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<br /> To August Oher�chulte, non-re�iaont : ��
<br /> To all ��hom it may concern; You are hereby notified that upon Februaary lst , 1906, I pur- `
<br /> ehased �� priva�e tax sale of the tr�asurer of xall County, Nebr3ska, at hi� office the following;;
<br /> described real eatate situated in Ha�l County, Nebraska, to-�it : Lo�s one and two of block t�ro
<br /> o� Plea�ant F�ill addition to Grand Ieland, Nebraska, asses�ed in the name of August 4berschulte , <
<br /> �or clelinc�uent taxes , taxed apainst same for years 18�9 to 1�04 inclusive and the time o� redemp-,
<br /> tion from saic� sa].e ;vill expire with February 1, 1908, and after the �;x�ir��ion� of three months
<br /> or more from this �ate, to-�it , after the 3ate last above �iven, the undersig�ed will apply to th�s
<br /> above namEd county treasurer for a tax deed for said descxibed property.
<br /> � Ira T. paine , Purcha�er. '
<br /> 3ta�e of �ebraska, ) ,
<br /> )s�
<br /> Hall County, , )
<br /> Rob�t. I. Evans, being first duly s�orn, deposas and �ays that he
<br /> ia the editor of THE GRAND ISLAND DEMO�RAT , a legal a�eekly nec�spaper, published at arana I�land',
<br /> saic� county and state , and that the r�rinted notice hereto attaehed and made a part hereof, ��vas
<br /> published in the regular editivns o� 8aid nears�aa�^er f:�r 3 consecutive �•ireeks , the first �ublica_
<br /> tio� being on th� 18th aay of Oct. , 1907.
<br /> Rob' t. I. Evans.
<br /> 3ubscribed in my presence and sworn to before me thi$ 23d day of Nov. , 1907 at Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraeka.
<br /> Feea �4.OQ , . J.E.Dill ';
<br /> Comnni�gion ex�ires Ju1y 1G, 1913.
<br /> (SEAL) "EXHIBIT B" . ,
<br /> �tate of �Tebraska )
<br /> )$8
<br /> County of Hall, ) Ira T. Paine, being first 3uly sworn dex�oses and says that at pri- '!
<br /> va�e Tax Sale upon February, lst , 130�, he purchased for delin�,uent taxes of the County Treasurer`
<br /> of Iiall County, Nebraska, at his office in the Court i3ause , Lots N0. one (1) an�. t�o (2) od Block
<br /> No. three (3) Joehnck' s A3dition to the City of Gxan� Zsland; aaid purchase bein� evidenced by
<br /> Tax 5ale Certifica�e '�o. 6420; Sai.d Certifiaate being is�ued for the c�elinc�uent taxes assess�d
<br /> an� taxed a�ai,nst said �rop�rty in the name of William ?�7. Watson for the years of 190�,1903 an3
<br /> 1904. 5aid tax aale certificate is attacheci hereto, ma�.e a part hereof and marked "EXHI�IT A" .
<br /> That said p�op�rty had pxeviously been offered at �ublic sale by the county treasurer at his offi•:
<br /> ce in Tsovember, 1.905, but not sola for s�rant of biddars, that this affiant has paid all delin-
<br /> �,uent taxes sub�eqt�en� to the above years and hold� the trer�surers recei�ts therefor. That more
<br /> than three months and less than five months before the time or redemption of said Tax Certificate �
<br /> had ex�ired or a tax deed a�;plied for, to-wit , u�on September 24� 1907 , this af�'iant prepared a
<br /> no�ice as required by law to be sexved upon every �erson in actual poases�ion or oecupancy of
<br /> such land above described amd also u�?on the �erson in whose name the title to said land appears oi�
<br /> record in the register of de�ds qfficQ of said county. That upon �he data last �rieen this affian�
<br />� '�
<br /> �;
<br />� ,! �
<br />