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<br /> �,.� � �i �
<br /> State of �ebra•ska, )
<br /> )ss R=. ,.
<br /> Hall County. � ) t�� . �`� T. Fvans , be in� f ir�t duly sw�xn, depo�es and says that he is
<br /> the editar of T��I� GRA�1n ISL�I�1D DF�riO�RAT , a: le�al �reekly newspa�?er, publish�d at Grmnd I�land,
<br /> Uaid countp and state, ancl that the �rinted notice hereto attached and madr a �axt hereof, was
<br /> publi�hed in the regular editions of said ne�sra�er for 3 consec�:tive weeks , the first �ublicatiai :
<br /> being on the 18th day of Oct. , 1907.-
<br /> � Robt. I. Evans.
<br /> Subscribed in my prESerce and sworn to before me this 23d day of Nov. , 19�7, at Grand igland,
<br /> 2debraska. J.E.D i I�._
<br /> (S�AL) , . - - .
<br /> � �.
<br /> �� „
<br /> ;,
<br /> ; p
<br /> Commission exrires July 16" , 1J13. j�
<br /> Fees �4.00 � ' ;.
<br /> i .
<br /> M'EXHT�IT B" .
<br />�- � �;- , ;
<br />� � i
<br /> �r State of Nebra�ka, ) �
<br /> )ss
<br /> County of �?all , ) Ixa T. �aine, being first dul�r swoxn c�eroses and says that at - �
<br /> a
<br /> vate Tax Sa1e upon February 1st , 1906, he �lzrch�sed far delinc�uent taxes of the �oun �:;�reasurer
<br /> of Hall County, Nebraska, at his o�fice in the Cnurt House; Fractianal Lot No. Sev • � ) �z�
<br /> 'I
<br /> .�,.
<br /> �lock No.. F�x�y-�ix (46) o� Pa:cker & �arr' s Second Ad�i�ion ta the city of Grand �$land'�w�Tebraska, '
<br /> sa3d purchase �ein� �vi�3.enceci by Tax Sale Certificate No. 6412: Saici certificate being is 3�ed for ;�
<br /> I. �_ ,: ;,
<br /> the de1�:�.t�uent taxes asaes�ed and +axed a�;air�st said �ron�rty in the name of Henrp T. M�m�n fs�r
<br /> ,�,;_
<br /> . . , �
<br /> the yeai�� �of 18g8 to 1�0� both inclusive; sai�. tax sale c�rti�icate is attached �her8to, made a`
<br /> � �art hereof and marked "EXHI�IT A". That said �rorerty had �reviously besn offe'��d. �� pub�ic sale"
<br /> !,
<br /> , . . .
<br /> iby the Caunty Treas�,?rer at his off�ce in Novemb^r, 1905, but not sold fox want of bidders , that
<br /> .x: ..
<br /> . �,�
<br /> this affidnt has pai�i a11 delin�uent taxes subseq�aent to the a��ova years and r.old�� the treas�::rers '
<br /> receipts therefar; that more than three months ar,d le�s than five months before the time of xe-
<br /> ,
<br />� �emption of said Tax Cartificate had ex��irad of a tax �?eed a�plied fox, ta-�it; upon Octobe.r 15th ,
<br /> 1��07, this affiant prer�ared a notice as required by laiv to Y�e served u�:on every �er�on in actua� ;; �
<br /> �ossession or occupancy of such land above �described and also upon the �erson fn whose name the i�
<br /> �,
<br /> s;
<br /> title to said land a�pears of recorc� in �;l:,e rek;ister of �:�eeds office of s�.id c�unty. That u�on �
<br /> the d::�e las-t given this affiant took said notice and c�ent u�on and investi�ated said �remisoe �
<br /> above described ana found that and alle,�es and �.ffirn�s the �act tn be that there is no one in ac-�
<br /> tual possession of occu�ancy of such above described �ror�erty. That Nora J. Hastings is the per� i
<br />�, son in �Hhose n�me the title to said land a�:�pears of record .in the re�ister of deeds office o�
<br />�:
<br /> said Cnunty. That the affiant has m�de ciili�ent inc�uiry and search that said last r_amed �+erson
<br /> can not be found in said H�11 CountS�. Tha� Iienry T. a�tessrran is the r,erGon in �vhose name �aid
<br /> property has been and is asseased and taxed. 'That I will take the said notico ana have it rublish-»
<br /> , ed in fihe Grand Island Democrat, a ne�vs�arer published in sai,� County �nd havin� general circula-
<br /> ,
<br /> tion therein, and that 3fter �;ubli�hing the same therein for three weeks I �i11 attach the af�'i- '!
<br /> davit of the ruUlisher hereto as "`EXEIIBIT E" . ,
<br /> ' ; ;�
<br />. �:�
<br /> , � � ` :�
<br /> � � ,
<br /> :
<br /> � � ���y��l;
<br /> ':� � �,;�� .
<br /> ��
<br /> .4T.
<br /> �;.
<br /> ti� �..
<br /> : . �e .
<br /> . , �
<br /> .� . .� .,� , �. � . ' �I
<br />