" ��� � � �\;�
<br /> _.- , .��._. .. _-_. ,_:-. _�-_ -.--_ - __ _:_________.______.��___� _ ,� __
<br /> KNO'� ALI} i,�1Ei�T BY Ti-iESE �RESEII�`�:That I AugUSt P�eyers( single )OF TI7E Cnunty of Halland State af �;
<br /> „
<br /> �Tebraeka. for an� in consi�.eration of the sum of Eight Hundred and oo/oc Dol.lars ,in hand paid, "
<br /> do hereoy �rant ,'�ar�in,sell ,convey anci con�'irm unto t?�il.liam E.Sampson.of the County of Hall and
<br /> State of IZebraska;the follo��ing �.escribed xeal astate situated in Grand Islancl . in Ha11 County �`; _
<br /> and �tate of Nek�raska. to-�it : I,ot four (4) in B1ock thir�y �hree ( 33) in Lamberts Addit:ion to the �
<br /> City of rrand Is1an3 Ne�,xaska. � ,
<br /> TO HAVE A'±dD T� H�LD the said ?aremises above lescri�.�eci,together with all the Tenemants ,Hereditamen�s
<br /> and Apgurtenances thereunta belonging un�to the said �'illiam E.�ampson and to His heirs and assign� '
<br /> forever. And T do hereby covenant v�tith the said William E.Sampson and with Hi� heirs and assi�ns , _ I
<br /> .
<br /> that I am lawfully sei�e3 of said �remises ;that they are fre� �rom enrtzmbrance that I have goort _
<br /> ri�ht and Ia�rful authority to se11 thQ same; and I do hereby cavenant to warrant and defend the
<br /> title �o said prer.�ises aLain�t the la�vful claims cf all peraon� �r�omsoever. And the sai� August
<br /> 1vleyexs hereby xei inquis?:es all Ri�ht of Curtsey in an� to ��s a'aove described preznises. ,
<br /> �igned tY:is l�t?Z c�ay of April A.D.1908. -
<br /> In Presence �f �
<br /> P1.H.Sar:rson ,�., . - Au u�st �eyers�� �._� .�
<br /> - - _
<br />' �tate of Ne�;rasl�a ) , �
<br /> .
<br /> r� . - ,
<br /> )5,�. .
<br /> Hall County ) On this Eighteen�h� �.ay of April A.D.1.908before me Ftillia � •
<br /> m H
<br /> .�ar� ,son
<br /> �'
<br />� Notary Public ,duly comr:�issioned and qualifisd for anc� resiaing in said �ounty,�ersonally carne
<br /> August 1�deyers. sir�gle to me kno�vn to �e tlle identical per.son described in ancA who executed tlze ,
<br /> fore�;�ing conveyance as �rantor and aekno�nleagei� �aid irs-i,ru�ent to be his volunt��y act and deed.�x _ .
<br /> �litne:^,s my har.d This the �ay and year last a�ove written. , '
<br /> ni�i�nnnnnn��
<br /> n n �EA� n�� �lilliam H �am son
<br /> n n n o �+n n n n n �etx'y ��b�.l.pC______._ .___,_.._ .
<br /> I44y comxnissien expires the �3rr� �lay of�� 1�11 .
<br /> Filed for record this I�th day of �hSay 1908 at II A.M.
<br /> . ,�,� �,.�
<br /> u y e r . ,._..�.,"
<br /> (,�r� FI NAL DECR�'E ��)
<br /> In Cour.tp Qourt ,of Hall County,Nebraska. �
<br /> In the Matter of the Estate of) ,
<br /> ) FINAL DECREE. �
<br /> Julius A.Nunter,Deceased. ) � ;
<br /> Now on this 9th �ay Of May ,i908,this cause came on for hearing apon the re�ort of Henry E.Cliffor�l,
<br /> Executor of the la�t �►ill and Te�tament of Julius A.Hunter, deceased,and i� satisfactorily appear�.
<br /> ing to the ca�rt ,from the proof now on file ,that all �ersone intere�ted in said estate have been :'
<br /> :�
<br /> notified by puUlication as required by the Qr�.er of t?zis caurt,�ated April 25,1908,and no one '
<br /> appearing to object to or protest against the allowance of said aecount ,and it further a�pearing �o �
<br /> i 'J
<br /> the court ,a�ter a full examir�ation,that said account is corr.ect and ought to be approved and �;
<br /> allo�red,it is,thereforeORDERE� ,ADJUDGED AND DEC'REED that the report of the said Executor b� and ` - �;
<br />�
<br /> �
<br /> the sarrte hereby is ap�r^ved and aI].o��ea as and for his final acco n ,
<br /> u t and he is �ischax _ .�
<br /> �ed of his ';j .
<br /> ;i
<br /> trust. The court finas that cre�itors of the said deceased �ere '�y former ordpr of t}lie court �.
<br /> allowed six months from the 6th �ay of August ,1906,in �vhich to �resent their clairr�s in the office .'
<br /> of the County Ju3ge of Hall Count�,Nebraska;that due notice �vas given all �ersone in the manner . �
<br /> �arovided by law,of the time allo�red and �lace a�pointed for presentin� claims against eaid estate� '�
<br /> . .
<br /> I that the time then allowec� has fully expired;that all claim:s file:l have bc�en paid and satisfied; -
<br /> that all claims not presente3,if any there ba , are forever baxred and exclus�ed.
<br /> It ,is tnexefore,OR.�ERED THAT ALI, P�RS�NS ARE FORE�I�'R 'aaxred fror� filing or setting u?� any claims �
<br /> and deman�.s a�ainst the estate af J[TI,ITi� A.Ht?NTER DECEASFD.
<br /> T:ne court finds •that tne sai� Julius A.Hunter left a last �Pill and Testament �AhiCh �vasheretofore, ;�
<br /> on the ulst 3ay of July,1906,c�uly a�.mnitted �o �robate in th�tcourt and �hich is in �tord� and fi�u�l8s
<br /> as follows; " In the �1ame o� rocl,Amen; i,Juliu� A,Iiunter of �he County of Iiall in theState of � � �
<br /> ;
<br /> " •��:
<br /> Nebraska,being mindful of the uncertaintiss- af tnis mort�3 life and-beinp of la�►ful agB and of �� ��
<br />�
<br />