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<br /> �tate of Nebraska, ) ;i
<br /> ' � )s s ;;
<br /> Hall County. ) ,
<br /> On this 15th da of ?�Tov. A.T. 19G7 before me ths undersi�ned �.L.� ra �
<br /> � ,
<br />, Y �. P �
<br /> a Notary Public , duly corr�rnie�ioned and ��,ualified for and xesidin� in said county personally came
<br /> .
<br /> Pr2ark Ryan anc� Alma Ryan, husband and ��vife , �o me kno�vn to be the identical �ersons whose names
<br /> are affixed to the foregaing conveyance a� grantors and ackno�rled�ed said instrument to b� their
<br /> voluntary act anc� aeeci fnr th8 rurr�oses therein aet forth. �litness my hand an3 Notarial seal this
<br /> 15th day of Nov. 1907. 2+1y co:�:��ission exr�ires the 27t�� �ay of �Yiarch, 1�1�. .
<br /> (S�AI,) �1.L.SFrague.
<br /> " �taxy Pu��.ic.
<br /> Frl�d• fOr xe�ord the ll" day of APril, 190�, at 10 A.2�i.
<br /> `\� � �t/. ��-e-
<br /> � _ ounyC er .
<br /> �- �
<br /> #��#�#��-��###�f�##�-;f'�'�#�#�##�#��-;�;����!##��=�##.#�'.�`;��f��',`�##ft�`�'�##�'��#f�#� ��#�`##������.� #.��;�".. ,t .#�`#��'
<br /> ., ����
<br /> WARRA�dTY D�.��.D: This ina.entuxe ma�e t��is Thirteentll day of Apri�. , in ths year af our Lord One
<br /> Thousand i�ine Hundred Five , bet��een Albert Ii. Sears and Ella Sear� , his Wife , of the C�ity af Plano
<br /> in the �tate af Illinois , paxty of the first �art , ar�� James �lake , Robert D. SWift and Darius
<br /> Ri�hardson, Trustees of Frienls Church o� A1da, r�ebr. party of the second �axt , V�itnesse��, that
<br /> the said �?arty of the fixst �axt , for and in considera-tion of the sur� of Thirty Five Dollars in
<br /> riand paia by the said party of the second part, the recei�t �hereof i� here�y ackna+vledged, have
<br />' r�ranted, Bar�ained and So1�., an� by t�iese �?resents do grant , �ax�ain an3 sell unto the saicl Farty
<br /> of the second naxt , their succeasors and assigns , all the follo:�in� described lot , piece , or nar-
<br /> cel , of land, situate� in the County of Ha11 and State of Ne�raska, to-wit : Lot Number T�n (10) ,
<br /> of Elock Nur�ber Ten (10) of Clarkson� s Adaition to the vi11��e of Alda, situated on Section five
<br /> (5) To,vn Ten (1�} , Range ten ( 1�) , �'est. Together �aith all t�:e tenements , hereditar�er_ts and a��ur-� �
<br />,
<br /> tenancc�s to the aame belonging, and all the estate , ri�ht , title , interest , clai:� or demand what- ,
<br />, aoever of the said partiea of the first part , o.f, in an1 to the same , or ar.y part �hereof, herek�y ; ,
<br /> xeleasing a11 r�.�hts of homestead and dower. To have and to hold the a'pove dascribed �xemises
<br /> unto the said Trustees and to their succ��sors and assi�ns forever. And tha sai3 Albert H. Sears , ;!
<br /> covenants �vith �he said Trustees t�lat ne holas said premises by good anc2 perfect title; that he �;
<br /> has a good ri�ht and la�rful authority to sell and convey the �ame;� that they are fres and clear of ;;
<br /> al]. liens and incumbrances whats�ever, exceFt taxes for 1�04. T7�iat he will �varrant an� defend ths
<br /> said premises a�ain�t thg la��ful clairns of all �^ersons ��hor��soever. In Testinony �hereo�, the s
<br /> sai3 parties of the first �a.rt have hereunto set theix hands and seals the day And ysar first
<br /> above �aritten. Albert H. Sears. (seal)
<br /> State of Illir.ois , ) Ella Sears. (seal)
<br /> )ss �
<br /> County of �endall. ) T, �. i��i.Foster, a notary y��u'nlic in and for saia Cour.ty, in the State aforesaid '
<br /> do herepy certify that A1�ert �-�. Sears and Ella Sear�, hi� t�rife� personally known to me to be the
<br /> same persons whose namea are subscri'oed to the foregoin� Instrument , appeareu before me this day
<br /> in person, and ackr�oY,vledged tZ�at they signed, ssaled and 3elivered the said Inetrwrent , as their �
<br /> free and voluntary act , fox �he uses and purposes therein set forth, incluciin� the release and
<br /> �aaiver of the right of har�esteac� and doe�er. Given under my har.d and notari�l seal t:lis thirteenth '
<br /> day of April , A.P. , 1�05.
<br /> (SEA L} W.�.Foster.
<br /> o �ry�'u�"CT'i c:�
<br /> Com. e�nires July 3" , 07.
<br /> Filed for record tne 11" �ay of April, 19�$ , at 2 P.1�. .
<br /> � , �� ����� �
<br /> o`�Z''�xT.' �
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