�_�9°.-] . . � r. . . .
<br /> f
<br /> - -� ._.. .... _�.... . . . . . ... ... _ I
<br /> _„__ . -._._ _ __, _.,_._ ..
<br /> .. . . . ,. ..., _.. ._
<br /> . . ... . . .;:__,_�_�.... ._. _ �=- . . ...:__-,.__.�...- .__
<br /> � . _.,.....__ __�.__.�._�_�_.___. ..._
<br /> In �?�itness ?�rerPo�', Z have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official sea1. at C�rand Is- '`
<br /> �:
<br /> ,
<br />' lan3, '�Tebra�ka, on the dat� last above Txrritten. �
<br />� � .
<br />' Arthur G. Ahbott. '
<br /> ���'�L� � o ary '�u'��ic:-.�
<br /> Co?�mission ex�+ir�s Nov. a0, 1913.
<br /> Filed for record the 5th day of May, 1905 , at ?;30 P.?�. .
<br /> �tx �"�o un�y e r .
<br /> QiTIT-CI;AI��f DE�D: Know All Men By These Pxesents, that Goerge Thomas Buz�a of the County o� Chey-
<br /> enne and State of Nebraska for t}ze consideration of One Dollar & other considerations dollars ,
<br /> here'py iuit claim and convey unto R�rs P.�..�Jennon of the County of Hall and State of Neb�aska, all
<br /> of our riaht , ti�le an1 intexe�t of �hatsoever n�ture , in and to the follo�ing descri'�ed real es_ '
<br /> tate , si.tuated i� �he County of Banner & Hall and State of Nebraska, to-�vit: The St� � of Sec.
<br /> 15 TP. 19 Ran�e 57 , N � of S �- ana the S� of N �= of Sec , 13 Tr. 18, Ran�;a�56 located in Banner '�
<br /> County, St�te of Nebraska; a�zd also lot nur��er 2 in Bl�ck Num'�er 45 Rusael WheeZer� Addition to
<br /> Crand Island, Nebraska. And all other pro�erty real or �ersonal that 5�erhen Buzza may have in •
<br /> his �ossession at his death. In ;�itness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 7 day of May, 19� �
<br /> �litness:- . Ceorue Thomas Buzza. �;
<br /> Arthur J. �illi�imson. - - -_
<br /> x��. .f.poe l. __ _._.__
<br /> State of �lebxaska,)
<br /> )sg ,
<br /> Hall Count�r. ) On this 7" day of May, A.n. , 1J0� , before me , the undersi�ned, County Clerk �
<br /> in and for, said county, rersonally came George Thoma� Buzza xvho is �er�onally kno�rn to me to be
<br /> the identicaJ, person ;Rhose name is affi?ced to the above instrument as �rantor and he ackno�lea�ed ";'
<br /> tne sai<� 3na`rument to 'pe his voluntary act and deed. �itnesa my han� anri No�arial seal, the
<br /> date aforesaia. G.H.Poe11.
<br /> (SEAL) ' � Coun y er .
<br /> Filed for recor� t��e 7" day of T�,gap, 1;�0�,, �tll A.M. �
<br /> • � .
<br /> � - r......
<br /> ._._._._._.`.�.�oun y e r'�k:"�
<br /> �PARr2A�TTY �JEED: KnoTv All Men By These Pxesants; that �*e, Charles �'. ��atthe�s and Laizra�Belle ��4at- �
<br /> the��s , hus'�and and ;vife of the County of Hall �nd State of Nebraska for and in consideration of
<br /> the sum of Four Hundred Seventy-five and no/l00 Dollars in han� raid, da hereby �rant , bargai:�,
<br /> sell, convey and confirm unto Mary J. P1ur.lmer oi tlie County of Hall an3 $tate of rdebras�a the fol- '
<br /> lo^vin� aescri�ed real estate �ituatPd in �ooc� River in Hall County, State of Alebra�ka, to-�it: .
<br /> I�ot� three (3) and four (4) in block eighteen (1�) in �sqac"Coll ana LeFlan�s Addition to the villa��
<br /> of ?�ood River in Hall County, Ne'braska; suiaject ho�rover to two mort�a�es amountin� to �300.00 in
<br /> ,
<br /> fa�ror of the !�ooa River Buil3ing an3 Loan As�ociatian, recarded in Book 30 of ?�ort�;a�es at �ages
<br /> 97 an��, 287 , *,�hich the vrantee assur.les ana a�rees to ra��. To I�ave and To Hold the premises arove
<br /> described, to�ether T�ith all the Ten�ments , Hereditr�menta ana Arrurtenancea thereunto belon�in�.
<br /> T?nto the said AAary J. �'lummer and to her heirs and assi�ns forever. An:i �e cio here'oy eovenant
<br /> �rith the said ?�,�ary J. Plummer �rith her heirs and assi;ns that �e are laz.�fully seized c�f eai�. �;rem-:
<br /> ises; that they are free from encum'�rance excen� a� a'oove stated, that �re have �ood right and la�r- ,
<br /> ful authority to sell the same ana �ne do here�y covenant to warrant and defend the title to the
<br /> said premises against the la�rful claims of a11 rersons t�hnmsosv�r. Anci the said J.,aura �3elle a�at-
<br /> thew� hereby relin�:.±ui3hes all her do�ver an�l other ri�hts in an�, to the ai�ove dascribed premisea.
<br /> ;Si�ned the �fourth 3ay of Decem"r�er �,.?7. , 1907.
<br /> C.�1.?�attheats.
<br /> In �resence of Laura Be e a . e�vs. '
<br /> �.�,. 5nra�ue. ��"-Ter mark. W✓�
<br /> 9Vitness `��o niar�
<br /> �tate of rTe'�xaska) .
<br /> )��
<br /> Fia11 County. ) nn this 4th day of December A.D. I�07 before me the undersi n � � '
<br /> � ed .: .I,.S ra e�
<br /> , u
<br /> g I� �
<br /> a Notary rublic, c�ul� con�nissioned anci qualified fox and residing in said county �ersonally came
<br /> Charles [�. ?dattheS7vs and La�zra �?elle 2�datthe,vs, hus�ana and �rife, to me kno�rn to be the 3dentical ,E �
<br />�_ � -
<br />