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<br />�— - � – ,_ _._ _. _ . . _ .�.__�_ �. ______-_____-___ -_ _—_ — _
<br />__ _ _,. .� ,. _ . _.__._ �.�- - ----_ ..�_____ - ____. = �
<br /> THIS INDENTt1RE, made this seventh day oY August , in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hund- �
<br /> red eight bet�reen Albert H. �ears and E11a Sears , h3� �ife of the Citp of Plano, in the State of , �
<br /> Illinois, party of the first part, and Thor�as E. �earson party of the second part , -t�itnesaeth,
<br /> tha�� the sa3:d party of the first Fart, for an�.� in consi�eration of the sum of -0ne Hun�3red Fif�y'
<br /> Dollars, in hand paid, by the said party o� t:�e secon� part , the receigt �hereof is hereby acknow-
<br /> le3�ed, have grdntsd, �aar�ained and sold, and b.yr�-°thesa present� �� �rant , bargain anc� sell, unto �
<br /> the eai� party of the secnnd �art , his heia� an3 assi�,ns all the fol�o�v�.ng 3escribed lot�, p3eees!'
<br /> or parcels, of land, situate�. in the County of Hall and State of Nebraslca, to-�it : Lo�s number
<br /> one ( l� , t�o {2) and ten ( 10} of B3ock number �ine (9) of Clarksons A3dition tb the villa�o of
<br /> A13a, s:ttuated on sect ion five (5) Tc��hip ten ( 10) range ten t 10� west of th� �ixth principa�.
<br /> .
<br /> meriaian. Together �ith all the tsnementa, hereditaments and aprurtenancas to t�.e saMe �elonging;, •
<br /> and all the estate,- ri�ht , title, interest , claim or deman3 �hatso eear o� the sa:i3 parties o�
<br /> the fixst part, of, in and ta the sa�e, or any rart thereof, hereb� releasin� all ri�hts of •
<br /> home�tead and do�xer. To have and to hold the above describe� »re�i�es, unto the sai� Thorra$ �,
<br /> Searson, and to his ���rs and assi�ns forever. And the s�i� Albort H, Ssara ?�ereby covenants '
<br /> with the said Thoma� F:� Searson that he hold� $aid premises by good and gerfect tit�.e; that ha
<br /> � has a g�od right and la���ul autharity to sell and convey the �ame; that they are �ree ar�d clear o�f
<br /> al.l liena and incumbrances �hatsoever. That he �vill warrant and 3efend the �aid premiae� a�ainet !
<br /> the la�vful claims of all Fer�on� whomsoever. In Testimony Whereof, the said part3.es of the '
<br /> f irst part have h�reunto set their hande and seals the day aQn3 year first above- �rri+ten.
<br /> S.i�ned, sealed and deliv�ra�, in pre�ence of Albert H. Sears (SE�L)
<br /> � _Ella $ear� ($EA�)
<br /> $tate of Illi�ois, ) �
<br /> )$g
<br /> Count� of gen3a11 ) I, W. �.s. Foster, a notr�ry ��.k�lic, in an� for said County, in the State
<br />� afore�aia, 3o hexebp certi�y ths�t Albort H. 3ears and Ella Sears, hi� �rife, personalll known ta
<br /> me to be �he same �er�ons whose namee are subscribed to the foregoing in�trument, ap�ear�� bef or�
<br /> me thie day in person, and ackno�vle��ed that they si�ned, �eale3. and �8livered the said instrument
<br /> .
<br /> as� their free and volu�tary act , far the uses an3 purposes �herein eet forth, inclu3in$ the re2ea�e
<br /> and waiver oP the right of horas�tea3 and �o�rer. Qiven under my hand an�. notarial seal this
<br /> ssventh day of August A. D. 3908.
<br /> W'. M. Fo�ter
<br /> ($EAL} o ary �u c.
<br /> Filed for record �he lOth day of February, 1�09 at I1-�� A.�. _ �.
<br /> , � . �
<br /> a�G%��
<br /> �} C oun y e r .
<br /> .���###:;`#��,��_�,�,#,#�#�����#�##��#����##,#�$##������#�######�#��#��#, „##�;��#� ,� �###�#�#��#,�##�#�#�###�� `
<br /> ,
<br />� �
<br /> THI3 IV'DENTIIRE, made thi� 26th day of January, in the ysar aY our Lord One Thousan3 Nine Hun�3red
<br /> Nine bet�een Albert H. Sears and Ella Sears, his �rife, o� the City c�f Plano, in the State of ' . •
<br /> Illinois, party of the first �art, and T. �. 8eaxsan of A13a Neb, part;� of the 8ecand part ,
<br /> W3tnesseth, thst the sa3�. part� of the first �art , fox and in consider�+tion o� the ewn of Two
<br /> Hundre3 Seventy Dollars in '�and paid by the sai3 party of t'f:e second part , the receipt �rhereof ie : .
<br /> hereby aokno�vle��ed, have �rante3, bar�ained and sol;�, an� by these pressnts do grant, bar�ain -
<br /> and sell, unto the said party of the secon�, part, his heire and assions , all the follo�ing � ,
<br /> described lots, .nieces, ar parcels, of land, situate� in the County of Hall and State of Nebrask� �
<br /> to-wit : Lots number three, four, five, siac, �sven , ei�ht, and nine { 3-t-5-6-7-r-91 of block
<br /> Nine (9)' of �larkaona Addition to the Vill�."age o� Alda, situated on Section five (5}` To�n Ten :
<br /> ( 10) Range ten { 1��) Nest. To�ether ��ith all the tenements , hAre-�.itaments and �a�purtenancea to .
<br /> the sarr.e belon�ing, and all the estate , _ri�,ht, title, interest, ,claim or deman3 �hatsoevar of
<br /> tha said parties of the first part , of, in and to the same, or any part thereof, hereb;� releasing '
<br /> : �
<br />� -- --- _ ��
<br />