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� <br /> �.)(`Y� <br />_ ___._ ' ' <br /> ( �Sr���Ar�1�rt� D��� ) . <br /> � <br /> � K��7�C� AT,L ��iE?r RY TH��r ���5�?��TS: That I �lar.� :�Iaher ( a sin�le man ) of the County of PlattQ anc� � <br /> State of iJebraska for and in consi�erat ion of t?ze sum of Three H�andre� �i�;hty Five an�. no/1q0 , <br /> 3�nllars in hanc� riaia,�.o he.rek�y �rant,o�rgain,sell ,convey anc� canfirm. unto �ayaxa Ii.Paine of the� i <br /> County of Iiall and �tate of �`ebraska the follo�ving ap�cri�ed real �state sYt�aate3 in Grand I�1an� <br /> in Hall Courty,State of '�Pbraska to-�rit : I�ot seven ('7) �31ock foxty seven (47) ori�inal to�� � <br /> no� City of �srana Islana,����ek�raska,as surveyed,�latte� ar�. xecoraea. <br /> TO �i�iVE A�•1D TO li�I�D the premises abov� 3Qscribed,to;eth�r �rith all the Tencm�nts,Here�itar:lents - <br /> a.n3 Appurten�nces thereunto belonUin�:unto the sai�. I3ayar�t H.paine and to his hsirs and assigns <br /> ;; <br /> forever. And I �ao hereby covenant with the said ��ayar�. I-l.�aine ana ,�ith his heir� and assi�ns <br /> „ i <br /> �I am 1a��fully se ized of said �re;r�isPs: that they are free f.rom encur.:brance that I have good , <br /> ri��t anc� 1a1�'ul authority to sell �the same :and I :�o hereby covenant to ��varrant ari�. �.�fend the _. <br /> title to thQ saia rrer,�isPs a�ainst the la�r�fu1 clain:s of �11 nersons �rhoms�e�rer. <br /> ,; <br /> Si�;ned this Sev�nteenth day of '�Tavem��er A..D. 1:;0�. <br /> In pr�.sencs of E�lake i�,�aher s <br /> %�. F. 2�leulan=� � <br /> State of �tebraska ) <br /> }�S. <br /> P1at�e County ) On tf�is 17 day af ?��Jovember A.D. 19Q8 i�efore me the una�rsigned a tdotary - <br /> Pu�lic ,duly comni�sioned an�, qualifi�d for and resi•�.in� in sai� countp,��rsonally ca�!e Blak� , <br /> �:�aher ( a single ? to me kno;�rn to 'ue the id�ntical �,erson ,�vhos� name is affi�e3 to the for- <br /> ��oing conveya:�ce as �rantar,an�� ackno:�vle���e�� sai�. ins�r�an?ent to be his volu.ntar� aet and deed <br /> for the pur�oses therein set lorth. <br /> ?tritness my hand and T�ata.rial s�al this 2'7 aay o� ?vov 1�08. <br /> E.T.Fiu�he� s <br /> ( ScaAI� ) `�'�'ary'Pu�blic. <br /> �r1y commission exriraa -�he 2 day of Oct. 1914. <br /> Fi1e,:� for recorc� this lst day of �ece^:bcr 1�08,at 11-45 A.?�. �, <br /> �o-�� <br /> {.� <br /> oun y �x . � <br /> 3��:, �l- � : � . . �.�.��.�r..�f,u�::J,c_ - �:�L�,.,. . :�����,t�' .���. ':d �:�1 Jf��x'.: �'1_:�-;�.r.;�-:�1-.�c"-� .�.-.�u �- -_4!: .�„ ?`�1-'�. '!�: ��l� d.' ' -,4!� .,� . .�r �.. <br /> ,�;�,,��„����,. „ .. „ „ „ „ �. �t�;�., „�,��„ „ ,, ,, �, „ �„ „ ,;��I,��,� ��,t., ,� �„ ��1,� ,� � ;,�;, ,,'� „����,�"„;�N�,, �,t�,�-�, �'��„ �„ �,�.1�7��'��,:�„��t��-�r���,���� � � <br /> ( �"�ARRA',TTY DEFD ) <br />�, �T�li�?� AI,I� �<'�TT �,Y TtiFSr pR�S:�'ITa: Chris aorensen ana Celia Sorensan,husband an�. �vife of the ' <br /> Coun�y of �iall an�� State o� i�`epras'�a for and in consiaeration of tl�� sum of On� ana no/100 �'"�'�;� <br /> , ,7 , ;; , <br /> Dollars in hand �ai��.,do nereby �rant,bar;ain,sell,conv�y ana confirrri unto Bayard H.paine of the ' <br /> Courty of i�all ana State of :�tei�raska the folla,vin� 3escri'aed real estate situat�d in rrand Islanl�l � : <br /> in :-iall �ounty,�tate of ;�?e��ra�ka to-�rit: Lot six (6) �lock one hun�red t�n ( 110) in Railroaa <br /> � a3dition to �'xranc� Islar�c�,���aeb�.r.a�ka as surv�y���. �la��tera a��'� r�cord�r�. � � <br /> TO HA�TE AND Tti� I-I�L� the �ren�ises auove �.escribed,together with all the Tenemen�;s ,�Iere�3itaments • <br /> an�:� Appurtenances therPunto aelon�in�. TTnto the said i�ayara Ii.Paine and to hig neirs and assign� <br /> forever. Ana �.ve �:�.o �ere"�� coven�.nt ��ith �Yip saia F;ayara ci..Pain� ana ��rith his l:�eirs and assigns <br /> that �r�e are la.;�rfully seize3 oi sai�. ��r�:r�ises: that the;r ar� frPe from encum'pranc� exceptin� a <br /> mort�a�e �o th� �"���litable .i'suilain� ar?� Z�o�n As ' sn ;�hich is �aid out in full that �Ae have gooa <br /> ri�ht and la�vful autharity to 3e11 the sam.e :an� �e �.o h�re�y covenant to ;varrant and tiefenc� the 1'� <br />" � <br /> title to the sai�, �remises a�ainst the la�,�rful elairns of all �ersons �rhow�soever. � ' <br /> An� the sai�, Celia Sorensan ���ereby relinquishes all ri�;ht of do�ver an� every ot?�er right in and � <br /> to the above descri��ed nrarnises. <br /> Si�;neci this lst �ay of ?�ec��::^�.��r A. D. 190�s. <br /> In �resence of Chri� Sorensen <br /> Simon E. Sin�:e Celia Soren�en �� <br /> i <br /> ��� � <br /> _. �i � <br />