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- <br /> �'C.1v�t✓ <br /> c.,��� <br /> -.;,�-- ...---- i—=-=-=---.,_��.. ._� ,_ �__�.... :_, _. _.— _:� —=_—.___---.—� i:v —_ — —_-- -. _ __.—__e -- -_---__-J __.._— <br /> _ _ _ . _�_ _ _____� <br /> .� _� » _ . <br /> � �� <br /> '# St�te of Nebra.�ka ) <br /> i, )5S. <br /> Hall Count�. ) Onthis lst day of December A.D.1�08 �efore me tne undereign�d a.F. Sinke a <br /> � i! <br /> ;j rdotary Public,duly commissian�d and �ualifiec� for an� residi�g in said county,n�rsonally came <br /> i! <br /> " Chris Sorensen, and Celia Sorensen to me kno,�n to �e the identical persons wh�se names are affixed <br /> .�� • <br /> ' to the fore�oin� conveyance as �rantors ,an�a ack�o�vled�ed said instrur��nt to '�e their volunatry <br /> � i' act and 3eed far the ��.,zrpc�se therein eet forth. <br /> � <br />' � lI <br /> li Witnes� my hand and ��otarial Seal this lst �ay of P.,ecember 190c�. <br /> • �, ` <br /> �' I <br /> . �` � S.E.Sinke <br /> � �F�Z� o ary Pu lc. <br />� ;! ldy commis�ion expires Fei�y.24,1910. <br /> a� <br /> i Filed for recoxci this 2"day of �ec�mber 1908 ,at 11-20,A, t�d. <br /> � <br /> !� , <br /> ��'� �� . �oun�y��`1e�'�� <br /> ' ,� � � i ! i �n ,� u � �I� �! ..�L n I � rr r � i� r��_ i i_'r i u <br /> -- �- -�-�-�zs :�:�.: . _..; .. �_:_ _ �,f. ., )1.:. _�, . �l.11��1.i:;r.; n��,1..�� �__�� n ii ll n � n rt rr�l�_��.�!.(,'.�11,1�Lf;ll �r/.q I rr/� -�� n ,�11/ r_ � n y r r, �1 r_ii_.0 U r r <br /> � ,. �„ � ;r,� ,. „ ,1 ,1�, �7�� �„ ,_ ��, ,� �i� ;r�rrr���;�rrlr ;, �l :; ,:„ 1 ;? f��/ � �, .., -� � 4 � ,; ._��. �,� ;�_�-,.����;� �!-u�.//-� �1 _.�:��I � ���,r�:�i���a;. <br /> 1 �I �f fi 11 ! 77 ��� � �ir..7� �. �I;,'i� l. �� !� 1! � 17 T!Jj � u A .� 1! r, r N � ,� �r _i I � i� y �� u �,� , ,� u �� � i� f �I � <br /> ' ,7 � r 77 ,7r � u �i !�. <br /> �i <br /> � ( �ARRA.N'CY DEED ) <br /> ! . <br /> (` K.NOI� AI,I, '��Eh1 �'Y �'IIESE PRESFt�!TS: That Ceor�e H. �riiller and Ella 2��i.R4i11er,husband and ;�vif'e o� tne <br /> � Count�� of �-Ia11 and State of Nebraska �or and in consiaeration of the sum ot l�inete�n Thousanci <br /> , I <br /> �I & No/1�U .`�_,�:_;„>- Dollars in riancl xaid,do nere'�y �rant,bar�ain,sell,convey and contirm lanto rraoe <br /> I�� Bentley Paine of the County o�' tiall and State o� Nebraska the �ollo�in �?escribed real estate: in <br /> V � <br /> a� <br /> ti Grand lsland in I-ia11 County,State o� t�ebraska to-Rit: Trie �aesterl� t»vo-tni_rds ot lot number tnr <br /> 'I <br /> ! ( �`'.2/3 0� lot 3 ) in block numb�r sixty f'our (�i4) of tn� orignial tot�rn,now city oY Grand Island <br /> �� � � <br /> - � ,the same be in� a r�ctar_;ular r iece of �rounci navin� a f ronta;e o� t orty tour {44) feet on Thir�, j <br /> I <br /> , = street by one nun��.r�� and t±�irty t;vo �'�pt in dertn, to�etn�r �ith all