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zo�c <br /> �� � <br /> __ � ___ <br /> -State of rles�raska ) . <br /> . )ss � <br /> . T3a11 County ) (3n this 2 day of March, A. D. 190�, before me the undersigned a Notary <br /> ; Public du1 commissionea and �,ualified for and residing in said county, personally came Ado1f <br /> , Y <br /> �' Runge and ?�da�gie Run�;e to me kno�r�n to be the identicdl persons -�vhose :�ames are a�fi�e�. to the <br /> il foregoi:�� conveyar.ce as grantors, and ackno��laa�ed said instrument to be their voluntary act <br /> f; and �eed for the x urposes therein set forth. Witness my hand an3 notarial seal this 2 day of i <br /> �; �,�arch, 1909. My comr�isaion expires Oct. 2�" , 1913. , , <br /> Geo. '�. �in�ert. � <br /> °, (SEAL) , �r?�otary P�ab�ic. <br /> Filed for xecord the 3rd day of �?arch, 1909 at 5. P.M. . <br /> � <br /> � �-�; � oun y _e r . ���� <br /> ��I �-��j/ . .�((".�a�trj ��.�.�'�l���_�?�_�1��'��.�./��/-lI;F�1���-�'.r��':�.�'-���#'�.��y���.`-.�1�'��/}�1'J�'(IJl��'�!J�b'�':-���l�'���1��1!#�'�1�'��#�1��t�1 �-',U-11��������-.��E�#�. .�J��( -:���F�dd�V� ��� #J�� �� .�� <br /> "� �f i. � .� i! �� 11 ,7 � „ -� �r i. �, .� ,r �r �� . ir i� �i �� i� �. .. �� .. r� �� . .. �� �. .� � �{R� ��jJ <br /> If r!��11 il l� 1. i. .. i� r. �� l, �. �� � � „ , Ir �! ', ,� .. .� ,. .. �� ., . . � �. � . !. ��i H l�?���1� 11�l� i. i. r li � �Ir JI . � I <br /> �(i KNO� AI�L ;�iF�T �3Y T?iEBE F�I�FSET3TS: That we, Frank Strasser and ?,gatilda ?�I. Strasser, hus�and anc� <br /> ; wife, of the County of Ha11 and State of Nebraska, �'or an� in consideration of the sum of <br /> � <br /> ' T��velve Thousan� �i�ht Hundrsd & no/100 Dollars iri !.and paid, do hereby �rant, bar;ain, sell, con- <br /> ,, <br /> �` vey and confi.rm ,�nto �Perry ��ax Bly of the County of Hall an3 State of ?Jebraska, the �o1loNing i <br /> I <br /> ' describea real sstate situate� in F-Ia11 Cou_�:t�, State of ��Tebraska, to-�tit ; The South Fast <br /> ' Quarter (SE4) ;3ection Thirty-five (35) To�vnshi� iJumber Eleven (11) Noxth of Zan�e Number Eleven( 1 <br /> �� �lest of Sixth (^" ) Princi�:a1 �+�eri��ian. In all 160 acres acco.r3in� +o �ovexnment survey tnereof . <br /> ' ji To Have and To Hold the prer�ises above described, to�eth�r s,vith all the Tenements, Hereditamen�s <br /> ; , <br /> �+ and apFurtenances therQUnto belongin� unto the said nerry Max Bly and to his heirs and assigns � <br /> "' forever. And :ve do hereby .covenant �,vith �he said Perr;* �iax Bly and �,vith his heirs an3 as3igns <br /> „ • <br /> �� that �ve are lavafully �eize3 0� said premisos;� that they are free from encumbrance that we <br /> I <br /> i; have gooci ri�ht an�i la�vful authority to se11 the same;� an� �ve do hereby covAnant to �►arrant and <br /> i; defen� the title to said rramises a�ainst the lawful claims of all �ersons �ahomsoeyAr. An� the <br /> said ���atilda vi. Strassar hereby relinquishes all do�ver and ot��er ri�hts in and to the above <br /> ': described premises. 5i�ned this 2?th 3ay of February, A n. 1309 . Frank�Strass°r <br /> , ;� In presence of ?datil:�a r�?�Strasser. <br /> ! T. ti'�. Fau�ht. <br /> ;, Sta�e of Nek�x�ska ) � <br /> • ��� ° <br /> ' Hall County,/ ) On thia 27th day of February A. D. 1909 before me the uniiersi�ned, T. PP. <br /> ` Fau�ht , a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualifiad for an� residir�;; in said county, per- <br /> sonally carne Frank Str�sser and rdatil.�.a �. Strasser (Husbana and �vife) to me kno�n to he the <br /> � identical persone described in ancl evho executed the fore�oin� conveyance as ;rantors, and � <br /> ' ackno�vlea;e3 said in�trument to be th�ir voluntaxy act an3 deed. j�itness my hand and Tlotarial <br /> ;' Seal the day and year last above written. Ivly commission exrires the 29th �af of Au��ast , 1914. <br /> (g�qL� ` T. W. Faught.�Notary Public. <br /> ' File3 for record the 3r� day of ?�arch, 1909 at 5 0' clock P...�. <br /> � ��ount� (��e r . � <br />'I / +_ ` �_ r_ 1 ' r p 1 r � � R l r f � !1 � t 4 I_G' r r f it . 1 1 �_ f <br /> � � _�- ��-�� �� ��.����� ���u���� � u:��-��-���r��x�� � �����t, ��� �,.��r � � . �uau�+,��:� ��r,�u�:��� �e����..��- ;� ,.�.,���:�:� <br /> ����.y�„ �,r . .. ,. #.. ., �,. �, ,. .. .� , „ .. �., „ �, �. „ , ,. .. „ .. ,. .� ,. ,� ,. „ ,> >, ,�„ ,. ,, �. , h�',. ., ., ,a „ ., ,. .. ,� ,. =f�,. ,. ,. „ ,. ,.�,. . ., , ., ,. , . �,. „ „ „ , „ .;-� �- �,�� <br /> i VPARRANTY DEED: Know All Men By These Pre3ents: TY�at �Ne , Clarence J. Co� and Au�usta Cox, his <br /> tvife of the County of Adams and State of Nabraska, for and in consiaeration of the sum of 5even <br /> � �' Thousand Dollars in hand �+aid, do here'�y �rant , 'bar�in, se11, convel an� confirm unto Charles ' <br /> i�Ji. Markham of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, the follo�►in; described real estate <br /> � situatec� in Fiall County, and State of N�braska , to-ryit : The East half of the ?�orth-wa�t :�uartar <br /> + of Section T�enty-five (2�) To�vnship '�1ine (9) Nortll, Ran�e '�1ine (9) �lest of the Gth P.���. <br /> �� To Have and To Hold the rremises above aescribe�_�, �o�ether tivith all the TeneMents, Hereditaments� <br /> ;; and Apnurtenances thereunto belon�in�;� unto the said Char_les :�i. I�darkham and +o ?zis heirs and <br /> ; <br /> . 'I , <br /> �� __ <br />