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<br /> sale or other c�isposition thereof, or �ny par� thereof, to use the corporate name and seal of !�
<br /> �,
<br /> the party af the first �art , so far as may be lawfully done, whenever and in such manner as it �'
<br /> ,
<br /> 8hA11 deem neces�ary to carry into effect the �aux?^ose� of this conveyance. And the said rarty of''�
<br /> tha first �art covenants to make, execute and deliver, or cause to be ma�e , executed and deliver-'.
<br /> ed to the aaid �;arty of the secon�. naxt , such other or furt?�er conveyance or assuranee, or other
<br /> instrument in l�vriting, as the counsel of the party of the second part nlay a�lvise �o be necessary '
<br /> to fully and completely veat in �aid party of the seccnd part the pro�erty, rights, �rivils�es ana�
<br /> �;
<br /> franchiees hereby conveye�l, or intende:T to be conveyed, or as may be deemed proper or necessary
<br /> to carry into CpTi:�l�tE execution ancl accon.plishrnent the �ur�oses of thesa prssents , in accordance�
<br /> with the true intent anc� meanin� thereof. In Con�ideration �hereof, and of the said �re�:ises,
<br /> the said nar±y of the seconc� �axt dath :nere'�y covenant an�. a�ree with the said party of the first �
<br /> part to keep said railroad and branches equi��ed, and to maintain and operate the same in such
<br /> ',,
<br /> manner as to furnieh reasonable accommoc�ations to the ��ublic;- to pay, or cauaeci to 'ae paid, al.l ''
<br /> taxes an� assessmer�ts that may �a laT.rofully levied, c?�3r�ed or assessed on said railroad ancl �ror-;!
<br /> erty, or any nart t�'�ereof; and the s�id party of the secona part here'py confirms and ratifies any�;
<br /> and all considerations hrfretofore receivec� by the party of the first �aart , or by any rerson or
<br /> persona by its authority, under any a�r��ement made between the parties hereto, and agxees to beco�►e:
<br /> 13.�.ble for, and asaume a11 leases , co�tracts , lia'c�ilitiea , obli�ations and duties of the rarty af;;
<br /> tho f irst �?art , an� hereby Govenants t� perform, carry out an� diachax�e th� smme and each and
<br /> ,�
<br /> every o� the::, an�. to indemnify it a�ainat loss by reason of the s��e , ana in all thinas to save
<br /> the party of tY�,e f�rst part l�arm�le�s in respect the�eof. In �itness ?�hereof, tl^.e �aarties hereto ha1�e
<br /> I reapectively caussd their cor�ora�e names to be subscxibed by their pre�idents, and the3x car�or- ,
<br /> ate se�l� to be affixed 'ay their secretaries, to this in��nture, and to five at�er origina?s '
<br /> ';i
<br />' thereof, on the day anc� year first auove written.
<br /> (aEAL)
<br /> By_ ��'.J.Ladd, President.
<br /> Attest: �
<br /> J.C.Taylo:c, Secretaxy.
<br /> By Cha.rles E. �erkins , President.
<br /> !: (�EAL)
<br /> i � � �
<br /> � Attest :
<br /> j T.�.Howlan�, Secretary.
<br /> ,
<br /> State of Masaachusett� , )
<br /> )s�
<br /> County of Suffolk, ) ;;
<br /> �'� it remembered that , on this 4tr. day of Au�ust , A.L�. 18$8, be-
<br /> ,
<br /> fore me , a I�otary Publi:; , residing in Boston, Cour�ty of Suffolk and State of Massachuse�tt� , duly `I
<br /> comr3issianed by thv �ov�rnor of the S��te of �assachusetts to take acknowledgmenta and �?roofs of '
<br /> deed� and athar instruments in ��ritin�, under seal, �aersonally c�me Wm. J. I,add, president of th6j
<br /> Republican Valley Railro�d Conrpany, who 3s kno�an to me to be the parson �vho si�ned the corporate '
<br /> ` name of said comFany to the fore�oin� instrument , and who, bein� �.uly s�rorn, says that he resides :!
<br /> in Eostor, in the county of iuffolk and State of Ma�eachusetts; that he is Fxesident af the Repub-�
<br /> lican Valley Railroad Corrr�any; that he kno�rxS the cor�orate seal of said company;� that the seal
<br /> affixed to the foregoing instrument ie the cor�orate saal of sai3 com3aany•, that 3t was af�`ixeci
<br /> by orc�er of �a3a com�^any, and that he si,�ned the cor�:orate name af said company by authority and -
<br /> dixection of said cor.:�any, and acknowleage� that he executed and delivered the said instrument
<br /> as his free and voluntaxy act , for the uses and �urro$es tharein �et forth, and that the executioi�
<br /> of sai� instrument �va� the free and voluntary act of said Republicar� Va11ey Railroad Com�any, for;,,
<br /> ; the usss and �ur�o$es therein 3et foxth. In �'itne�s �'hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and
<br />� _ 1 ___. ___�____ �! ' 1
<br />