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<br /> I have ?z,ereunto set my han�. on t�.is l'�fih 3ay o� January, 1909.
<br /> F�l�.vard Dun�nhy. �
<br /> D. P.. 0' Kane . Administratpr nf-�.�ie�s�a�tP o�ie
<br /> �JitnPs�. �IauUhan, �eceasea' �
<br /> .
<br /> State of T1ebr�ska )
<br /> )�a .
<br /> �iall Count;�. ) Qn t'�is 19th day of January, 1909, 'pef'ore me, the undersi�ne�, �. ��otary
<br /> Pul:�lic, in and fox said Cn7t�,�y, _�?er�onally a��earea Fd��vard Dunrhy, ac�ministratox of the esta�e
<br /> ,
<br /> of Katie ?�iau�h�n, �.ecease3, ;ersonally, knnT.vn to me to be the i�asntical �Qrson wnose name is
<br /> subscri'�e�. to the fore�oin� ��.eed as �r�ntor, and },vho ackno�vledged the axecution tl�ereof to ?�e
<br /> his volTantary act and de��a as saia aar�inistxator, for +he kurposes th�xein ex�;resse:�. �Vitness
<br /> my hand an3 ?�otarial �eal in said Count�y on the �ay an;� year last above �vritten. .
<br /> D. 1�. 0' Kane, '
<br /> (�Et�T,) t�y commission ex��ire� Jany 19-th, 191�. "�-?lotary Pu ic. �
<br /> Fileci for reco:rd tne the ?5th ciay of February, 1909 at 10 A. ��.
<br /> �
<br /> � � �ount
<br /> y � er .
<br /> • a[_ n r;q (1 n;�-r I� n n n��.q ;r.!1_1' !' t,(.li.�.I I� !i.!i.r rt rt rr,n a r� p tr�r �r n L.�jl L. _.1t r r r_Jl.,Ct J1 C+; '..!,1 r � 7 L. ..L�t . 1. _ll. �,
<br /> �;; #�l�. �, ,, , , � ., � ,, . ;_ � M.�� ,; F��. _ ;.�,. „ 7t„ „ ,��u .����:, , „ � ,� ���_l���r�-���,-��� ����.,�����.���������r���,����;������,������r��-
<br /> , � „ . , „ .i . . , , „ , � ., . _ . „ ., . „ ,. „ , �
<br /> ��I�.�RANTY D�FD: Kno,v �11 i�fen F�p LThese Presents; tl�a� Oscar Lor:�e and Pa�aline Z,omre ( husband
<br /> an� �►ife} of the Cour_t;T of �aunders an�i. State of r�ebraska, ('.�xantor in consi�.eration of the sum
<br /> of Seventeen Hun�re3 an3 Fifty ?�ollaxs, in hand pai�� do here'ay �rant , bar�ain, se11 and convej,�
<br /> unto S. Alcino�as H��yn:an of the Cavnty of Hall and State of ?�rP,�7'�.SIS�� rrantee, the follo�in�
<br /> descri��ed �aremisas , situate� in tl�e Countl� of Hall, and Stat° of Ne��raska, to-�.vit: A �ortion
<br /> of lot twelve and a �ortion of 1ot trirteen of the Count� Sub:iivision of the Sou.theast �uarter
<br /> of the Sot�thti�vest �uarter of �8Ct102'1 �1Xt88T1 of To�anship Eleven North, of Ran�e Kine West , in the
<br /> city of C�-xand Zsland, Neoraska, :r_ore �articularly �escribed ,ay metes, an�3 bounas, as follo�s : "
<br /> A portion of said lot t�elve beginning at a point fifty four and six tenths (54-��/10-) feet
<br /> north of the Southeaa� corner of sai�a lot t:�elve ana u�on the east line thereof, running thence
<br /> 3ue �torth alon� the �ast bounaary line of sai� lot t�ve].ve, fift;T-t�ra and einht tenths (52. v) -
<br /> feet to the �auth k�oun:lary line of Division Street thence in a South�resterly �.irection along
<br /> the south bound�.ry line of sai;�. I?ivisior. street twenty-five �nd t�vo tenths (25 ?) fPet thence
<br /> turning at a ri�ht �.r.�le an� �oin�; in a strai�l�.t line in a �outheasterlf direction for+y-six and !'
<br /> five tenth� (46:5� feet to the �oint of be�inninU. Also a penta;onal �o.rtion of said Lot Tl:irtee� �
<br /> described as follo�s : ReUinnin�; at the southeast corner of sai�� lot thirteen .running thence dus
<br /> north alon� the east l.�oun:�ary line of sa.id lot Forty Four feet ; thence in a Noxth�resterly �.irec- '
<br /> tion ei�hty seven and siX tent?�s feet ta the south bou.n�3axy line of Diaision Stxeet , then�e
<br /> alon� the south boundar;; line of division street in a South�resterly direction t�ent*�G�even and
<br /> six tenths f�et ; •±hence ��l�e south alon� �he t�est bourlda7'j line of said lot fiftJ t�vo an�. °ight
<br /> tentha feet , thenca in a southeastexly lirectian sixty ane ana fc�ur �entha feet to the south �
<br /> line of sai�3 lot, tia�nce along the south line of sai��. lot in an easterly di�ection thirty sixth
<br /> and ei�;l7t tanths to the nlace of be�innin;. To�ether ��rith all the tenements, lzereditaments and
<br /> ap�aurtenances thereunto oelonging, an;� all tha�state, ri�ht, titTe , interest , dower, curtesy,
<br /> claim and dernan:� ��rhatsoever of the said rxrantors ana of eit?�.er of ther.:, of, in, or to the same,
<br /> or any part tl�exeof. To iIave ana To Lio1�3 the above �lescri'.�ed �re^,is�s , ;v�it�i the a�r�artenances
<br /> unto t71e said �ra�tee an� ta hi� heir� and assi�;ns forever. And ��re herQ�ay covenant �rith_ the
<br /> sai� rxrantee that 1.�e ho1�;3 said premises by good and �erfect title,•• that we have �ood .ri�ht an:i
<br /> la�rful auti:.ority to sell and cor.vey the same ; �hat they are fr�e and clear of all' liona and '
<br /> incur^.brancos �rhatsoev°r. An� �n�e covenan� �o ���rrant and �efend the sai3 �remises a�;ainst the ��
<br /> ( la�►ful claims of a11 nor.�ons -vnomso�ver. Date� the thirtee�th. �ay of February A. I�. 1909.
<br /> �c�itness : �Jscar I,omre
<br />�
<br /> H. H. Qstenberg. Pauline Lorrre
<br /> L�_-'i ii I
<br />