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ZO�C . <br /> 515 <br /> _:� `_ --- -=-=_- <br /> � <br /> '` hereby covenant �vith the said Thoma:� C. Sim�9s�on, and �rith his heira an3 assigna that �re are <br /> �' lav�fully soized of said premises; that �they are free from encumbrance that ��e have �ood ri�,ht <br /> . <br /> ` ar�d lawful , �ut hority to sell the same;• and �ce 3o hers'py cot►enant to �.�varrant and defen3 the t itle <br /> � _,. <br /> � <br /> to the s�i� premises a�ainst the la�vful claims of all cersons �^�homsoever. tind the said rrarriet � <br /> Gilchrist here'oy re].inquishes all her dower and othor ri�hts in an3 �o the abave described <br /> . i <br /> , �sremise.:�. Si�ned this second aay of �?arch A. D. 1909. <br /> ' : In presence of Robert C. Gilchrist. i <br /> � T. �, Fau�ht. Harriet Gilchrist. � <br /> ' State of r�ebraska ) <br /> �s <br /> ' Hall County 3 On this 2nd day of 2�darch, A. D. 1909 before me the un�.ersignea, T. °�. <br /> Faught , a �lotary Public , du1� commissionea an� �3ualified for and resi3ing in sai�� county, <br /> � <br /> ;'! personally came Robert C. rxilchrist and Harriet Gilchrist , husband and �.�rife , to me kno�rn to be � <br /> � <br /> the i�.entical �ersons t�vhoss name are affixe3 to the fore�oing conveyance as grantors , and � <br /> �i ackno�frledgeci said instrument ta be their voluntary act and deed for the purFosesi thersin set <br /> � ; forth. Witness� my hand and Alotaxial SEal this 2n� day of ��.tarch, 1909. �fy commission exriirea <br /> � '� the 29th c�ay of �unlzst , 1914. T. sra. Fau�ht. Notary Pub�ic. <br /> (S�AL) <br /> . i <br /> Filed for record the 3rd 3ay of i���arch, 1909 at 9 A. �yi. <br /> �' �- _� <br /> ounty ler_._. i <br /> ; <br /> � � �-�+„� � �#1 '�� , �l� .�� � -�V--� - �-�Il: �� �1�1.� '��.��- � r-� -� f�.�:r.. sc ��. <br /> ��' ,�<<,� r������r�;��E#���-��-� , ;e�., ��,. .,-��,���-„���„ „ �,, „��#�t„ #„ „ #;����##�„ , .. ,'�,, „��,, . . �„ , ,. ., #, �`,�-�,, �.� . , ,��� ._:� , ., � <br /> ; KNO�t ALL ?viF:N �Y THE;� PRFS�ENTS: Tha.t ;•�e , Robert C. xilchrist and �iarriet �'�ilcn.ri�t , husband <br /> ;' and ��rife, of the County of Hall ancl State af tdebraska, for and in consiaeration of the su�} of <br /> , <br /> il Five Thousand Four Hundre�. and no/100 Dollars , in han�. Faid, �o hereby �rant , bar�ain, sell, � <br /> � <br /> '' convey and confirm unto �illiam C. ?!►illiams of the County of York and State of Tlebraska, the � <br /> . i <br /> ' follo�ing described real estate eituated in Hall County, S-tate of ?�e'�raska, to-�vit :- The North <br /> half (N �) of South east quarter (5E �) Section Twenty-one (21) Toti�vnship number eleven (11) <br /> , 1Jorth of �an�e Num'a�er Eleven (11) �^�'est of Sixth Princiral ?�;ari3ian.. In all 30 acres according <br /> to governmen�C survey trereof. To I�ave and To Hold the premises above described, together �vith I <br /> . ; <br /> ;: all the tenements , haxeditaments an�� a�purtenances tlzereunto belon�ing unto the sai3 �►illiam C. � <br /> - , W'illiams and to his heirs an3 assi�;ns forever. And m►e do hereby covenant rvith the said ��'illiam <br /> C. �Pilliams and �xith his heirs an3 assi�;ns that �ve are la�vfull,T seized of said premiaes ,•• that <br /> � they are free from encumorance that we have goo3 ri�ht and lawful authoritJ to sell the saMe <br /> � <br /> and we do hereby covenant to warrant and defenc� the title to said premises anainat +he la��vful ::._ i <br /> - �� �claims of all persons wilomsoever. Aj`d the said Harriet rilchriet hereby relinquishes all :3o��ex <br /> , an� other ri�hts in and to the abovQ 3eacribed nremisea. Si;ne3 this second daf of ��Aarch A.D. <br /> i 1�09.. <br /> ' Robert C . r�-ilcnrist . � <br /> I�d �resence of . <br /> H�rriet �ilchrist . <br />. fi. '�l. ?{'au�ht . I <br /> ;: �tate o� rleqra�,� ka ) <br /> )ss <br /> Iiall County � � On this second �.ay of :���arch A. D. 1909 before me the undersi�ned T. W. Fau�h <br /> a Tlotary Public , duly commissione�3 ancl Zualifie3 for and residin� in said co�antf personallf came <br /> " �o'pert C . Gilchxist and Harriet �;zilc;isist (i�usba�id an3 �:vife) to me known to be the identical <br /> �! person uescriber� in ana �vho execute�. the fore�oin� conve�ance as grantors , and acknoT,vledced <br /> i said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand and �lotarial :�5�a1 the day <br /> ;: and ear last above ;sritten.. ?v±y commission ex��res the 29th �ay of Au�ust 191�1�. <br /> (S�AI�� T. �l. Fau�rht. Notary public <br /> ` Filed for .r.ecord the 3r,� daf of ?�`arch, 1909 at 9 A.'��'. <br /> ;�, i�-l'/�"��:�� <br /> _ �oun�y�'Ier . <br /> �� <br /> ,. <br /> �I _ � <br />