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��� <br /> l91 <br /> _:-=_���- _-_-_-_ ____-_- -- -- ---_-_ - __ <br /> ;f! in the matter of the Eatate of Reuben L. Cald�rell, deceased, as the same appears of record in r�y <br /> "' o�fice. In Witness Rrhereof, I have hereunto set my hand anci affixec� the seal of the County Court <br /> i': of sa3d Count-y, at Grand Islanci, �lebraska, thi� 27th day of A�ril , 1908. <br /> �� tsEAL) J.H.Mullin, County Jud e. <br /> � ;; � <br /> . Filed for record this T" day of May, 1908 ,. at 9 A. ?�. <br /> . �," ___�___...�."�ou�-(� e�� <br /> . _____________________________________________-----------______---___----------_____________ ______ <br /> ; SHERIFF�S DEED:� Know all men by these present�s, that whereas , at the June Term, A.D. , 1907 of the <br /> ' District Court , of the Eleventh Judicial District of Nebraska, held *�vithin and for Hall County, <br /> ` State of Nebraska, Sadie J. �dix recovered a judgment against Meanna Drews , Arthur DTe�rs , Anna. � <br /> � <br /> � Sehwie�er, and Gustave Sch�►ie�er, her husband;• Ernest Dre�vs , Rosa Nitz and Gus Nitz , her husband;� <br /> �! Mar�aret Denman and Robert De.nman, her husband;� AugnBt Dre�s , Henrg Drews , Theodore Dre�asm Laura <br /> � <br /> ' Drews , and Arnold Drews, Jol-�n Doe, real name unkno�n, and Otto Drews, for the sum of Fiftean Hun- <br /> ; si:�ty seven and 60/100 Dollars, and costs of suit taged at Thirty four (�34.OQ) no/100 Do1- <br /> ;, lars , and �hereas , it �tas then and there further ordered in the said action, that in default of <br /> the payment o� the �ud�ment aforesaid, by the sai;.l Meanna Dre�rs , Arthur Dxe�s , Anna Schwieger andi <br /> ' Gustave Schwieger, her husband;- Ernest L�rews , Roea Nitz and Gus Nitz , her husband;� I�ar�;aret Den- <br /> ' mam m�d Robert Denman, her husb.and; August Dre!�s, Henry Dre�s , Theodore Dre�vs, Laura Dre�vs, and <br /> ' Arnold Drews°, John Doe, real name unkno�vn, and 4tto D�eT�a , that the mortgaged premises mentioned � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> � and set forth in the pleadings in t�he said cause be aPrraiasd, advertised, and sold by or uncier � <br /> i <br /> � the directior. of Jar�es hi. �unkel Sheriff of said Coun�y of Hall; and Ahereas , the saici Meanna � <br /> Dre��s , Arthur Drews , Anna Sch�rieger and Gustave Sch�ieger, her husband; Ernest Drews , Rosa tlitz <br />: <br /> ' anc� Gus Nitz, her husband;� ��dar�aret Denman and Robert Denman, her husband; August Dre�s , Henry <br /> ' Dre�ts , Theodore Dre�vs , Lausa Drews , and Arnold Dre�s John Doe , real name unkno�n, and Otto Drews , <br /> � <br /> having mads default therein, the said James r�. L�unkel sheriff as aforesaid, under ancl by vixtue <br /> ;! of the order of the Court to him duly �lirected, did, on the 8th day of April, A.D. , 1908 at the � <br /> i <br /> ' North Door o� the Court House, in the Cit;� of Grar.d Islar:d, Ha1.1 County, Nebraska, in said County� <br /> ` of Hall (that bein� the place �hare the last term of said District Court was held, having firet <br /> ! summoned t�o freer,olders , residents of said Ha11 County, and a�ministere� to them an oath im�arti <br /> ; <br /> 'j ally to a�praise said �remises , and the said Sheriff, together with the sai� freeholders , having <br /> ,, <br /> `'. made an appraisement in �rriting of said prerriises, and having given c�ue anci legal notice of the ( <br /> '! �ime �nd lace of said sale for not lea� than thirt cia� s <br /> �; P , y ,� prior thereto , in the The Grancl Island <br /> ;': Democrat a' ne�vs�a�er �arinted in, and in �eneraT circulation in said County of Hall) sell the said <br /> �' premises at public auction ta Geox�e �. �diller for the sum of Four Thousand and no/100 (�4000.�f0) <br /> Dollars, he being the hi�;hest bidder therefor, and said last mentioneci sum being not less than tW� <br /> '> thirds of the an�raised value thereof. Which sale �ras after�ard at the March Term of said Dis- <br /> ' t rict Court , AD 1908, examineci and conf irmed by the said Caurt , and the said James Af. L►unkel as <br /> '� such Sheriff, ordered to make a Deed of the sai�. premises to the said Ceor�e 9�. ��i11Pr; no�v, ther <br /> , ' �ore , I , the said James b�-. Dunkel, Sheriff of the County of Hall,ae aforesaid in consideration of <br /> the premises , and by vixtue of the ro�ers vested in me by la�, do herek�y give, �rant , and con- <br /> ' vey to the said George �'. rr�iller, his heirs and assigns , all the Fstate, Right , Title , and in�er- <br /> , <br /> est of �vhich the said Pdeanna Drews , et al said Defendants �as seized and Fossessed at the tirce t7� <br /> said ?�iort�a�e mentioned and set forth in the pleadings of this said cause evas given, or at any ti e <br /> thexeafter in an� to the premises sold as a�oresaid, to-�7it : The South half (S�) of Section <br /> �leven (11} , in To�rnship T�re�ve (12) , .North of Range T�relve (12) , We�t of the Siath Princi�al Pder <br /> idian in ?lebraska , with a11 the appurtenances thereta belon�in�, to have and to hold the same to <br /> � the said George �. Miller, his heirs and assi�ns , and to them and their use and behoof forever. <br /> In Testimony Whereof, I have as such Sherii'f, hereunto set my hand this 30th day of April, AD, 19 8. <br /> �� Executed and Delivered ir. presence of James �f:. Dunkel. <br /> H.J.Paul. _ � Sheriff of Hall Co. , Nebraska. <br /> ,, <br /> ._.__ __ <br /> � Fred C. Lan r�an. � <br />