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;�� <br /> �(��) <br /> _._ �._ �,. _ _ _, _ <br /> __ -_ ___ - __. ____._.�___�—^ <br /> -�_,__ _.._ <br />--.. __ __..__... <br />__ _ _ __ _ _,�._ _ ._ ---�_�- -----�.��� - <br /> __ ...-- _ __-- _,---._: __.__. _ __ _ _-�-_____ <br /> li <br /> i <br /> a�.�fi�;e� to tne for�4osn,�, conveyancp as �rantors ,an� ackno�rle��.�ed sai� instrum�nt to be tn�ir <br /> voluntary act �n�z a�e�a for the puz�;los°s t���.rein s�t �orth. � . <br /> i <br /> �r1�I7C86 my nand and Notari�l S�al this 3 day of Dec�mber lyU8. <br /> ( SEAI, ) S.E.Sinke <br /> Na az�r Pu ic. <br /> ,��iy commission �xrires �'Q��'y �� ,IylU. , <br /> ��i1�d for recor�. this �"t?a�T of �ecQr.,ber 1�Uu,at �* P.����. � <br />� � ��� <br /> �� � � oun y �r . � � <br /> I i I ! � r r �r ri ,r n r � 1 � � , � r �� � I n,..�l..ft.1 `..1_!_!t !r n..!� ;i;.!; r, �� rr tf-�:11-/Z .1L.1.( ! � .C !fl./ 1 rl �I (_.1' II (:..� u 1�! l.fl ! ;' <br /> ._ .,I. _ 11.1L. , 1..,__ . � . , . � li.. -� ;_J� <br /> 1 . ��. ._. ._ �tl., �, a. !i_,;--�,_:_l�•/I,_-/,tJ,..���_�,-t._ . -�- ,.-�-.�J-,..,, r�-�,�� .r;a`�F-�r�i'-� �1 '!:� ,:�,�{I.� � ,,��-���4-L �r . �1.� �� �. ,' _4 -{ I;, . <br /> ,; f r f� � f� i �r � , „ „ ,;-�rr>>�„ .� , , ,, ., „ .-�F „ ,� ,� �, . ,. „ -,;7,�_ ., .#����, .l„ ,, „ � �, ., ,. ,. „ ., ,� ,, ,, ., , :�;;�,. „ „ , „ ,' <br /> ��1 � r� rt 711 N , � 7 i� „7I'u �i � �i �l �� �� u !1 a ii i1 i �� I� �1 "_ 'rt:� �� u . � , ,;- <br /> ( �'JAR�A:v�"Y TiF�� ) � <br /> I _ <br /> :r�?��'; A7�I, "iF �1 '�ti' TTi'�^ryr P��;F;1TS: '�hat Henry Siekmann and Katie Siekrtiann husband an� �rife o� the . <br />� County of Adams ana 5tate o� t���br.aska for and in consi�.eration of t!�e su:�. of T;�elve "1'ho�asand ' <br /> � <br /> an� no/IC�U P,ol.tar.s , in han�, rai�a,�ao �sreby Grant,��ar�aira,5�11 ,Conve� And �onfirm unto �l.H.F1yx � <br /> n� tne County ot' Hall and S�at� o� :�ebraska tne rollo-�ti�ing ��escrib•d Real Estate,situated in-.-in ' <br /> Hall County,an�3 State of P�e'rraska,to-•:�it: Nortri �'ast �uartex ( �a.F. 1/4 ) Section n�ariber T�tenty � <br /> ; <br /> thr�� (?�) To;�nsnip nun��er raine (9) Ran�e nun.per Ten (lU) ;��st of the 6t:h p.r,{. ' _ <br /> ';j <br /> Fxce��ing buil<�in�s and iml�rover�ents no�rr o��n�d by tvanna �eek.n�an ;�nich !�e nas a rignt to tai€� a�a�, <br /> �, <br /> anc.� ��re do ncre'qy cov�nant :�v�tn trie said !'T.I;.F1yr and riis heirs anr� assigns,tndt ?Rle are la;vtull.l �� <br /> �eiz�d of said �rpr:iis�s ;that tney are fr�e f'rom incur:�.{:�r�nc�,tnat �fie have good rignt and la�rft�.L <br /> autrority to spll the same;�.nd �.o �ereby covenant to ti�arrant and def'end the title to said pr�emis�°s <br /> aUainst thc la��rful c.Lain�s o�' ;�ersons ��rhorr�sopver, And tna said Ratie S�.e�ann hereby ralin-'� . <br /> quisnes all �"�er ri�nt and ��o;v�r in an�� to th� a'uove ae,crz�:ed pren�is�s. !; <br /> ;i�nPc.