rlgnt, titl.e , inte�est and I ,I <br /> � i benefit� accruin; to th� �rantors of this deea by vlrtue ot t��vo certain rarty wall lease� more � , <br /> I rartic�larl descri'�e��. as �0110�� ± ' <br /> � y .s: One inden-Gure and lease beaxing ��ate A�ri1 11,1906 betwecn � <br /> , I <br /> _ the �rantors nerein and Claus Stoltenberg an� Abel Stolten�erg,his wife wr.ich lease conveyed a � <br /> �I strip of ground eight inches �ide and 132 feet lon� along tne easterly bounl�ry line of lot 4 ' <br /> �� v <br /> �` of �ai�. 1ot Ei4 and all ri�ht title int�rest o� in an� to tn� ;�►all mhich has bPen constructed upo <br /> �� said land in accordance �vith ths tcrms of' said lease ,to�ether �vith a11. xi;ht ,title interest Clair� <br /> '� I <br /> �� demand and 'r�neYits �and�r and by virtve of a certain partition �Nall lease executea u�on the lith ' <br /> ' �� day ot ��,iay 1�OE� py and bet^reen ?fiTilliam T�.Trompsan and riis �v�t'� r:ettie l.'t'n.omrson and the granto <br /> �; . <br /> j in this deed by �.�vnicn t!��r� .�ras demiseci and leaseu unto said �:�eorge H. A?[illpr a stri� ot ground <br /> �. � 1�� � � <br /> "' nine inches �ri�e 'py 12� ft. long along the westerly ea�;e ot the easterly one tnird o� 1ot three <br /> � ;� <br /> i in bloek 64 abot*e *�_entiened fox a wall to 'oe built in accor��ance witr. tri� texms and conditions <br /> �; <br /> � f� in said rarty wall l�as� contain�d. <br /> ;; <br /> `' TO HAZTF AtvD .Tn kj����' the rr�mises above descrl��ed,to�ether �ith al.l the Ten�n�ents,Hereciitaments <br />� and AFpurtenances thereunto belon�ing. Tinto tne said Crace �'entle,� Paine and to her heirs and <br /> " assi�ns forever. And ��ve do l.ereby covenant �vitri tne �aid �"race Bentley Paine and �ith her heizs <br /> ;' and assigns tnat :ve are la��fully seized of said premises: tnat thel ar� �ree �ro*:� enc�ar:�brance tria <br /> we have �ood ri�ht and la�,�ful authority to sell t17� �ame;and �►e do hereby cover.ant to �varrant <br /> and def�nd the titl� te the sai� �re�-±isea a�ainst tne la;�f�al ciaims of a11 r+eraons ;vhomsoever. <br /> And the said Ella M.IvtillPr r.ereby rel�nquisnes all right of �o�vcr an�, all otner rignts in and <br /> � <br /> . <br /> to the above describedrren�ises. <br /> ., <br /> � Signcd this 3rd da5� of Decem,�er A.L'�. l.�U�. <br /> In Pr�s�nce Of �SCOr�C H.?,�i11�x <br /> G.V�.�!��et�r �,��lla :u.:;ii_iler _ <br /> � _.._.....�.._._,...... <br /> State of Nebraska ) <br /> ; )SS. <br /> ;� Hall Cov.nty ) On this 3r�a aay of necemuer A.D. 1.JU� bef'ore me the undersigned S.F. �ink <br /> ;, <br /> � <br /> !: a Notary Public,duly cammissioned and qualit�ied tor and residing in said county,rersonally cam� <br /> �' George H. Mi�.].er and Ella ���I.�tiller to me kno�n to be the i�:�entical j ersons ;�hose names are <br /> �' <br /> !; <br /> � <br />