollars in ha,nd �aic�, ��o here'�y�xant , bar�ain, sell , <br /> convey an3 confirm unto ihomae� �'. SY�oopxr�an of the Cnunty of �tall and 5tate of �1ebr�ska, the �ol- �'� <br /> la�rin; describe� real sstate situate�i in Hall County, �tats of Nebrag��a, to-�Ri�t : Th� South <br /> half o� the north-east quarter of section thixty-one ( 31) To�nshir t,velve (12) North, �a��e <br /> rleven ( 11) �eat of ±he 6'th Princi�^al ?�?eri�ian in :�Tebraska. To T-iave and to hold the �rer�ises <br /> a'�ove �escriae�, to�ether �rith all the Teneme:�t� , Heroai+ament� an� a�;�urtenanee� thereun�o be- <br /> lon�in�;• unto the saia �rant3e and to his heir� an� assi�;ns forc�ver. And �,ve ��,o �iereby covenant <br />, �vith the said �xrantee an�� �F,►ith Y�.is '� a?Zd dssi;n� that ��e ar.e la�Rfully aeized of said prem-, <br /> ises;� that they are iree From encum�rance;° that ��re havc �ood ri�ht ana lawful authority *o eell ; <br /> ;: <br /> the aarr�e;: and =:�ve ao hereby coven<�nt to �raxrant and �:�efend the title to the said �remises again�t '� <br /> I' the la=�vf'�zl claims o� all pexsons :��homsoever. And the said --he,-e��y- relin��ui�he� all ---in and h , <br /> to the above descr. i��ed ;}remise��. Si;ne�. this 24th day of FF,bruaxy , A. �, 1309.. ; <br /> � In prasenc� oP t�il�.ard C.. Bre�ver, Cora F3re;ser. ;; <br /> � Charles F. Bre�ver , ��4ay �re�er. <br /> J. �. Cox. �,�artin i�.;. I�re�rer, I�ottie Bre!r�er. '' <br /> � � ��ertie 1�. � Elliott ;• pe�"t�ex Elliott . ( � <br /> !�eo. �. T'!ir.�ert. ��tlyrQn �. Benton;� Pearl B�nton. <br /> State of ��lebraska ) _ <br /> � )ss � �i , � <br /> Ha11 County. ) On t.'.�is 24th 3�;r af February , A. D. 1909 beiore me , the un4�orsi;r_ed, a �! <br /> �i <br /> i Not�ry Public, c�uly commissioriea and :�tilali�'ied for. an3 r�sidin� in said count y, �ersonally came ;; <br /> S'Villara �. Rres:ver , Cora Fre.•rer , Charlas E. BreTQer , l�,ay Fre�.ver, ��fiar+i�� :��. Pre�.�er, I,ottie Bre�tter, ;� <br /> ;�iertie D. E1.liott �eter �lliott , P��Zyxnn A. 13en�tt�r� an3 Pear1 Bentan, to �e kno�n to '�e the iden- '� <br /> �ical persons r�ho�a nar.�e� �are affixed ta the fare�ai:�g conveyance a�° �rantors , and aeknotvledged <br /> said instrument to '�e the-i-r voluntaxy act an� deod for the rUrroses therein se+ �orth, '�'itnea� <br /> . ;; <br /> my hand and notarial seal this =_',4th day of F�bruary, -1909.. . <br /> �� �� Elli�ott Har�rison. ;; � _ I <br /> )SEAJ.,( �iy commisqi�n e�n;ires Nov. 16', 1�10.. o arjf u`� lc. ' <br />� Filea f�r record thQ 4t}1 3a of ':'arch 1909 at 5 P.��. - <br /> Y , ;; <br /> :�<��!�/ �_��� <br /> a-E:/��7"� ; 4 r . <br /> �< oun y C er . ,� <br /> ;; <br /> ___--r----____,�.�---------------------------------------------------�------____________________�_ � <br /> K;10'.�l P�L�Z� j�EiI I�Y �T�5F PFFSENTS:� That I , �arney �leUbon, (a sin�le m�n) of the County of Hall !' <br /> and State of Tlebraska �ox an� in consiaeration of the surn of Nine Thousan3 and Seventy five and � � <br /> no/100 L�ollars in han�l i aid, da here�y �r��nt , bar�ain, sell, conve� �nd confixm unto TAaxy J. �� ; <br /> nunn of the County of Hall an�,� State o�' Iv'euraska, the �ollowing �iescribed real estate eitaxated � <br /> in Iiall County , an;,� State o� �Tek�raska, to-�rait : The �rest �event,T-ei�ht (78) acre.s of the :^lorth i; • <br /> ;, <br /> ona half of the narth �rvest �;uar�er (NW�) section t�►o (2) , Tnwnshin number nine (9) Rlorth of �an�e;i � <br /> T'�3um�er T�;�elve (12') �es�t of the Sixth (�) Princi�al hqeri3ian. And the Sou-�h-east quarter of the i; <br /> south-a�est �uarter (Sl: � of S1Wµ) seetinn number thirty-f� ve (35) Tot:vnship Num'r�er Ten ( 10) Tdorth <br /> of Ran�e Numk�er T�relve �'jes� , of the Sixth (6) �rinc3�al ��exi�ian. In a11 one hundret3 eightF,en � <br /> (118) acres aceorain� to Govern.nient survey thereof. mo Ha�re an� To Rn1�3 the x remises above <br /> :�esc,ri��e1, to�ether -�ith a11 th� !'enements , Y1�redita�ents ar.3 A��urtenan�as thereunto belon�in�; ; <br /> unto the said ?�,Tary J. L?unn, anc� to her an1 aq�igns•, fore�rer. And I da hereb� co�re:�ant <br /> ��;ith th� said i+�iary J. Punn an3 txrith her heirs an1 assi;ns th:�t I r�m l���fully seized of s�3id <br /> premises;• that they are free fxom. encumbrance , that I have qnod ri�h+ and latvful authority tc <br /> ..>elI the same;� an�. I da here'�y cov�na;t �o warrant anc� defend the title �to s�iGi premises aUainst ' <br /> the la�,irfizl cl�ims of all w:�er�on� �;rhomsoever. �na the s��i��. -----here'py relin:�,aishes a11----in and to <br /> I <br /> the a'�ove describea �remis�s°. �iuried this 3d day of 's�iarch, n�. �. 19�,�+:�. <br /> Barney Webben. <br /> In l resencc� af <br /> T. '". Pau;;ht. , <br /> � <br /> � il <br />