� tnis �c�tn da�r �� [,�ozT�:r�;��r A.I?. lyUB. � <br /> Tn �^r�sence ot Henr Si�kmann � <br /> �- ._.._._._....�.........� _ - - <br /> Slaker Katie Si�kn�ann <br /> The Stat� of 2v�bras ka J � <br /> )S5. , <br /> ;, <br /> �� <br /> �.dams Gounty, j On 30tn aay o� tvovember A.?7. 7,9U8,?��fore me Jorin Slaker a j <br /> Notary Fu'�1ic d�aly commissianed and �,ua�i�'iecl far and xesiding Yn said County rersonall.z cam� ' <br /> �. .l <br /> �Ten�y Siekn.ann and ��rife Katic Siekr.:ann to me kno�n to be the i��entical p�rsons d�scribed in an�3 '' <br /> ixrho �xecut�a the toregoin� conv�yance as �rantoxs and= acknov�ledGed the said instru.mcnt to be ; ' <br /> their volunatry act ar.s �eed. ,� <br /> �;ritness rr�y han�5t ana seal the �ay and pear �ast above j,�vrittcn. I <br /> � ����� J John Slak�r �, <br /> Notary Pu ic. ` <br /> ',�y comm.i�sion ex;�ires ��ovember 12th 19U:�. . <br /> Filec't �or rccc�rd tnis 4"day ot' Dec�:r�ber 1td0�,at 9-l� A.r�i. � � <br /> � � ount 1��� � <br /> Y <br /> � ##�-�r.clr�� �::i_i��:�1_(iJ �,�!wll���:�::�Eo���t�tL:�i,��l��.,/,�:�r��.1�:���:'��{�����.�z-�7:�':;�-{! r �:l��r�`.I�'-1»t�..� � ,t- . ! � �l_R.n tt � r r � rr r .l �_ ' i I _ i_ r i i r i + f r <br /> ,. ,,�' ,I7��;l.,-�r„�,, �, „ „ ,� ,, „ „ „„ ., „�./., ��,� „ �,l;r .; ,r „ „ � „ � ,; r.�� t t� � ;����f�#���r� �,� ���_���-��t��r,�i.�i��v=1������,���r�������r�»a.�t���y_,� _ <br /> �, � N i i� b �� i! �: I y� I il� �r i� � �, �, . � �i �i �� n h ,� o J7 �� �. 77 r� i� �. ii � �r r � � <br /> ( �i.1IT CI�AIrYi DEEZ ) � <br /> ��tdOW ALI� ��Er� £Y THFSE P?�FST:��TS: `1'l�at �e �fdillian: I,.i�itter,a '�acri;;!cr,t�o��rard J.Ritter and Fva <br /> Rittex t7is �r1fe a� tne Covrty of ---- and State ot---,-�'or tt�e COI'l$1(��32''r',�t1�11 of c�ne �.ollar and ' <br /> otn�r gooa considerations "�ereby �ui�G Claim an�,� convey unto '1'he City of,C;rand lsland,Nebraska <br /> of the Coti�nty o_f tLa11 and Stat� ot t�lebraska,a.11 ot oux right,tltle and int�r�st of !vhatsoev�r <br /> � natL�re , in and to t!1e to1lo��in; ��.escribed +�pal l�stata ,s�tuat�c� in tne Co��nty of .Hall and Sta�e ' <br /> of tvebraska to-�ait: A stri� o� lan3 running easterly and �,��stcrly slxt�en iPet in wldtn otf tn� ! <br /> 1 � - <br /> ivortherly paxt of ?�ot ��0.'1'�velve ( 12} in the C���nty Subdiviaion o� tn.e Soutneast �uarter ,o# tne ' <br /> South�r�est �tzarter at' sectsc�n t�o.�ixteQn ( .t5) ir. to�►r.snir �;.Leven ( :il) i�ortn o�' range ivine (9) <br /> V,"est as �uould constit�.�te the t��esterly ;^roiectic�n and continuation ot t�e alley in �ilock r�o.Ei�ht ; � <br /> (8) in Arnold Place,�n additi�n in the City o� Grand :Lsland.'I'he intention being to convey to sai� <br /> �:� <br /> �rante� �or alley �?�arY�ases sa��:� al.ley in a �lesterl.�r azrection to the Easterly line o� .i�ot No. ,; <br /> ;; � <br /> ,, , <br /> �� <br /> ; �_. <br />— _� __ <br /> , <br /> _- - -- __ _ � <br />