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����� ��� <br /> ___� _� _�����__��!_���- __�_ _-____-^e�_-�___.-��-_=e�__-�__-_________ __ _ <br /> __ _ <br /> IN WIT:nrESS V7E-�ER.EOF,I liave hereunto subscribea my name and affixea my oificial seal at Salt I,ake <br /> . ii <br /> s! City on the day last a'oove ;vritten. <br /> ;i • <br /> ;i <br /> i! ( SEAL ) S.P.Armstronn <br /> ii , _,..s__......... <br /> � ;,,�Y ���;lysion expirea ;���arch ?5" 191N. T�o�ary P�a�ric. <br /> �i File3 for record this 4"day af December 1�.�08,a! �-20 P.�I. <br /> i ' - <br /> � <br /> j � ounty e r`�. <br /> ,� <br /> ���,(� �-�� .�j..� 1l1!.11-��j:.��:��L! (L11.111iJL,/11!.l.ft U:�f.l�f:,"-(- . '._ff. _!1__1 .It !. �r i.. '. .-i'J/,!�._;;'1� �1 ��L ,1� ;( 1.JL�_ !.IJL 1( 1.IL1 ./. L 1�. 1.�1L_L_. i��� 11. .�JJ..1.1..(1./1.11,�1L .JL-lL'�JC_(1. _ �j <br /> 7J'���a� �77 7��i i7'7�N n u +f��i7 7i!!7j't!7! 11 �!1! (1 11 !/'!i;7���e�77��fl"�7,�i7�;k�����l l(o�� a�,��'li�f iir 5;�1';� ,7�:��"i i�t7t"il;,'���J rl�a��. �'`zil7:�;;"���i-1!'ff ;t"T7 7i�`���";l'7t7;��;T <br /> �;, ( I�A�RANTY D�ED ) <br /> ;i <br />' , ;; K��c�U7 ALI, ��ZEi�T r->Y TE-iESE FRESF.t�TTS: That I Cornelia B.Stevenson �vido;�,of the Co�inty of Custer and <br /> � ,� <br /> �'� State of ?Te'braska for and in consic�eration of the sum of One dollar -- �oll�rs in hand raid,do <br /> i' <br /> , I! hereby grant,�aruain,sell,convey and confirm unto Jessie F.Knal�r,of tne,�u�ter and State of adeb- <br /> �; <br /> ' raska the follo�virig descri'oed real estate situated in Grand Island in Hall County,5tate of Nebr- <br /> ;� <br /> ,, <br /> I; asxa to-�it: �,ots Ten (10) ,T�velve ( 12) ,Fourteen ( 14) and Si:cteen ( lf;) ,in ??lock Two (2} of College <br /> ;'�� Addition to �Yest La;vn,an A�.�3ition in the City of �'xrand Island,;debraska. <br /> . ;; _ <br /> �j TO ��AVE AI1D TO I�OLD the prernises above dascribeci,tobether �xit:� all the Tene:�ents ,HereditaMents <br /> , <br /> , <br /> �I and Ap�urtenances tnereunto �elon�ing;unto the said Jessie F.Knap� and to her heirs and assi�ns <br /> �, <br /> • 4 farever. Ana I do hereby covenant ^�itn �ne sai�:� Jes�ie T.KnarP and with her heirs and assi�;ns <br /> • '� that I am la�r.►full seized of said _ ren�isea• t!�at tize�r are free from encur.�brance that I have ood <br /> � y P , � b <br /> � �i <br /> ;� right and lawful authority to sell the same;and I ao hereby covenant to ,�varrant and defend the � <br /> ;� title to the said �rernisas a�ainst the laT�rfvl c1a_�ms of all persons whomsoever. <br /> ,, <br /> ;� And the said ----- hereby relinquishes all ___ �n an3 to the a'oo��e described rremises. <br /> �i <br /> ;; 5ign�d this 19 th day of �Jovem�er A.n. 1908. <br /> 1i <br /> ;; In pre�ence of Cornelia B. Stevenson � <br /> ' E. I,.Cros� <br /> �'. _� - -- � <br /> - i' , f <br /> i N.Dwi`ht Ford I <br /> . i, .. _�____. <br /> �' State of Nebraska ) <br /> ?' ��rv. <br /> . � Cuater County. ) pn this ly day of r�ovem��er A.�. 1908,before me the undersigne3 N.Davi�ht <br /> u � <br /> - �; Ford a r�aotary Pu'�lic,duly commissioned and qualifie� for and residing in said county,personally � <br /> �: <br /> , <br /> � '', came Cornelia B.Stevenson to me known to i�e the identical ,r,erson ��vhose name is a�fixed -to the <br /> � . <br /> . !- fore�Qin� conveZTance as �rantor,an� acknowled�ed said instrur.ient to be her voluntary act and deed <br /> !' � <br /> ,_ <br /> �� for the }�ur;;oses therein set forth. <br /> f <br /> . - �! � � � <br /> �{ ' �itness rry han� and ;�Iotarial seal this-day of tvovem�er 1908. <br /> � <br /> i� ( S��iIa } N.TJwi�ht �'ora <br /> �� tdotary Pu ic. <br /> . �� :�y commission e:c�ires Apr.4,1313. <br /> � <br /> � ` rile3 �ar record this 5".�ay of Dece;rber 1908,at 9 A.M. <br /> � . �z-��,�� <br /> � \�l G�oun y erk�"+' <br /> ###-#����#��`�}#�����#���'�1#��'�'�##���f-�,��'��=;r 1�`������'�`,,�����`��'`�'��;!����t���.,��'�--r'i��-#�fF######�f-��#####�#;��;-�f�tf'-��,�'�;;��##������;-� <br /> �Ar�iAI•�'I'Y D��D } <br /> i KNpVP AZ�L ;.IET� i'Y T1?�SF pR�;Fi:�ia: That The 1!'oo�t �lver Cemetery A�sociation ot Hall County,and <br /> i <br /> � � �t�te of �ve'prasrca in consi�er:��ion ot' tne sur� cf ;; S. UU,in nand paid,bJ John Hopple of <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> . ' H.Al1 County,and State oY Nebraska do hexeby sell and convey unto the said John Horrle the �oll- <br /> � � , <br /> i a�rin� descri�ec� premises ,situated in tne County of l;all,and State of Nebr�ska,to-�.V�.t : <br /> ; <br /> j I�ot .NO.33 �� the �Jood River Cemet`ery,according to the ;�.lan o� tne Cemet�ry on file <br /> j; witri tne Covr.ty Cle�rk a� Hal1 Cov.nta rdP�ras�a. <br /> !i <br /> { And we .1ex�by covenant witn tr.e sai� John Nlorj le t17at t�e hold said pren,ises by good and rer�ect <br /> I title; tn�t Y��e nave goo� rlgnt and I�VPfLll autnority to s@11 and convey tne same; tnat they are <br /> �ree �.n� cleax of all liens and incumr�rances what�oever. <br /> And w� cc�venant to warr�.nt and �i.e�end tne said rremisPS a�alnst tlze 1awfU1 claims of a11 re�•sons <br /> y�no�s oever. <br /> Si�ned tnis �tn �ay of J�n A.D. 1891. <br />