<br /> 10'7
<br /> ____-=� _ _- -- -- --_ --- - --_---- -
<br /> _ --
<br /> � a?�pears of record in the register o� leeds •office of said County: That affiant has made diligent
<br /> ' in:�uiry and �earch and that Jan;es «I. �lay can not be founcl in said County. That said �erson last
<br /> named is the �erson in �uhose namp said property �vas assessed and taxe�. for the years stated above
<br /> and also the years stated in said tax certificate. That upon the u4" day of September, 1�07, I
<br /> served �the notice of �hich a copy is hereto attached and made a part hereof as "EXHIBIT B" upon i
<br /> said Wesley �. Kanouff , by leaving said notice at his usual �lace of resi�;tence in said county.
<br /> That notice as ;�y laT�v �rovidea of the exriration of the time of redem��tion from said Tax Sale
<br /> , and that a tax �3eed sqill be a�plied for by this affiant can not lae made upon Jar�es t�. !;lay, in said
<br /> county , th�r�fore t}Zi� a�fiant rvill pu%�listi: said noti^.e in The Grand Island Democrat , a ne�rsrarer
<br /> ; publiahed in said county and having general circulation tli�reir:. Dated at Grancl Island, Hall
<br /> ' County, Plebraska this 26" 1ay of Se�;tember, 1�07. !
<br /> Ira T. Paine.
<br /> . _._ ____. ---. - �
<br /> Subscribed in my nresence and s^corn to before me this day and Srear las'; above �sritt°n.
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> Bayard �I. Paine.
<br /> (SE�L) - - - �o�ary?'u'�I`ic. �
<br /> ' iiy com. e,cpires '�?av. , 1G, 1910.
<br /> �
<br /> i The State of �•lebraska, } '�0 6435. �
<br /> �8:� "
<br /> Hall County. )
<br /> I , V�.I�.King, Treasurer of the County of Hall , in the State of tiebraska'
<br /> do hereby certify that the follo�vin� :3escribed Real Estate in said County anei State , to-:�it:
<br /> Lots six ( �) , seven ( 7) , ei�ht (�) , r,ine (9) , ter. (10) ancz eleven ( 11) in E1ock ten (10) of Eoggs
<br /> �
<br /> & Hill� s Adaition to Grana Islanei, ��1el�raska �ras on the 1�' day of Fe1-:ruax;r A.D. , 1906, duly sold
<br /> by me in the ma.nner l.�ovided by la�, at Private Sale at t?�e County Treasurer' s office in Gran�.
<br /> Islar,d, ??e"�raska, �uch xeal est��.te havin� been �reviousl�r offered at public sale but not sold for
<br /> , " , �
<br /> ! �vant of bi�dexs , fox the .ielir_;,aent taxes the f�ars 1J01-1.902-19C�3 and 1904 u�on the above de-
<br /> ' scribed �remises amountirig to Eight & 14/100 Dollaxs , including interest and penalty thereon, and
<br /> �� the costs allo�vea by la�r to Ira ^. Paine , for the alz�, of Thir.teen & 12/100 Dollars , he beir.g the
<br /> hi�;hest :�nd best bidder for the san:e. An�i I fur.ther certify, that unless reder�tion is made of
<br /> said real �;state in the mar.ner provided by law, tI1e said Ira "'. Pair�e his heirs or assigns wi11
<br /> be entitled to a deed therefor on an� after the 2n� rla�,� of February A.D. , 1�OB on surrender of
<br /> this certificate , �rovided the law as maae in such cases has been com�lied �.�rith.
<br /> In �Pitness t",rhereof, I haT7e hereunto set my hand this 1" day of February A.P. , 190�. �
<br /> ! �'13. 12 �J.R.Kin�;.�. ._�__. ._._._.
<br /> (SE��L)
<br /> Treasurer of I-Iall County, State of i�lebrasl�a.
<br /> "'EXHI�IT A�' .
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br />�
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br />, ;
<br /> �i
<br />