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3�� � <br /> �, <br /> ____ _ _ _ _ ------ - ___ - _. <br /> _ _ � -- �r-- � <br />- __ __ . _ _ . _� ._ . ____ __ __ .,_____ � - � - --- <br /> ,, <br /> upon cor�orate pro�aerty �rhich in the b�st ju�gment of the officers of said church Parish or�an- : ;i <br /> iza.tion,evho shall hav� its- financial aff��xs in char�� ,sha11 seem safe and s�cure and to� use the ` � <br /> interest cieriv+�d therefrom to�var�.s the �ayment of the R.�ctor� e stipend. <br /> Third. I give and bequeath ta my �rife ,Anna P�larsh Bond,and to my children Violet and �dith,�y ho�e— <br /> stead at New Can�.an,Conn�cticut ,known as " �he �a�l�s" ,tog�ther �►ith a11 the lanc� adjoining,as A <br /> joint tcnents and not as t�nants in com�on. Sf n�ither wife nor child survive me ,then I direct <br /> this Froperty sha],1 �orm and become part of my residuary est�te ,and be divided as directed 'in <br /> xaaragrarh i'ifth of this �lill. <br /> Fourth. 1�11 the rest,resi�ue and r�maindcr of my pro�?erty,.r.eal and �exsonal,I give ,devise and � <br /> bequea,th to my wife ,Anna ��arsh Bond,if she survive me. If she be deceased,than I �ivs ,davise and :: <br /> bequeath all my residuary estat� to m;� sister Annie S�ard Bond. In cac�e neither my wife nar m� <br /> ;4 <br /> sister survive me ,I �;ive ,�.evis� and bequeath to my two ctau�hters Violet and Edith,in e�ual shares;i <br /> � <br /> al.l my residuary estate. In case o� the death of eithex or both of my said daughters ,leaving issuNs , ' <br />� th�n I direct that the parents share shall go in equal �arts to, her children her surviving. , <br /> i; <br /> . ;, <br /> Fifth. If at rtzf death,I leave nn child ,�randchil.d,�rife or sist�r survivin�,then I direct that my ';; <br /> � . ,; <br /> ;; • <br /> residuary estate shall �.�e diui�3ed into five equal shares ,and that one af such shares be �aid to <br /> niy friend Thomas R. �;rhite ,Junior ,or his children; one ahare to my father-in-].aw,John H.Hewson and <br /> his heirs; one shax� to tha Rector,t�ardens and V�stry of St.T.�arks Parish,Neti�v Canaan,Conn. ,in trust:` <br /> as pxovided f or the funrz in the second �aragraFh of this W�ll; one share shall be �aid to th� h�ir� <br /> of my �rife Anna r,�tarsh Bon3;an�1 one shar� to my cousin Riears,if �hs is living at the tir�e o� <br /> my d�ath,if dcad,then her �h�.re sha11 be divided e�,ually arnon� the four �hares. - . <br /> Sixth. I ap�aoint my �vifa ,Anna �;�arsh Rond,my siater,Anni� �.Bond,and mf triend,Thomas R.�i'hite ,Jr. � <br /> Executors of this my last �'ill r�nd T�stament ,hereby giving them �ull power to ge1l,r�ort�age,leaseli <br /> and o�h�rm�ise dispose o� any or all of my estate ,at Fublic or private �ale ,and in $uch mann�r as <br /> to them sha11 seem best. <br /> Seventh. In the �v�nt of the d�ath or r�fusal to qualify,of any t�ra of my Executars,I apgoint <br /> my �ather-in-la�r,J�ohn N.Hewaon,their successor;and in event of the death or non-acceptance of a �! <br /> third Exec utor,I a�point �rly brother-in-law,John H.Cole,as his succe��or. And I direct that the <br /> individuals above narn�d as Executors be nat required to �ive any bond or bonds or other security ; <br />, for the faithfL�l performance c�f th�ir duties under thi� �lill as such Executora. ' <br /> In �'itness �lhereof ,I the said ��illiam Edavard. Bond,have h�r�to set my hand and s�al thi� 15th day'; <br /> of April in the y�ar o� Our Lo�cd one thousand nine hundred ancl four. . <br /> �M. EDMARD BOND ( S�AL ) <br /> ��alea,si�ned,pu�lisheci and declared by the above named Testatar as and f or his last [�i11 and <br /> Testam�nt ,in the preserce of us,who at his x��u�st ,in his presence and in the �ar�sance of eacY: � <br /> othe�',hava hereunto s�t our hands as subscribing witnesse�,the day and year l�st above writt�n. � <br /> Sam1.E.Heasley, <br /> Address ,1469 Bedf ord Ave.B�ookl�.n,N.Y. � <br /> Charlee C.Croak, <br /> Address,360 �".57th �t. ,N. Y.City. � <br /> . <br /> Leon�rd L.�'�tmore , <br />, Address ,Fn�lewood,New Jers�y. !� <br /> C4PY OF pRC10FS .��ST�BI�ISHING SAID �ILL. ! <br /> STATE OF t�]E� YORK, ) <br /> )SS. <br /> Count of New York ) I Samuel E.Heasley,being duly �worn,de .ose and sa that �illiam E.£on� <br /> Y , �' Y <br /> , � . <br /> III� <br /> � <br />� � . � <br /> the within named t��tator,subscrib�d and sealec� the foregoing and ann�g�d instrument ,ancl publishqbd <br /> and declared thes same to be his last will and t�stam�nt ,in my �resence ,and in the presence o� f� <br />� � i� � <br /> �"""� Charle� C.Crook and Leonard Ia.9�etmare ,whose names app�ar written thc�reon,and thereu�on the said : '� <br /> Charles C.Crook,I�eon�rd Ia.��'etmore and mys�lf al1 subscrib� d said 3ne�trument as attesting witn�ss'� s <br /> n re ence and at the re uest of �aid �illiam E.Bond and in the resence of eaeh ather; ' <br /> i the p s cl p I <br /> � <br /> � � � <br />