<br /> 4�� � i
<br /> ''�
<br /> �;
<br /> �PA��ATdTY DFaED. ;i
<br /> ,,'o. 164. ;3
<br /> � � � DOT��PHAN CP'���ETERY AS�OCIATIOPT.� � � � � � �
<br /> K�1���7 AT1I, 3:�E;•1 F3� T��ESE n�E�E�?TS , That. �re Wm. ?i. ���arsh Sr. and i�. S. Cra�vford, and A. �;.
<br /> i
<br /> j�
<br /> �rr�ith Trustees, of �vnir�har_, tde'braska, in considaration of Ten Dollare , in hand paid, do �ereby ��
<br /> grant, k�ar�;ain, sell an� convey anu confirm unto T. B.- Ro�ib the follocving �iescriUed real estate
<br /> situate in the count� of Hall, and state of rlebraska, to--�it : T�,ot Num�er 1G'1 in Block Number
<br /> 41 in the Doniphan Ceme�er;t, situato on the ��lorth east �,�xa.rter of the North-E�st �uarter of sec- �;
<br /> tian Five (�) in To�vnshir A1ine (9} , ?voxth of Ran�e 1�1ine (9) West of the Sixth Principal r:�eridian, ',;
<br /> as the sar:�e i� lail do�nrn �an�� described on the �lat of sai�.� Cemetery n,ot�v on file in the County
<br /> Clerk' s office o� sai� Ha11 Count,r , `1e�raska. To�ethex ?FTith all the tene�ents , Here3itanlents
<br /> ana A��purtenances to the sarne pelon�ir.�, an�:� all the rstate , Ri�ht , Title , interest , Dower, Clai�n '!
<br /> or Demand �,�hatsaever of the sai3 Grantors , ox eitner ��of them, of, in, or to th� same , or any part ;
<br /> thereof, to have ana to hold tr�e above aesc�ibea �re:�tises�, �vith the ar�u.rtenarces , unto the gaid �',
<br /> �� ��, 1 t heirs ana as i;ns forever. And we ;�o hexei�y covenant �ith�he ��id � an�ee
<br /> � ' <� �.-�{ � _ : r- o--t_ �ti,_,e z-, � / y�
<br /> �rantee an to ��s 7J`
<br /> - �<'.. (� �` -�C.� t l-7 ri—��5ift—c_-t..ti-V ������.y�_�� �t� v--o ;-�- iL't.�rzA GL'�L�. ,XCfiL�� ��--P
<br /> � . C�u-[/Gr-t.--.«' � ieC.F_-e� �G �' %� Gt���
<br /> and his heir� and dssi�ns , '���at �ee are la�Nfully seized of sai� �.;rem�es;� an��re do hereby cove-
<br /> ,;
<br /> nant to �varrant ana defena the said �remises a�ainst the lasvful clair^s of all persons whomsoeve�» ;;
<br /> „
<br /> Si�ne� this 25 �ay of ��rAarch, A. D. �.908.
<br /> �9m �3 I�dar�h ;;
<br /> In �;aresence of . . raw_or �
<br /> �- A-:� Srni- t�i. -
<br /> �" C. I?na�rwood � ___ ..�______
<br /> �.
<br /> ���rs A. 1_�. �nliti� �
<br /> The State of :�e��r_aska ) '
<br />� )ss
<br /> Hall Coui:ty ) tJr_ this 25 �:�ay of r�tarch, A. D.. 1908 , before me , a Tdotary Public , in
<br /> and for s�id coL?r.t;� , psrsonall;r car�e the a'�ove n�:7�ed ?�m. H.. 1�4arSh Sr. and �-�. S. Crawford and A.B '`
<br /> SMi�th, trustees , ��ho are rersonally known to me to be tl�e ic�entical persons ti�hose names� are af- ��
<br /> ,; .
