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,�_ . _ ��.4 � _ <br /> ��'' <br /> 3�� <br /> _ _._ _ _ _ __ <br /> � ----- _ -- -- _. _�_ W�__��_ _.�___---_ -� -- <br /> _ _.� . �_ <br /> _�_�_ _�_._ ___..__ ___ _ _ � <br /> State of ?veb raska ) ' ',,; <br /> )�S. :, <br /> Coun�y of Pla�te. } �?n tnis �t!� day of �ecem�er A.�. 19U8 ,�e�ore me,a Notary p�;blic in and for: <br /> sai�. colznty,rersor.all�r car�e tr,e a'r�ove I�a I,.Tho��;�sc�n,a sinyle �rroman ���ho is rersonall,T kno;��? to " <br /> ,i <br /> m� to be the i,�entical rerson ���hase na�re is affi:�e�.� to the a'�ove �3eed as aranto.r,ar.� shP �ckno^r- <br /> ledge� the instrur�ent to oe �ier vo1.��ntar;r act and �.eecl tor ttie �tzxrose thexein stated. � <br /> ?�Iitness m:y lzan�� �nc� o�fi�ial s�;al tne ��ate aforesaici.: . <br /> ( ����, ) A.L. Koon <br /> .��i;r cozr�:is�sion e�;ir�s %:iay 5,1911. o�:ry nu� 1I'�'c.�� � � �` <br /> File� for recora tnis 1.�'�day o� ���ecer:��er 1yc��,at lu A.T��. <br /> ��� , ��-. �.✓�� � � � <br /> � <br /> ount er . � <br /> �-.',_t l�.l=�.-lI�J-J�-ll.-_ ��a1:G'_'. ._'/ �/1'.��11_k-/!.11.�.1i�-11.�.l1.l1-It�+J-�' .dl:' {._t�..l�,/_lr�r.t /;��f:.11. ,��,r,:�i�1�t_-�'1�l.ldr.d,V'!�1, J._��;� 1- n ,� ,'�j`rt_ , 1.1t. 11-.Ilad_ -1�-/J-. �-(� � <br /> -}��I y/.I /p�- ���_ � ; � , y� �r�. , ,I � ,. „ „ „ „ � „ „��� � �� ��#,�-#�-�#�# <br /> 17 � � +��i Ir N u �. �l ;`� le 7i , t� t ji +7 : �i i7 d i7.- �i ll u rI N IJ!: rJ �� « � a � 7. J+ ��ir d l� �l N u „ e �+ r. ! �� a � n 4 f. , ! 1��7J i 11 Ji �l H �i u u ,� .� �l � <br /> ( `711R�ANTY D�ED ) <br /> � KtdOV�T �AIa�, �iE� BY T'�E�� pR�'SF^�TS: �'hat Ruaol�h �.�Zlomke,an unmarrie�. man o� the Gountg of �,4errick ���. -- , <br /> � <br /> and State of Nel�raska for ana in consiaeration of the sum of r)ne �iundred �'',`^'� Doliars in nand <br /> �aid,do nereby grant ,bar��.in,sell,convey and canfirm unto Charlc�s A.�uchtinck o� the County of <br /> I <br /> - Hall and State of ^debraska t1�e fo1l.o�s�in� d�3cr. lbed real estate situated in Gr�nd Tsian� in tiall - <br /> County,State of **ebraska to-�vlt : Lot number ten(10) of Ri.ock nu.^�ber tr.irty six (36) of Russel <br /> �111eeler' s addition to C�rand Isl�n�, Nebra�ka as platted an�a recorded. <br /> It is further �varranted in tnis deed ttiat tlze �rantor ner�of is one and tne same rerson as <br /> �udolnh S.7olmke ��n� �*as tne �ra�tee in a deed �rorn James T.pevell to tne same prorerty and - <br /> which dea�:� is recor��le�:� in £ook 41 at dee�:�s at ;�a,;e 4c�5 but tnat 'py a mistake of tne notary trie � <br /> r � <br /> letter "P"�vas insertea zrrron�ly in tne r.ame o� said Rudol;�n S.?olmke. . <br />� <br />� TO ���AVI� �n�D 'I'� .ti,.)I.�:� tr.e rre::�ises a�k�ove �escribea,to�ether :vith a11 tne �'enements,rierec�ztaments <br />� <br />� ar��l Anpux�enances �n�rez?nto be�.or.�ir_�. TTnto tne said Cnarses A.Buch�'inck and. to n�s �eirs and <br /> assi�ns f�ore�r°r. An�:� 1 +�o nereby covenant !vitn tne said A.�3ucntinek an� �vitn n�s .�elrs <br /> and ass iLns that T ar� lanrf ui ly se izec� o�' said rremises:tnat tt�ey are free S'rom encum�rance� <br /> � that T �ood rz�:�t and larrful autnorlty to sell ^tne same :and I do nereby covenant to warrant!� <br /> � , <br /> � and aeY�nd the title to the said rremis�s a�alnst the Ia��rful claims of al.l rersons �vhomsoever. <br /> ' An1, tn� said ----- r�ereby all----in ana to tne above �lescrzbed �remises. <br /> Si�ned t��is lUtr.. day of recen,ber A.n. 1�U8. <br /> ln rr�sen�e of Rudol��n S.?olmke . <br /> �3a�raxd �-�.Paine <br /> St�te of r�;ebraska ) ' . <br /> )5�. : <br /> Ha11 C��_,nt,r ) �n t::is 10 ��.a�; o� December A.n. 1'JU� bet'ore me the vndersi�ne� <br /> �?ayar�. ��.Paina a ^�otary P���lic,d�a1� commissionea and quallfied for and resi��.i�g ln said county R <br /> nersonally can:e �vaol;^h S.?olmke to me knotivn to be tne i�lentzcas �?ersor. �rnose name is affixed � � <br /> � to the f'or��oln� convelance as �,rantor,an�� ackno�rrle�Ued sald instrument to be his voluntary � <br /> � act and aee:� far t1.e x urroses tilerein set f'ortn. <br /> r`litnass ^?y nan�� an��. �otarial �eal ti�i� lU c�ay of ?'ecember lyU�3. <br /> r ( �EAI, ) Rayar�, t�ipaine <br /> �,_y con�mi�si.on es�^ires the 10 aay o�' I�Iovember 1910. ' `�o`tary Pu�"T�ic`.�`�u <br /> Filsa for reccr�l t1�i� 10°day of Decer,�ber. 1�Uc�,at 3 P.?��'. ;; . � <br /> - ; <br /> �� � � � ���,��__--_.�_._� <br /> � �'��n�i��' ;' <br /> ; � � <br /> ���`� <br /> � .� <br /> ; - <br /> ; <br /> ( <br /> � � <br /> I <br /> ;� <br /> i ,� <br /> I� �;� <br /> , ,, _ <br />