<br />� fi�ed to thQ a'bove Deed as r�ran.�ors , ana they severall.y ackno;*rlecl�ed the execution of the� same �or';
<br />�
<br />�
<br /> be tl:eir voluntary act and dee�, for the y�urposes� therein stated. I�itness my 1^.and and T�1o�ari�,� �;
<br /> Seal at Doni�han, on the aate aforesaix. _ H. T. In�alls. '
<br /> T�Io+ar� �ublic Hall C nt�T T� e��r s a.
<br />� . ou _1 .. a
<br /> .T ,
<br /> � ,
<br /> (�EAIa)
<br /> Commission ex7,ires� Feb. 3, 1�11.
<br /> Filed for record the 2r.�� da�r of Februar;�, 1909 at 1-15 P.;�`. -
<br /> �� �'�'�'/ ;;`
<br /> � ounty er . " ;
<br /> „ 1.1'.1..!J� J (r:(." �+.11 1Li� ,r (l i!_u i� rr Ji.�L � �r lJ,:!� ; 1.'_i! i r '!_ir _1t. n .IL.! �.rl. l_' t �r -}!,rr_r!.(L_ I�.Q.:..LL U � � .1.! i r1 r �(.L�, i' �
<br /> ;���f f������'_ �..��„ -;„1.:,,� � ,,�,i ;,,..ti a ;;,; .,-:�- � -� .-� .,,�} .�r ����.,; f:7 �u� �, �..i, #�����##����-r1�����-�-��{��#�r--��r,����- �#
<br /> � �.
<br /> �, i� �� i i �� „ n �� ,� u .7 rii 7,' t� lt F' � 7i��i��i�77'7i�fii�i'��; � i ,i ��7i 1 7i t+ i. t �i i� � i � � � F t i ,r � i iT � i
<br /> � �YAR.RAiJTY DEED.
<br /> K'+0�'T AIaL ':�T1 �Y T�iE�E P^nES�NT� : That Bayarc� H. Paine and rrace Bentley paine , husband and "i
<br /> S�ife of the Count,� o� T�all, and State of P1Qi�xaska, rrantors� in consi3eration of the s��m of Three �
<br /> Hundrea �7o11ars , in hancl nai� do hera'r�y Urant , bar�ain, sell an� convQy unto ��,iiller S. Bevier of ��
<br /> ; -
<br /> �:
<br /> the County of �3a11 , �.n�1 5tata of ?lebraaka , �'�rantes , the fol �.o�.vin� ;:�escribed �reniises•, situated i�� ''
<br /> , � - �� -
<br /> I
<br /> the Count�r of Hall , una State of �lebraska, to-��it : A txact of �;round embracin� an amount of ��
<br /> ;.
<br /> �;
<br /> �rroun3 e�ual to about one half the size of lots in the vicinity, sai�. trac� being located on the i;
<br /> . ,,
<br /> �;
<br />` south side of Division atreet in the City of !�ran3 Island in tlza Co�anty Subdivision of the South-�
<br /> ��
<br /> east �uar�er of the South-�,�est :�uarter of Sect. 16-11-9 and more part icularly aescribed as follo�l;
<br /> to-wit : Comnencin� at a roint on the south side of Dijrision Stree� , thirty-one and seven tenths ��
<br /> �� ,
<br /> feet in a northea �terly ��irect ion fron� �,�r?�exe the so�.zth bounaary line of said �ivision 5treet in- �i
<br /> �; .
<br />. tersects the t�est Boun�ary line of Z�ot number �i�tPen ( 16) of the County Sub division of the
<br /> ;;
<br /> southeast quarter of the so�atr�east � uarter of the south�rest + ' '�
<br /> � �,uartex of 3ec �ion sixteen ( 16')
<br /> �
<br />� to:�Tnship �leven ( 11) Ran�e Nine ( 9) in �iall County, Ne�.�raska, runnin� thence in a 1�lortheasterly ; �
<br />�
<br />� direct ion alon� the south bounaary line of �aid Division Street T n�enty-six and four tenths feet
<br /> ,
<br /> ��6�4) `� :
<br /> il
<br />� � � � � II ��
<br />